Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/163

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A819975 — A820010
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Data supplies cataloq, 1977. Editor: Uouard Uolf. 32 p. Appl. au: United stationers Supply Coupaor- Houard Kolf; 3t)Sep76: A819975.


Excerpts from southern California's architectural heritaqe. By Terry Sillo. Ill p. e Terry Sillo; 10ct76; A819976.


Honthly policy revieu, January 1977. 1 V. (Portfolio strategy perspectives) Appl. au; Portfolio Strategy Group. 6 Tucker, Anthony and R. L. Day, Inc.; 7Jan77; A819977.


Electronics industry. 1 v. (Portfolio straqeqy perspectives industry aemorandum, Dec. 19761 Add. ti: PSP industry aeoorandum — electronics industry. Appl. au; Portfolio Strategy Group. 6 Tucker, Anthony and &. L. D$y, Inc.; lDec76; A819978.


Seniannual update of industry group primacy trend indexes. 1 v. (Portfolio stragegy perspectives background Beuorandum, Sept. 28, 1976) Add. ti; PSP background mefflorandua — semiaiinual update of industry group primary trend indexes. Appl. au: Portfolio Strategy Group. Tucker, Anthony and B. L. Day, Inc.; 2BSep76; A819979.


A Teaporary solution to the inter- national dileaoa: the longer term outlook for oil prices. 18 p. (Portfolio stragegy perspectives strategy aeDorandum, Dec. 1976) Appl. au; Portfolio Strategy Group. C Tucker, Anthony and B. L. Day, Inc.; 15Dec76; A819980.

4819981 .

The Thomas-Ginex fret refinishing method; instructions. 2 p. Appl. au: nichael F. Ginex C Donald E. Thomas. Prev. reg. A762663. KM: revisions £ additions. O Thomas-Ginex Corporation; 30Dec76: A819981.


The Thomas-Ginex fret refinishing method; instructions. 2 p. English £ French. Appl. au: Hichael F. Ginex £ Donald E. Thomas. Prev. reg. A762663. SB: French translation. Thomas-Ginex Corporation; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); Aei9982.


International coal, 1976. 1 v. e National Coal Association; iajan77; A819983.

A8199 81*.

The Poet*s pooh-pooh. 1 p. Appl, au: Bichard Ernest Caafield (Bichard Camfield) Richard Camfield; 21Jan77; A81998«.


The Benefit banker's guide to personal money management. 23 p. UN: introd. 6 general text. Smith and Associates, Inc.; lJan77; A819985.


Standard details. By Jerald 8. Hogan. 71 p. diramar Publishing Coapany; 10Jan77; A819986.


The All Aaerican sauna guide — 1977. 15 P. Viking sauna Coapany; llJan77; A819987.


Columbia, Cresuell, Bamilton, NC, and others, phone book, 1977. Carolina


Putnam, Danielson, Plainfield, CT, and others book of names, 1977-1978. The southern New England Telephone Company; lJan77; A819989.


Hiilimantic, Andover, Ashford, CT, and others book of names, 1977-1978. e The Southern Hew England Telephone Company; 1Jan77; A819990.

A81999 1.

[forth Hudson area, NJ, telephone directory, January 1977. New Jersey Bell Telephone Company a.k.a. New Jersey Bell; 11Jan77; A819991.

A81999 2.

Brookstone, spring and summer 1977. nil p. O Brookstone Company, Inc.; HJan77; A819992.


Application instructions for the Benoit tapered foam system. Folder (4 p.) d Benoit, Inc.; 22Dec76; A819993.


What does the Bible teach about change? 9 p. Appl. au: James Bichard Doak. e Church of God, the Eternal; 17Jan77; A8199911.


Why we left the worldwide Church of God organization. 9 p. Appl. au: Bryce G. Clark. Church of God, the Eternal; 7Jan77; A819995.


By what authority do we exist? 8 p. Appl. au: Bryce Gordon Clark. Church of God, the Eternal: l<tjau77; 1619996.


How do Christians come to a knowledge of the truthJ 10 p. Appl. au: Bryce Gordon Clark. Church of God, the Eternal; 19Jan77; A819997.


Bob Jack sez. Vol. 1, no. 1. By Gil Phillips. 15 p. Appl. au: Bob D. Jackson (Bob Jacks) Bob Jacks; 17Jan77; A819998.


The Hont h-to-month ae; elementary, junior high. Written by Linda Schwartz, illustrated by Beverly Arastrong. 48 p. e The Learning Works; 28Dec76; A819999.


The Creative writing rocket; primary. Written by Linda Schwartz, illustrated by Bev Armstrong. 48 p. O The Learning Works; 12Jan77; 1820000.


Saltwater experience; the basics of starting and maintaining a aarine aquarium. By Jaaes P. Spears. 36 p. Jaaes P. Spears; 13Jan77: 1820001.


A Summary view of the rights of British America. By Thomas Jefferson, with an introd. by Lawrence U. Towner, editor: Lawrence w. Towner. 23 p. NH: introd. e The Caxton club; 31Dec76; A820002.


Academic collective bargaining and regional accreditation. By Bobert S. Pisk £ E. D. Duryea. 34 p. O The Council on Postsecondary Accreditation, Inc.; 18Jan77; A820003.


Rhymes and whatever. By Robert D. HcGuirk. 1 v. C Bobert D. HcGuirk; 9Jan77; A8200O4.


I am Barabbas. By Laurence H. Blackburn. 143 p. O Laurence U. Blackburn; 19Jan77; A820005.


This is Luzerne county. Compiled 6 edited by The League of Women Voters of the Wilkes- Barre Area 6 The League of Women Voters of Hazleton Area. 95 p, Appl. au: Esther Barlino 6 Karen W. Keefer. Prev. pub. 1962. BH: revisions £ additions. C League of Women Voters of Wilkes-Barre Area; 15Dec76; A820006.


Shakespeare aloud: a guide to his verse on stage. By Edward S. Brubaker. 65 p. Edward S. Brubaker; 18Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A820007.


Episodes in the history of Griggstown; a Bicentennial tribute covering 300 years. By Laura P. Terhune. 183 p. C Laura P. lerhune; 18Dec76; A820008.


Vectors and other poems. By J. E. norhardt. 60 p. J, E. Horhardt; 11Jun76; A820009.


With no regrets. By Una Bauer. 146 p. e Una Bauer; 13Jan77; A8200 10.


Election handbook. Edited by Jaaes D. Thoaas £ Bobert L. McCurley, Jr. 63 p. e The Dniversity of Alabama; 17Jan77; A820011.


What about us kids? Written by Constance Bowden Beekley. 49 p. Constance Bowden Beekley; 15Aug76; A820012.


The Duany family register: a genea- logical history of the Ouany family, parish of Portland, Jamaica, West Indies. By Paul E. Sluby, Sr. 79 p. Paul E. Sluby, Sr.; 31Dec76; A820013.

A8200 14.

Suffolk County Library Association directory of libraries in Suffolk County, 1976. 80 p. Appl. au: Andrew V. Ippolito £ Carol Wagner. e Library Directory Associates; 23Jul76; A820014.


Tom Curry, "a half century of Westerns." By G. a. Farley. 21 p. O G. a. Parley; lHar75; A820015.


Bits and pieces, books and stones. Vol. 1. By Jeanne J. Tabb. 138 p. e Jeanne J. Tabb; 23Dec76; A820016.


Access, systems, youth and employment. Foreword by James A. Perkins, editor: Barbara B. Burn. 198 p. Appl. au: International Council for Educational Development. International Council for Educational Development; llJan77; A820017.


Prosperity depression cycle: the 1972-1976 phase. By B. Corbin Dorsey. 18 p. O B. Corbin Dorsey; 24Jan77 (in

notice: 1976); A820018.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.