Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/209

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A821818 — A821859
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A821817 (con.)

Accountinq Staadards Board; 15Dec76; A821817.


FASB discussion eemorandum: an analysis of issues related to Financial accounting and reporting in the extractive indus- tries, Decenber 23, 1976. 1 v. Financial Accoantiog Standards Board; J1Dec76: A821818.


Financial Accounting Standards Board scope and iaplica tioiis of the conceptual frameoork proiect, December 2, 1976. 2U p. Financial Accounting Standards Board; 8Dec76; A821819.


Tentative conclusions on objectives of financial statements of business enterprises, December 2, 1976. 78 p- Financial iccounting Standards Board; 10Dec76: A82ie20.


Scope and implications of the conceptual framework project, December 2, 1976. 360 p. Add. ti: FASB discussion memorandum, an analysis of issues related to conceptual framework for financial accounting and reporting: elements of financial statements and their measu- rement, December 2, 1976. 8 Financial Accounting Standards Board; 10Dec76; A821821.


Instant cash bingo chain logo; tuo games to play. Series 217. 2 p. Add. ti: Instant cash bingo collector cards. Promotional flarketing Corporation; 29Dec76; A821822.


Taxation in Brazil. 83 p. (Inter- national tax and business service) Prev. reg. July 1970. US: revisions. Haskins and Sells: 26Jan77: A821823.


Sesults of 1976 ECFMG examinations tabulated by candidates, countries and medical schools. 12 p. Educational Commission for Foreign Hedical Graduates; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A82182it.


Heditation moments. Written by Aria Davis. 29 p. S Aria Davis: 6llov76; A821825.


Alexander's Dreams: real dreams to Alex. Balmagia. Narrated in verse by Alexander Balmaqia. 85 p. C Alexander Balmagia; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A821826.


Opposing visions: Byron's and Southey's vision of judgment. Edited by Henry J. Oonaghy. 62 p. NH: additions. Henry J. Donagby; 1Nov76; A821827.


Children of circumstance; a history of the first 125 years (18119-19711) of Chicago Child Care Society. By Clare L. McCausland. 2311 p. Chicago Child Care Society; 23Jun76; A821828.


Hov to keep healthy in an unhealthy Horld ! Compiled by the editors of Prevention magazine. 116 p. € Bodale Press, Inc.; 30Aug76; Ae21829.


Interplanting; the influence of interplanting on yield parameters of component plants (high- lysine corn and edible soybeans) By Alexander C. Cunard, edited Dy Jack Buttle. 43 p. (fiesearch and development report, no. 3) Rodale Press, Inc.; 22»ov76: A821830.


The Fiber factor: how to stay healthy with bran and high-fiber foods. From the staff of Prevention magazine, edited by Anne Hoyer. 116 p. Rodale Press, Inc.; 6JU176; A821831.


Fabulous fiber, compiled by the editors of Prevention magazine. 62 p. Rodale Press, Inc.; 22Sep76; Ae21832.


Your heart and your health. By the editors of Prevention magazine. 15 p. e Rodale Press, Inc; 19Jul76; A8218J3.


One-parent families. By Elizabeth Ogg, editor: Adele Braude. 28 p. (Public Affairs pamphlet, no. 543) Public Affairs Committee, Inc.; 27Dec76; A82183a.


A Death in the family. By Elizabeth Ogg, editor: Adele Braude. 21 p. (Public Affairs pamphlet, no. 542) C Public Affairs Committee, Inc.; 22Dec76; A82183 5.


Angels. By Charles B. Hodge. 30 p. e The Christian Teacher, Inc.; 24Jan77; A821836.


Nuclear cardiography: cardiac phase; the radiocardiogram (ECG) By Marshall Brucer. 14 p. (Vignettes in nuclear medicine, no. 85) flallinckrodt. Inc.; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A821837.


coin charts of Onited States coins. By James M. Bieler. 96 p. Portions prev. pub. in The guide book of United States coins. e corn Charts; 21Jan77; A821838.


Livingston County 1859-1865: aboli- tionist or unionist? By Charles Joseph Cottone. 4 7 p. O Charles Joseph Cottone; 26Jan77; 4821839.


Leonard's Guide: directory of New lork motor freight common carriers, January 1977. 64 p. Add. t i: Leonard's Guide: pocket directory of New York motor freight carriers, January 1977. Appl. a u: Albert E. Ercolanr. 6 G. B. Leonard and Company; 28Jan77; A821840.


A Laboratory manual of human anatomy and physiology. By Donald E. Ferruzzi. 153 p. e Donald B. ferruzzi; 27Sep76; A82I841.


Savings and loans, 1976. 10 7 p. (Ernst and Ernst financial reporting trends) Add. ti: Financial reporting trends: savings and loans, 1976. Ernst and Ernst; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A821842.


Snowball: the great cat actor, story £ photos, by Violet Elvera Crist, rhyaes by Charles A. English. 19 p. C Violet E. Crist; 2ajan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A821843.


Cultural conflict and aanagenent: case studies. Edited by Donald L. Tryman. 65 p. (Series in public affairs, vol. 1) Donald L. Tryman; 21Jan77; 4321844.


Grumbacher brushes, colors, pads, canvas, books, artists' materials, 1977 catalog. 272 p. Add- ti: Grumbacher artists' materials, 1977 catalog; Grumbacher 1977 catalog. n. Grumbacher, Inc.; 250ct76; A821345.


The organizer. Developed for Urban Arts, Inc. classroom management workshop, by Susan Goltsman 6 Ari Hancock. Sheets in folder. Add. ti: Urban Arts workshop. 3 Urban Arts, Inc.; 24Jan77; A821846.


Electri-List catalog for Crescent Electric Supply Company. Catalog no. 58. 166 p. NH: additions 6 revisions. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 29Dec76; A821847.


Electri-List catalog for Kearns Electrical Supply Company, Inc. 176 p- NH: additions & revisions, o Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 6Dec76; A821848.


Electri-List catalog for Kriz-Oavis Company. Catalog 78. 214 p. NH: revisions 6 additions. O Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4821349.


Electri-List catalog for Richard Electric Supply Company, 1977-1978. 182 p. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 22Dec76; 4821850.


Electri-List catalog for Service Electric Supply company. Inc. 130 p. NM: additions £ revisions. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 16Dec76; 4821851.


Electri-List catalog for EOFf Electric Company. Catalog no. 101. 216 p. NM: revisions £ additions. 6 Trade Service Publications. Inc.; 2Dec76; A8218S2.


Electri-List catalog for Electric Svpply and Equipment Company. 216 p. N^: revisions £ additions. 6 Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 6Dec76; A321353.

48" 1854.

lectri-List catalog for Andrea Electric

Supply Corporation. 202 p. NM: revisions £ additions. e Trade Service Publi- cations, Inc.; 29Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A821854.


Purity Supreme front end analysis and scheduling program. Author: John f.omas. 25 p. Appl. au: Purity Supreme, Inc. e Purity Supreme, Inc.; 16Dec76; A821855.


Give the fun of choosing. Folder. Appl. au: C. D. Thomas. C. D. Thomas; 20Dec76; 4821856.


German family research made simple. By J. Konrad, pseud of J. B. Koesterer. 2nd ed. 103 p. e Summit Publications; 6Jan77; A821857.


Charley the cloud. By Judith Ladd. 7 p. e Judith Ladd; 24Jan77; A821858.


Numint multiplication card game. 1 v.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.