Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/194

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A821224 — A821261
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A821223 (con.)

Auditorium, Los Angeles, California^ Sundays at 3 p. a.* February and flarch 1976. Folder. Add. ti: United Church, science of Living Institute, (church bulletin), February and Barch 1976 (Scottish Rite Auditorium) United Christian Evangelistic Association; 1Feb76: A821223.


Ecology and evolution of an Andean hunmingbird (Oreotrochilus estella) By F. Lynn Carpenter. It p. (University of California publications in zoology, vol. 106) e The Segents of the University of California; 21Sep76; A82122«.


Sociology; concepts and characteristics. By Judson e. Landis. 3rd ed. 465 p. e HadsHorth Publishing Company, Inc. ; 5Jan77: A821225.


Alcohol; the crutch that cripples. By Brent Q. Hafen. 22a p. © West Publishing Company: 3Jan77; A821226.


A Golden handbooJc of collectibles; carnival glass. By Geraldioe cosentino & Hegina SteMart, art director; Eemo Cosentino, design; Elizabeth Alexander, photography; John Garetti. 128 p. Appl. au; Western Publishing Company, Inc. , employer for hire. @ Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 2Dec76: A821227.


I'll sing a song for Jesus; leader- 's/teacher's guide, green PK3- Written by Carol Greene, edited by Daniel H. Burov. 64 p. Add. ti; I'll sing a song of Jesus. Accompanied by cutouts, posters, sound recording S 2 filastrips in box. Appl. au; Concordia Publishing House. Haz compilation & editorial revision except Bible text- 3 Concordia Publishing House; i|Jan77; &821228.


I'll sing a song for Jesus; green prelcindergartenl leader's/teacher •s kit. Cutouts £ 4 posters. Add. ti: 1*11 sing a song of Jesus. Accompanied by teacher's guide, sound recording & 2 filastrips in box. e Concordia Publishing Bouse; 4Jan77; A821229.


The Hakinq of filch nan, poor nan. By Bichard Anobile. 143 p. Appl. au; HCA Publishing, Inc. HCA Publishing, Inc. (in notice: HCA Publishing, a division of MCA, Inc.); 3')Hov76; A821230.


Sweet evil. By Charles Piatt. 186 p. S Charles Piatt; 5Jan77: A821231.


The Directory of fleet maintenance executives, 1976-1977. An industry service of the Commercial car journal. 71 p. Appl. au: Chilton company* employer for hire. Chilton Company; 7Dec76; A821232.


Heading 720; supplementary materials bibliography cards. Senior author; Theodore clymer. 89 cards. Q Ginn and compaay (Xerox Corporation) ; 2Jan76; A821233.


Guide to international financial management. By John Frederick Weston & Bact w. Sorge. 409 p. acGraii-Bill, Inc.; 14Jan77: A821234.


The Nervous system: introduction and revieu. By Charles Robert Noback & Bobert J. Demarest. 2nd ed. 225 p. e acGraw- Hill, Inc.; 7Jan77; A82I235.


Contemporary issues in special education. By Bex E. Schmid, Judee loneypenny & Bonald Johnston. 305 p. naz compilation £ additions. e HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821236.


Contemporary readings in organizational behavior. By Fred Luthans. 2nd ed. 424 p. S acGraa-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77: A821237.


FETs and linear amplifier design. 70 p. (ScGraw-Hill course in continuing education for electronics engineers) (Electronic circuit design with solid- state devices, lesson 2) From U. B. Uayt, Jr. and Gerold W. Heudeck Electronic circuit analysis and design. Appl. au; HcGrav-Hill Book company. @ on int- roductory reading assignment material, quiz fi index; tlcGra«-Hill, Inc.; 7Jan77; &821238.


Problem-oriented nursing assessment. By Patricia Dubbert Larkin £ Barbara A. Backer. 190 p. Add. ti; Problems- oriented nursing assessment. C McGraw- Hill, Inc.; 14Jan77; A821239.


How to buy a used car vithout getting gypped. By Louis A. Gilmore, Jr. £ Peter Hann. 197 p. Louis A. Gilmore, Jr.; 23Dec75; A821240.


The Gastalt therapy primer. By Daniel Bosenblatt, illus. by Charles Morris Mount. 187 p. on text;' Daniel Bosenblatt; 27Mar76 (in notice: 1975) ; A821241.


The Gsstalt therapy primer. By Daniel Bosenblatt, illus. by Charles Morris Hount. 187 p. O on illus.; Charles Morris Mount; 27Mar76 (in notice; 1975); A821242.


History of Europe, 1500-1848. By Charles A. Endress. 310 p. 6 Charles A. Endress; 300ct7S: A821243.


Nutrition education: medical school and health care training. Edited by Myron A. Mehlman £ Seymour Lionel Halpern. 99 p. e Hemisphere Publishing Corporation; 230=t76; A821244.

A82124 5.

Dixie convoy. By Don Pendleton. 177 p. (The Executioner, no. 27) S Pinnacle Books, Inc.; 150ec76; Aa21245.


Death calling — collect. By Don Tracy- 207 p. e Carolyn B. Tracy; 15ep76; AS21246.


Medium systems network definition language. Level 3.30. Printout G magnetic tape. Prev. reg. A782386 £ others. NM: revisions £ additions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 22Hot76; A821247.


Federal Pablications, Inc. investing in broadcast stations; course manual. 1 v. Appl. states no copyright is claiaed in materials taken from O.S. Govt, sources, e Federal Publications, Inc.; 14Jan77; A821248.


Federal Publications, Inc. egual employment claims and litigation; course manual. 1 v. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in materials taken from U.S. Govt, sources. 6 Federal Publications, Inc.; 14Jan77; A821249.


Federal Publications, Inc. government construction contracting; course manual. 1 V. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in materials taken from U.S. Govt. sources. 3 Federal Publications, Inc. ; 17Jan77; A 82 1250.


Power/VS; preliminary ed., Nov. 1976. 85 p. (IBM field engineering education student self-study course) Inter- national Business Machines Corporation a.a. d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Cor- poration); 1Nov76; A821251.


5230 data collection system 5231 model 3 controller parts catalog. 44 p. (IBM maintenance library) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 14Jun76; A821252.


Getting the job. By Bichard t. Lynch. 136 p. (Career core competencies) e McGrau-Blll, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821253.


The Hew lork times index. Vol. 64, no. 21, Nov. 1-15, 1976. 123 p. 6 The New York Times company; 15Dec76; A821254.


The New York times index. Vol. 6 4, no. 22, Nov. 16-30, 1976. 112 p. © The New York Times Company; 20Dec76; A821255.


Petersen's Basic clutches and tran- smissions. By Kalton C. Lahue £ the technical editors of Petersen Publishing company. 4th rev. £ -ipdated ed. 192 p. Petersen Publishing Company; 1Dec76: A8212S6.


Executive compensation service; the corporate directorship. 8th ed., 1976/1977. 156 p. Amacom, a division of American Management Associations; 1Dec76; A821257.


Executive compensation; Canada, 1976-1977. 2nd ed. 224 p. Add. ti: Canada — executive compensation, 1976-1977- Amacom, a division of American Management Associations; 1Nov76; A821258.


Manofacturing management. By William C- Hemitz- 1 V. Education for Management, Inc.; 14Jan77; A821259.


Issues in business and society. By William I. Greenwood. 3rd ed- 603 p. O Houghton Bifflin Company; 3Jan77; AS21260.


Career planning: freedom to choose. By Bruce Shertzer. 386 p. Adapted from Career exploration and planning. NM: revision 6 apdating. Soughton Mifflin

Company: 3Jan77: A621261.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.