Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/17

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A814017 — A810060
JAN.-JUN. 1977


From the backs of the Oklauaha. By Frank L. FitzSioons, dcauioqs by Adeie Kershaw Thornton. 366 p. NB: compi- lation, e Golden Glow Publishinq Company; 7Dec76: AB14017.


An Air o£ distinction: a chronicle of the Brookline Busic Society, Inc. By Helen Saqoff Slosberq. 161 p. 6 Helen Saqoff Slosberq; 20Dec76; AB1U018.


Detection of developmental problems in children: a reference qu ide for comounity nurses and other health care profes- sionals. By Marilyn J. Krajicek G Alice I. Tearney. lOH p. 6 Onuersity Park Press: 27Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A81<tai9.


Park in the kitchen: recipes from friends of the Park Sch-ol^ compiled, tested £ written by dalaijar Hornblower, illustrated by Harqaret Oacobson-Sive. 190 p. e Park School Parents' Asso- ciation: 2ltNov76; A8H1020.


Bunes. Folder £ 1 p. Appl. au: Edward F. Bennett £ Dawn Bennett, e Edward F. Bennett E Dawn Bennett; 22Dec76; A811021.

48140 22.

Parliamentary pointers for Eastern Stars for subordinate chapter meetinqs and other related meetinqs. By Ellen E.Jones E aarquerite w. Steele. 48 p. O Ellen a. Jones E aarquerite u. Steele; 28Sep76; 4814022.


Historic Hisconsin architecture. By Eichard W- E. Pecrin, in cooperation with Gordon D. Orr, Jr. E Jeffrey a. Dean. 40 p. »a: additions. Hisconsin Society of Architects of the 4merican Institute of Architects; 19Dec76; A814023.


Diqestive and hepatobiliary pathology and pathophysioloqy case studies: case histories with related questions and discussion. By Richert E. Goyette in consultation with Harlan J. Spiut. 201 p. 3 Hedical Examination Publishinq Company, Inc.; 22Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A814024.


Endocrinoloqy: new directions in therapy. By Bobert E. Bolinqer. 275 p. C aedical Examination Publishinq Company, Inc.; 17Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A814025.

A81II0 26.

Aransas Pass, Texas, 76. Artist: Buth Elmore. 304 p. Appl. au: Fremont Johnson, Harriett Johnson, Bichard Vauqhn £ Jo acCain C Aransas Pass, Texas, Chamber of Commerce: 17Dec76: 4814026.


A Portrait in poetry: sentimental me. By Lena aae Loque. 58 p. 6 Lena E. Loque: 21Dec76; 4814027.


"Dear aartha," the Confederate Kar letters of a South Carolina soldier, Alexander Faulkner Fewell. compiled £ edited by Robert Barley Backintosh, Jr. 207 p. e fiobert Harley Backintosh, Jr.; 6Dec76; 4814028.

48140 29.

The Flickerinq flame: treachery and loyalty in the Bid-Hudson durinq the American Eevolution. By aichelle P.

Fiqliomeni. 226 p. a aichelle P. Fiqliomeni; 20Dec76; 4814029.


Smile early screening test. 139 p. £ 4 p. 6 aissoula Elementary School District Slumber 1; 20Sep76; 4814030.


Smile early teaching strategies. 168 p. £ 1 p. d aissoula Elementary School District Number 1; 120ct76; 4814031.

48 14032.

Hollinger's tax newsletter. 9 p. Appl. au: Lowell H. Ulen. Lowell H. Allen; 20Dec76; A8 14032.


Finally dry. By Kenneth Boy Sharpe. 15 p. a Kenneth Boy Sharpe; 22Dec76; 48 1403 3.

48 14034.

Hytrol Conveyor price list. Price list no. 228, effective Jan. 3, 1977. 47 p. & Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc., 23Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4814034.


Ode to the two party system. By Hilliam Inqram. 1 p. Uilliam Ingram; lJan77; 4814035.

A8 14036.

Bel Bay's Blueqrass fiddler. By Burton H. Isaac. 48 p. Nfl: new compilation. «S Bel Bay Publications Number 2 (in notice: Bel Bay Publications, Inc.); 28Dec76; 48 14036.


PCy valve. Cataloq PC 771, Dec. 1976. 20 p. 4ppl. au: Joseph P. Bitchell £ Gary Seleski. O Tom flcGuane Industries, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4814037.


Clip book number 7: family and small group activities, compiled by Norman H. Ludlow, Jr. 61 p. NB: new compilation £ new text, e Norman H. Ludlow, Jr. : 1 Dec 76; A8140 38.


Capital feasts: the menu quide to Hashinqton area restaurants. Compiled by Janet Staihar £ Bichard Barnes, original artwork by Betty BcBee. Bev. 1977 ed. 144 p. Appl. au: Bock Creek Publishing Company, Inc. 6 Bock Creek Publishing Company, Inc.; 22Nov76; A814039.


The United states in Norwegian history. By Sigmund Skard. 216 p. O Sigmund Skard; 8Nov76; A814040.


Victims of change: juvenile delinquents in 4merlcan society. By Harold Finestoue. 235 p. e Harold Finestone; 3Sep76: 481404 1.


4 Loyal opposition in time of war: the Bepublican Party and the politics of foreign policy from Pearl Harbor to Jalta. By Bichard E. Darilek. 239 p. 6 Bichard E. Darilek; 20Sep76; A814042.


Teenage marriages: a demographic analysis. By John Bobert Weeks. 171 p. e The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 80ct76; 4814043.


The Population challenge: a handbook for nonspecialists. By Johannes overbeek. 214 p. O Johannes overbeek: 80ct76; 4814044.


Bobilizing consent: public opinion and 4merican foreign policy, 1937-1947. By Hichael Leigh. 187 p. 6 Bichael Leigh; 28Sep76; 48 14045.


4 Short guide to the study of Ethiopia: a jeueral bibliography. Edited by 41ula Hidaru £ Dessaleqn Bahmato. 175 p. O African Bibliographic Center; 5Nov76: 4814046.


Budgets: an analytical and procedural handbook for government and nonprofit organizations. By Bichael Babunakis. 257 p. e Bichael Babunakis; 5Nov76; 4814047.


Handbook for the analysis of capital investments. By Henri L. Beenhakker. 452 p. Henri L. Beenhakker; 13Dec76; 4814048.


TegotoBono: music for the Japanese koto. By Bonnie c. Bade. 379 p. O The Council on Intercul turai and Comparative Studies; 22NOV76; 4814049.


Oceania and beyond: essays on the Pacific since 1945. Editor: Frank P. King. 265 p. 6 F. P. King; 5Nov76; 4814050.


4merican studies: topics and sources. Editor: Bobert Harris Halker. 393 p. i3 Bobert H. Ualker; 80ct76; 4814051.


A New birth of freedom: the Republican Party and the freedman's rights, 1861-1866. By Herman Belz. 199 p. e Herman Belz; eNov76; 4814052.


Labor and the 4merican Bevolution. By Philip Sheldon Foner. 256 p. Philip S. Foner; 2Nov76; A814053.


Betreat from reform: the prohibition movement in the Onited States, 1890-1913. By lack S. Blocker, Jr. 261 p. o Jack S. Blo-ker, Jr.; 80ct76; A814054.


alacks in the West. By William Sherman

S vage. 230 p. 6 i. Sherman Savage;

8 J0V76; A814055.


By the sweat of their brow: aeiican immigrant labor in the Onited States, 1900-1940. By Hark Beisler. 298 p. e Bark Beisler; 30Auq76; 4814056.


The American left, 1955-1970; a national union catalog of pamphlets published in the Dnlted States and Canada. Edited £ compiled by Ned Kehde. 515 p. C Ned Kehde; 233ep76; 4814057.


Winter Haven remedial template guide; a visual perception — motor learning program for students with special needs. By John G. Youmans. 34 p. e Winter Haven Lions Research Foundation, Inc.; 290ct76; 4814058.


Shared thoughts by the Thomases. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Julia B. Thomas. Julia B. Thomas; 2CDec76; A814059.


Taking up Christ’s cry for chastity.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.