Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/219

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A822235 — A822278
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A822234 (con.)

updatiDq. Claretiaa Publicatloas; 1Jun76; A82223a.


Confession for today's Catholic. By Tad Guzie. 23 p. Prev. pub. in U.S. Catholic maqazine. Sept. 1976. !IIIi revision £ condensation. 6 Claretian Publications; 17NO>76: A822235.


Bless ine« father. By John £. Corriqan. 30 p. Prev. pub. 1966. SB: revision. e Claretian Publications; 290ct76; A822236.


The HorjDOns. By Hilliaa J. Hhalen. 32 p. PEev. pub. 196S. Na: editorial revision 6 statistical updatinq. Claretian Publications: 10llar76; Aa22237.


A Guide for faaily Bible reading. By James Breiq & Sister Patricia Koopp, S.M.D. 40 p. e Claretian Publications: 31Dec76: A822238.


Uhat* s a parish for? By Hilliaa J. Bausch, with Edvard Uakin. 40 p. Prev. pub. 1973. NB: revision. C Claretian Publications; 150ct76; A822239.


Questions younq people aslc about Jesus and the church. By James Di Giacoao with Edvard Uakin. 40 p. Prev. pub. 1973. SN: revision. 3 Claretian Publications; 16Auq76: A822240.


Electri-List catalog for Electrical Suppliers, Inc. 278 p. an: additions C revision. 6 Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 210ct76; A322241.


Triangle Electric Supply Conpany 1977 catalog. 214 p. Add. ti; Electri-List cataloq for Triangle Electric Supply Company. O Trade Service Publications. Inc.; 120ct76; A822242.


Electri-List cataloq for fiobinson Electric Supply Company. 1 v. IIH: neii material e editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 220ct76: A822243.


Gross Electric, Inc., guide '77. 1 v, C Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 280ct76; A822244.


Electri-List catalog for City Electric Distributors, Inc. 382 p. NH: nev material £ editorial revision. O Trade Service Publications, Inc.: 50ct76; A822245.


Dictating to correspondence center. Prepared by flalpn Uerninqer. 16 p. Add. ti: Dictating to your correspondence center. Appl. au: National Grange Mutual Insurance company. National Grange Mutual Insurance Company; 14Jul76; 4822246.


Bevised production procedures for microfilm system. 1 v. National Grange Mutual Insurance Company; 14Jul76; 4822247.


Correspondence standards for 'JGH group. Prepared by Balph Uerninqer. 33 p. Appl. au: National Grange Mutual Insurance Company- Q National Grange Mutual Insurance Company; 14Jul76: Ae22248.


Microfilm conversion procedures. 1 v. 6 National Grange Mutual Insurance Company; 14JU176: 4822249.


Microfilm equipment procedures for records section. 1 v. d National Granqe Mutual Insurance Company: l4Jui76; 4822250.


Hot* to get top trouble-free deductions for travel, entertainment and related business expenses under the latest liberalizations and crackdowns. 32 p. NH: revisions £ additions. 6 Preotice- Ball. Inc.; 4Jan77: A8222S1.


Uou to reward top executives for maximum tax advantage. 30 p. NH: revisions £ additions. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 4Jan77; A822252.


Ground rules for labor and management during organizing drives. i2 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 19Nov76: A822253.


American consumers: is their anger justified? By Alvin Uolf. 119 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: A822254.


Population and progress: is there a conflict? By Jack L. Nelson. 2nd ed.

119 p. O Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: A822255.


The Drug scene; help or hang-up? By Ualter L. Uay. 2nd ed. 119 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822256.


Poverty in an affluent society: personal problem or national disgrace? By David A. Darfee. 2nd ed. 119 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822257.


Peace or war: can humanity make the choice? By Marion A. Bressler £ Leo A. Bressler. 120 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jao77: 4822258.


Crime and criminals: what should we do about them? By Jack B. Fraenkel. 2Dd ed.

120 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822259.


Alienation: individual or social problem? By fionald V. Orick. 2nd ed. 117 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822260.


Beligion and doubt: toward a faith of your own. By Bichard E. Creel. 160 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822261.


Heritage of Bestern civilization. Vol. 2. Edited by John Louis Beatty £ Oliver 4. Johnson. 4th ed. 414 p. C Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822262.


HOW to land more hot new listings^-- that bring in faster sales and commissions in today's new market. 15 p. NM : additions. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A822263.


Yesterday and today in the U.S.A.; intermediate ESL reader. By Anna Harris Live. 267 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4822265.


Careers: an overview. By Robert Melvin Uorthington. 120 p. d Prentice-Hall, Inc. ; 3Jan77; A8222b6.


Anthropology, second edition; study guide £ workbook. By Jean Stein. 164 p. NM: revisions £ additions. 3 Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; Ae22267.


Student's guide to Brown and LeHay: Chemistry, the central science. By James C. Hill. 296 p. e Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4822268,


Beet the new lightweights! L-826 hydraulic jack brochure. 2 p. Appl. au: Enerpac, division of Applied Power, Inc. O Applied Power, Inc.. parent company of Enerpac: 220ct76; 4822259.


Meet the new lightweights': L-825 hydraulic jack brochure. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Enerpac, division of 4pplied Power, Inc. Applied Power. Inc., parent company of Enerpac: 220ct76; A822270.


New from ENEBPAC: L-838 hydraulic vise brochure- 2 p. Aijpl. au: Enerpac, division of Applied Power, Inc. O 4pplied Power. Inc., parent company of Enerpac; 23NOV76: 4822271.


You can "eye" a new power in a new powered cable puller: L-840 powered cable puller cataloq. Folder. Appl. au: Enerpac. division of Applied Power, Inc. Q Applied Power. Inc., parent company of Enerpac; 14Jan77; A822272.


Enerpac Zip-Flo vacuum fish-tape system: L-810 Zip-Flo vacuum fish tape brochure. 2 p. Appl. au: Enerpac. division of Applied Power, Inc. Applied Power, Inc.. parent company of Enerpac; 14Jaa77; A822273.


New hydraulic cable bender from Enerpac: L-845 cable bender brochure. 2 p. Appl. au: Enerpac. division of Applied Power, Inc. O Applied Power. Inc.. parent company of Enerpac; 14Jau77; AS22274.


Six gun heroes: a price guide to movie cowboy collectibles. By Theodore L. Hake £ Bobert D. Cauler. 139 p- Theodore L. Hake £ Bobert D. Cauler; 14ug76; 4822275.


Treasured memories. By Billie Marie, pseud, of Billie Marie Culberson, drawing design by Carolyn Price. 61 p. O Billie Marie Culberson; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822276.


Let's sing "The Song of songs": notes on the Biblical Song of Solomon. By Flavia Jo. Sheets, e Flavia Jo; JlJan77: 4822277.


Selection Consulting center clerical

test series. IMP4 test no. 362. 1. 27 p.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.