Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/21

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A814188 — A810231
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Les JohDson ceadinq development. 1 p. Appl. an: Lestec c. Johoson, Les Johoson. 4 revision o£ a uoirk prev. req. 8Nov76. NH: revision £ additions. @ Les Johnson: 17Dec?6: 4814188.


Sales manual. 9 p. (Les Johnson readinq developaent) Appl- au: Lester C. Johnson, Les Johnson. @ Les Johnson; 20Dec76: 4814189.


Beadinq efficiency teacher's quide. 13 p. (Les Johnson readinq development^ 4ppl. au: Lester C. Johnson, Les Johnson. Portions prev. pub. under the title Les Johnson readinq development speed readinq workbook 6 req. 1975. 6 Les Johnson; 17Dec76; 4814190.


Insurance binder automobile and/or liabilitv. cataloq no. 440. 1 p. 4ppl. au; Herbert R. flayer. © Ohio Envelope Company; 1Dec76; 481419 1.


Siqn lanquaqe: a survival vocabulary. Book B. By Jim Eichey, illustrated by Dennis Roberts. 52 p. @ Janus Book publishers; 270ct76; 4814192.


Siqn lanquaqe: a surxival vocabulary. Book 4. By Jim Bichey, illustrated by Dennis Roberts. 52 p. Janus Book publishers; 270ct76; 4814193.


Laura takes care of pets; teacher's manual. Folder. e Janus Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814194.


Laura cares for pets. By Bruce Finson, illustrated by llyland ncBevey. 44 p. Janus Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814195.


4lex on the qrill; teacher's manual. Folder. Janus Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814196.


ilei on the qrill. By Stanley Shalit, illustrated by Myland HcBevey. 44 p. e Janus Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814197.


Siqn lanquaqe: a survival vocabulary; teacher's manual. 7 p. 6 Janus Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814198.


Janus iob planner. By uinq Jeu £ Robert L. Tonq, illustrated by Helanie Krakoiier. 88 p. C Jantis Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814199.


Janus iob planner; teacher's manual. By Uinq Jeu £ Robert Tonq. Folder. Janus Book Publishers; 270ct76; 4814200.


Victor Paul Hietuille and The way: a Biblical analysis and critique. By 41an Ballerstedt. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Spiritual Counterfeits Proiect, Inc. KM: editinq. O Spiritual Counterfeits Pro-ject, Inc.; 22Dec76: 4814201.


4 Guide for parents: positive qrovth- -especially for children. Folder (4 p.) 4ppl. au: Elizabeth Hass. Elizabeth flass; 7Dec76; 4814202.


CP typeface cataloq and production information. 71 p. The College Press; 150ct76; 4814203.


JioJim: a really biq easy-to-make paper sculpture for your wall. Folder. 4ppl. au: Donald Knoob. e Donald Knoob; 22Dec76; 4814204.


Jay Jay: the funny clown with movinq eyes. Folder- Appl. au: Donald Knoob. Donald Knoob; 22Doc76; 4814205.


4 Guide to Constitutional law. By Donald B. Horley. 84 p. 6 Donald B. Uorley £ Patricia Craven Uorley d. b. a. Intervest Publishers; 8Dec76; 4814206.


House of Abbie. Folder (5 p.) Appl. au: Helen Holcoab. C Helen Holcomb; 25Dec76; A814207.


The Lichen liaison. Text £ illus. by Bichard Gary Saham. 1 v. OR. Gary Eaham; 27Dec76; 48 14208.


The Game of double action blackjack. 11 p. Add. ti: Double action "21" blackjack. Prev. req. 64uq76, 4769818. Nfl: additions £ revision. O The Business Builders, Inc.; 22Dec76; A814209.


Philips N.V.; progress report, Nov. 1976. By Buben Shohet £ Naomi Uosenfeld. 5 p. 4ppl. au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. Drexel Burnham and Compajiy, Inc.; 10Dec76; 4814210.

481421 1.

Revised pages of the stationery and office supply price list compilation* December 29, 1976. 1 v. 8 Stationers Price Service Company; 29Dec76; 4814211.


Central Hardware Christmas sale. 12 p. NH: additions £ revisions. O Central Hardware Company (in notice: Central Hardware); 14Dec76; A814212.


Central Hardware Christmas sale; sale prices good thru Dec. 8th. 12 p. NM; additions 6 revisions. Central Hardware Company (in notice: Central Hardware) ; 30NOV76; 4814213.


Gulf research reports. Vol. 5, no. 2, Dec. 1976. Editor: Harold D. Howse, assistant editor: Catherine M. Campbell. 62 p. Appl. au: Gulf Coast Research Laboratory. C Gulf Coast Research Laboratory; 16Dec76; 4814214.

4814215. But I don't have a recipe for mauna. 1 V. £ 4 cards. Appl. au: G. Lloyd Bediqer. d G. Lloyd Rediqer; 18Sep76; 4814215- 4814216.

An Intuitive approach to number systems. Author: George A. Spooner. 403 p. Chap. 1-4 prev. pub. in Introduction to number systems. NM: chap. 5-8. e George A. Spooner; 13Sep76; A814216.


Roentgenographic cephalometry — an individualized learning programs measurement of tooth and jaw position. By Robert H. Little. 86 p. e Robert H. Little; 15Dec76; 4814217.


Score sheet: official rating of the National Tennis Foundation, Inc. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Neil E. Johnson, a Talent- N-Timing/Tennis, Inc.; 2J4pr73; 4814218.


Where lies the dream. By Joye s. Giroux. 72 p. NH: additions £ com- pilation. 6 Joye 3. Giroux; 10Dec7&; AB14219.


Handbook for the IP4T depression scale. Catalog no. PD 472. By Samuel E. Krug £ James E. Laughlin. 58 p. Appl. au: Institute tor Personality and 4bility Testing. Institute for Personality and 4bility Testing; 9Jul76; 4814220.


Handbook for the IPAT anxiety scale. By Samuel E. Krug with Ivan H. Scheier £ Raymond B. Cattell. 104 p. Appl. au: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing. NB; additions. Institute for Personality and Ability Testing; 29nar76; A814221.


Manual for the Early school personality questionnaire: "ESPa." form 4, parts 41 and 42. 26 p. NH: editorial revisions £ section 6. 6 Institute for Personality and Ability Testing; 23Nov76; 4814222.


A Guide to the clinical use of the 16 PF. By Samuel Karson £ Jerry w. 0' Dell. 160 p. C Institute for Personality and Ability Testing; 94ug76; 4814223.


Validation studies: the use of multiple regression equations. By Maurice B. Tatsuoka. 2nd ed. 32 p.. (Selected topics in advanced statistics: an elementary approach, no. 5) Appl- au: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing. S Institute for Personality and Ability Testing; 7Hay76; A814224.


4nswer sheet for the M4T. 1 p. C Institute for Personality and 4bility Testing; 20Jul76; 4814225.


Manual for Form E of the 16 PF. Catalog no. SE 08 1- 22 p- Institute for personality and 4bility Testing; 30Nov76; 4814226.


Manual for the Eight state questionnaire (8SQ) , forms 4 and B. 36 p. NH: additions £ revisions. Institute for Personality and Ability Testing; 14Dec76; 4814227.


Handbook for the School motivation analysis test: SM4I. Catalog no. MS 197. 38 p. NN: additions £ revisions. Institute for Personality and 4bllity Testing; 31aay76: 4814228.


Personal assessment inventory. Catalog no. PD 471- Folder (3 p.) NH: additions 6 revisions. 6 Institute for personality and 4bility Testing; 9Jul76; 4814229.


Key for the IPAT depression scale (personal assessment inventory) Catalog no. PD 473. Card. e Institute for Personality and 4bllity Testing; 9Jul76; 4814230.


C4B; ED scoring guide no. 1 fi 2.

Catalog no. 4B 456. 2 transparencies.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.