Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/223

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A822399 — A822432
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A822398 (con.)

HcEee* Inc. uai revisioos abridgaents. O aeinbecg and acKee, Inc.: 17Dec76; 1822398.


Mount Vernon Blectric Supply Coapany, wholesale distcibutors. Coapiled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Heinberq and HcKee, Inc. 332 p. (Hastec Befeceuce Catalog o£ electrical apparatus and sapplies, 77-6) Ippl. an: Beinberg and HcKee« Inc. NM: rcTlsions & abridgaents. Beinbecg and acKee. Inc.: 21Dec76: 1822399.


Ell Electric Supply, Inc. Coaplled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and acKee, Inc. 352 p. (aastec fieference catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Ippl. au: Beinberg and BcKee, Inc. NH: revisions S abcidgnents. O Beinberg and (cKee, Inc. ; 210ec7e: 1822400.


State Electric Supply coapany. coaplled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Befereoce catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies, 77-8) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. HNi revisions £ abridgaents. O Beinberg and ficKee, Inc. ; 2eDec7e; 1822401.


Square Electric Supply Coapany. Coaplled by Jagua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Master Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies* 77-8) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. HOz revisions S abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 270ec76: 1822402.


O.K. Electric Supply Coapany, industrial distributors of apparatus and supplies. Coaplled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies, 77-8) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. BH: revisions S abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 20Dec76: 1822403.


Boyal Electric Supply Coapany, distributors of electrical industrial equipaent. Coaplleci by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies, 77-8) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. BH: revisions & abridgaents. Beinberg and McKee, Inc.: 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1822404.


Turtle and Hughes, Inc., vholesale electrical distributors, catalog no. 143. Coapiled by Jagua Electrical Catalogs* division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Ippl. au: Beinberg and acKee, Inc. BH: revisions £ abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.: 280ec76: 1822405.


HcDonald Distributors of Florida, Inc., electrical naolesalers, buyers guide of electrical supplies, coapiled by Jagua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee. Inc. 352 p. (Baster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. BH: revisions & abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 21Ilec76: 1822406.


Norris Electrical Supplies. Coapiled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Idd. ti: Horris Electric coapany. Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. HH: revisions & abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 28Dec76; 1822407.


Eldridge Electric Supply, distributors 3f electrical industrial equipaent. Coapiled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. BH: revisions & abridgaents. Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 23Dec76; 1822408.


Ice Electric Supply Coapany. Coapiled by Jagua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. BH; revisions & abridgaents. Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 23Dec76; 1822409.


Pacific Electrical Supply, Inc. Coapiled by Jagua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies) Ippl. au: Beinberg and acKee, Inc. BH: revisions S abridgaents. D Beinberg and HcKee, Inc.; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1822410.


Stusser Electric coapany. Compiled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of deinbecg and HcKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster Beference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies, 77-8) Ippl. au: Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. BH: revisions C abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. ; '>1Dec76; 1822411.


Lang Electric Coapany, Inc. coapiled by Jaqua Electrical Catalogs, division of Beinberg and acKee, Inc. 352 p. (Haster fieference Catalog of electrical apparatus and supplies, 77-8) Ippl. au: Beinberg and acKee, Inc. BH: revisions & abridgaents. O Beinberg and HcKee, Inc. ; 22Dec76: 1822412.


Childhood psychopathology and adult psychoses. By Thoaas Preeaan, pref. by Inna Freud. 293 p. O International Oniversities Press, Inc. ; 13Feb76; 1822413.


Along our country road. By Otha D. Bearin, illustrated by Felix D. Suaaers. 143 p. Otha 0. Bearin; 1Jul76: 1822414.


Country roads to Bashington. By Otha 0. Bearin. 181 p. O otha D. Bearin; 1Jnl76; 1822415.


Defense lav journal. Vol. 25, 1976. Editor: Bobert 1. Scalf. 642 p. The men Saith Coapany; 18Jan77; 1822416.


Leadership is everybody's business. By John D. Laason, Leslie J. Griffin £ Franklyn D. ponant, illustrated by the Bob Claapett Studios. 217 p. O John D. Laasoa, Leslie J. Griffin t ttukklja Ou Oonant: 30Oct76; 1822417.


Assertive black, puzzled ahrte; a blacit perspective on assertive behavior. By Donald K. CheelL, foreword by Kenneth B. Clar)L. 132 p. O Donald K. Cheek; 31Dec76; 1822418.


The Stop SBOking book. By Hargaret Kraker HcKean, illus. by Bendell Oowling. 112 p. Margaret Kraker HcKean; 10ct76: A822419.


Instructor's aanual to Econoaics: principles and policy froa a christian perspective. By Toa Sose. 124 p. Toa Bose; 7Jan77; A822420.


Econoaics: principles and policy froa a christian perspective. By Toa Bose. 380 p. Toa Bose; 7Jan77; A822421.


The Good neifs according to Hark. Translated with pref. by fieynolds Price. 50 p. BH: translation £ pref. Beynolds Price; 10Dec76; A822422.


conversations. By Beynolds Price £ Billiaa Bay. 82 p. (HVC bulletin devoted to bibliography and original source aaterial, no. 9, fall 1976) Beynolds Price; 15Dec76: A822423.


luerbach buyer's guide to aiaicoaputers, winter 1976-77. 444 p. C luerbach Publishers, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1822424.


Pala Beach; a gaae. Kit. OP. B. , Ltd.; 14Dec76; A622425.


Spirit and song of the new liturgy. By Lucien Deiss, 1st ed. translated by Lyla L. Haggard £ aicliael L. Hazzarese, text for rev. ed. by Lucien Deiss. 267 p. 1st pub. 1969 as Concile et ctiant nouveau. BH: revisions £ additions. O Borld Library Publications, Inc.; 11aay76: 1822426.


Special condensed catalog nuaber 76-05, supercedes ouaber 75-05, for popular passenger cars 1963 thru 1976, reaa- nufactured alternators, starters. Folder. O Lester Catalog Coapany; 290ct76; 1622427.


Exploring laboratory biology. By Carl A. Scheel, Jr., Leonard E. Spiegel, Daniel B. Benjaain £ Gilbert 0. Sparks. 128 p. O Carl 1. Scheel, Jr.; 201ug76: 1822428.


Spanish language arts learning center activities: Jirka School Deaonstration Center. 1 v. O Board of Edncatioa of the City of Chicago; 12llov76: 1822429.


Insight into South Carolina history and geography. 1 v. Insight corporation; 24Jan77; 1822430.


Insight into Horth Carolina history and geography. 1 v. O Insight Corporation; 24Jan77: 1822431.


Bell system practices. Pacific Telephone. Section 00 5-231- 905PT, issa«  1, lug. 1976. 26 p. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 11n976;



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