Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/181

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A820640 — A820726
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820683 (con.)

hospital fund raising. Folder. 6 Epsilon Data aanaqeient. Inc.; .12JaD77: A820683.


Facts- ination. By Florence H. Munat, illustrated b; Peter Porges. 96 p. e on text; Florence H. Hunat; liDec76; A82063a.


Facts-ination, By Florence H- Munat, illustrated by Peter Pocqes. 96 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. Q on illus.; Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 15Dec76: A820685.


The Day the Earth stood still; a full-length version of the short story upon which the world-famous filn vas based. By Arthur lofte. 156 p. Appl. au: hoqer Eluood. Mfl: editorial revision* additional text, editorial selection £ compilation of photos. d Roger Elifood; 1S0ec76: AB20686.


lanya. By J. P. Beading. 232 p. J. P. Beading; 15D9c76; A820687.


Uhere did they go? Lost cities and vanished peoples. By James c. Cornell. 103 p. James C. Cornell; 15Dec76: A82a688.


All-pro basketball stars, 1977. By Bruce Weber. 112 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Haqazines* Inc. 6 Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 15Dec76; A820689.


Laxatives: forms and functions. 1 v. Add. ti: Laxatives: a guide for nurses. O G. D. Searle and Company; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A820690.


Gannon's line. By John Whitlatch. 253 p. O The Estate of John Uhitlatch (Geraldiue Whitlatch, executrix) (in notice: Estate of John Whitlatch); 10ct76: A820691.


Personal problem solving in the classroom: the reality technique. By Donald W. Uorrison. 186 p. O John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; iljan77; A820692.


Polymer science: achievements and prospects; a celebration in honor o£ Paul J. Fiory, Hobel Laureate in chemistry, 1974. Edited by Hershel narkovitz t Eduard F. Casassa. t03 p. (Journal of polymer science; polymer symposia, no. 54) Appl. states copyright not claimed for any portion written by a U.S. Govt, employee during performance of duties. 6 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A820693.


Chemistry: concepts and problems; for self-study or classroom use. By Clifford C. Houk S Bichard Post. 370 p. S John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; A820694.


Purchased tolerance versus design tolerance. Folder. (Vishay technical series, no. 1: stability) Appl. au: Vishay In tertechnology. Inc. d vishay Resistive Systems Group, division of Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.; 19Nov76; A820695.


Colton Ball and the historic adobe houses open to the public; six valkinq


The Young life. By Edna H. Thompson neizer. 87 p. 6 Edna «. Thompson Helzer; 25Dec76; A820697.


Nuclear employment outlook '76. 16 p. C American Nuclear Society, Inc. ; 13Dec76; A820698.


Rules for C. B. Truckin. 3 p. Appl. au: Thomas A. Wytaske. Thomas A. Uytaske; 250ct76; A820699.


BDF-6 ultrapure water treatment systems; installation instructions. Catalog no. 8804-11. 12 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Alsaker. Culligan International Company; 1Apr76; A820700.


Hospital guidelines for the management of suspected child abuse and neglect cases. 22 p. The Child Advocate Association; «Oct76; A820701.


Randolph Park Zoo, Tucson, Arizona; educational coloring book. Writer £ illustrator: Dorothy Parmly Haxson. 1 v. O Dorothy Parmly tlaxson; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A820702.


Soul incentive read: a soul music approach to early reading. 1 v. Add. ti: Soul! incentive! read! a soul music approach to reading. Appl. au: Juanita Anderson. 6 Juanita Anderson; 16Apr76; A82070 3.


Legal ethics. 2nd ed. 159 p. (Gilbert law summaries.) Appl. au: William A. Butter. O William A. Butter: 310ct76; A820704.


E.Z. macrame. By Sara Ellen Boblee. 86 p. C Sara Publishing Company; 2Nov76; A820705.


What to do with your mate: touch it. 1 p. Appl. au: Janice Framer. Q Janice Framer; 25Jun76; A820706.


This lease agreement. 1 v. Add. ti: Landlord/tenant lease system (consisting of leases general, short form and apartment) NB: editorial revisions, rearrangement £ new text. O All-State Legal Supply Company; 7Dec76; A820707.


Annual ski lift revenue survey, 1976; selected ski areas of Western North America, 1974-75 and 1975-76 seasons. By Bel Borqersen. 1 v. Hel Borgetsen and Associates, Ltd. ; 80ct76; A820708.


Graphic azimuth solution. 3 p. £ 1 p. Appl. au: Francis Byron Guthrie, Jr. NM: revisions £ additions. Francis Byron Guthrie, Jr. d.b.a. Astral Products; 8Apr76; A820709.


Solo chords; play the melody, play the chords, simultaneously! By Roger E. Hutchinson. 24 p. O B£H Publications.; 11NOV76; A820710.


The Lisle S9000 valve guide installation tool. Folder. KM: additional text £ pictorial matter. e Lisle Corporation; 20Aug76; A820711.


Helping skills: design and exercise book. By Dennis C. Kinlaw. 55 p. d Commonwealth Consulting and counseling Services, Inc.; lNo»76; A820712.


Nuclear power: bow and why? A physical science resource unit. Prepared by Clarence Eakken, Robert L. ailler, Elwyn D. Dorman, Raymond A. Rogoway £ Jean Beard. Sheets (98 p.) Na: compilation, e Jean Beard; 26Jan76 (in notice: 1975); A820713.


Vital signs: an instructional unit and programmed study. By Anna aae Tichy. 9 3 p. O Anna Mae Tichy; 15Sep76; A820714.


Poems from the heart. By Henry C. Carneal. 1 v. © Henry C. Carneal; 270ec76; A820715.


Live rodent removing. By Charles Petrosky. 30 p. 6 Charles Petrosky; 17NOV76; A820716.


A Humble prayer. 1 p. Appl. au: Robert Vern Henry. e Bobert Vern Henry; 6Dec76; A8207 17.


Indoor scale model flying. By Fred K. Hall. Jr. 1976 Bicentennial ed. 1 v. e Fred K. Hall, Jr.; 15Sep76; A820718.


nilling and baking news, including 1976 buyer's guide to the allied trades in grain and milling. Vol. 55, no. 39, Oct. 25, 1976. 148 p. Appl. au: Sosland Companies, Inc. 6 Sosieind companies. Inc. a.k-a. Sosland Publishing Company; 250ct76; A820719.


Money flows; money sent right to your home for your old family or your own unique recipe. By David, pseud, of David Dodds, Jr. 1 v. David, pseud, of David Dodds, Jr.; 2Jun76; A820720.


Introduction to modern business: issues and environment. By Vernon A. ausselman £ Eugene Barley Hughes. 7th ed. 656 p. <S Prentice-Hall, Inc.; JJan77; A820721.


Financial management and policy. By James C. Van Home. 4th ed. 756 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820722.


Accountant's desk handbook. By Albert P. Ameiss £ Nicholas A. Karqas. 501 p. prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820723.


Handbook of operant behavior. Edited by Werner K. Honig £ J. E. R. Staddon. 689 p. NB: compilation, editors' introd. E notes. 3 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820724.


Binocular anomalies: procedures for vision therapy. By John B. Griffin. 384 p. O Professional Press, Inc.; 1Jun76; A820725.


Biology; teacher's ed. By William L. Smallwood 6 Edna B. Green. 1977 revision.

1 V. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company,


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.