Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/230

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JAN.-JUN. 1977

A822671 — A822711


The Heart remembers, too. By LaMrence B. Casey. 182 p. »H: editinq. The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the ipostle in tke State of New York; 1Dec76; A822671.


First sonqs the younq child sinqs; a picture-activity-sonqboolc. By Hary Voell Jones. 19 p. b Mary Voell Jones: 1Dec76; A822672.


Two as one; a Christian marriaqe proqram — workbook. By Hartin G. Olsen & Georqe E. Von Kaenel, photoqraphy: John Glaser. 105 p. C Martin G. Olsen £ Georqe E. Von Kaenel; 1 Dec 76; 4822673.


Two as one; a Christian marriaqe proqram — manual. By Martin G. Olsen fi Georqe E. Von Kaenel, photoqraphy; John Glaser. 128 p. 6 Martin G. olsen 6 Georqe E. Von Kaenel; 1Dec76; S822674.


BadeaSounds and picture cards; the Badea Proqram. 29 cards in folder. Melton Book Company; 3Hay76; A822675.


Buntinq and Lyon's Guide to private schools, 1976-77. «th ed. 583 p. O Buntinq and Lyon, Inc.; Z1Jun76: 4822676.


CUPAK 4PL PLUS qeneral ledqer accountinq system for Federal credit unions; user's quide. 1 V. 4dd. ti: APL PLUS CDP4K qeneral ledqer accountinq system for federal credit unions. e Scientific Time Sharinq Corporation; 20Nov74; 4822677.


CUPLOT, a supplement to CUP4K: 4PL PLOS qeneral ledqer accountinq system for Federal credit unions; user's quide. By Colleen A. Kyniker. 1 v. Appl. au: Scientific Time Sharinq Corporation- e Scientific Time Sharinq Corporation; 1liMay76; A822678.


APL PLUS service Portmanaqe: portfolio manaqement and security evaluation system; user's quide. 50 p. Add. ti: APL PLUS Portmanaqe: portfolio manaqement system. Appl. au: Scientific Time Sharinq Corporation & Portfolio Techncloqy Corporation- 5 Portfolio Technoloqy Corporation; 5Auq76; 4822679.


The Effects of coqnitive style on type of practice- By Christina June McClunq. Microfilm. O Christina June McClunq; 26aay76: 4822680.


A Survey of school board policies and manaqement practices in public schools experiencinq a teacher strike. By Hilliam Georqe Nance. Microfilm. S William Georqe Nance; 27May76: A822681.


The Effects of type and amount of practice on the learninq of a mathematical concept. By Kenneth Austin McClunq, Jr. Microfilm. © Kenneth A. McClunq, Jr. ; 3Jun76: A822632.


A Community profile approach toward expandinq public library services; communication survey procedures reachinq Chinese Americans in the Los Auqeles Chinatown community and obtaining their information-seekinq patterns. By Euby Linq Louie. Microfilm. O Buby Linq Louie; 18May76; 4822683.


Criticism in the art of dance: an analysis of John Martin's reviews in the New york times, 1928-1962. By Diane Bottendorf. Microfilm. 6 Diane Hottondorf; 19May76 ; A8226811.


Ethnic qroup differences in employment test-.1ob performance relationships. fly Kenneth Arthur Ford. Microfilm, e Kenneth Arthur Ford; 26May76; A822685.


Evaluation of a partially standardized qroup test based on Piaqetian theory for kinderqarten and first qrade children. By Carol Jean Genrich. Microfilm. Carol J. Genrich; 3Jun76; Aa22686.


An Industrial orqanization study of the boat manuf acturinq industry. By John Louis Deolden. Microfilm. © John Louis DeOlden; 3Jun76; 4822687.


Bob Hope and the popular oracle tradition in American humor. By William Bobert Faith, pseud, of Hilliam Bobert Faque. Microfilm. William Robert faith, l9Hay76; 4822688.


Die Metaphorische und Physische Bedeutucq von 4uqe und Sehsinn bei Heinrich Boll. By Inqeborq Biel Stotz. Microfilm. Inqeborq Riel Stotz; 9May76; A822689.


Numerical analysis of ecoloqical survey data. By Sobert William S Microfilm. O Robert Willi 214pr76; 4822690.


Relationship of personality traits to elements of instructional media desiqn. By Laurel Lee Roberts. Microfilm- Laurel Lee Roberts; 19Dec75 (in notice: 1976); A822691.


Continqency severity and individual performance in a probabilistic qame settinq. By Shiori Sakamoto. Microfilm, e Shiori Sakamoto; 290ct75 (in notice: 1976) ; 4822692-


Systems analysis and the development of aanaqement information systems in California community colleqes. By John David Beck. Microfilm. 9 John David seek; 28«ay76; 4822693.


The Semantic theory of John Locke. By Gilbert L. Shoham. Microfilii. O Gilbert L. Shoham; 26May76; 4822691.


The critical reception of Lion Feuchtwanqer's most important fiction in selected 4merican news media (1925-1951) By Henry H. Kaufmann. Microfilm. 6 Henry H. Kaufnann; 1Jun76 (in notice; 1975) ; 4822695.


An Experimental study of the effect of elect-romyoqraphy (EMG) biofeedback on hyperactivity in children. By Wiley Burns Johnson. Microfilm. 6 Wiley Burns Johnson; 19Dec75 (in notice: 1976); 1322696.

perfection; Arteaqan aesthetic dialectic and its platonic rational counterpart. By Beverly Elaine Jordan. Microfilm. e Beverly Elaine Jordan; 28May76; A822697.


The Ethical significance of eternal recurrence in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. By Joe Krueger. Microfilm. e Joe Krueger; 29Jun76: A822698.


Events and issues of the Angela Davis dismissal. By Richard Thomas Huntley. Microfilm. Richard Thomas Huntley: 26May76; 4822699.


Indian jewelry making. By Oscar T. Branson, photography by Naurice Koonce. 64 p. e Oscar T. Branson: 30Jan77; A822700.


Teacher's quide to Great decisions '77. Prepared by David C. Kinq. 13 p. Appl. au: Foreiqn Policy Association. © Foreign Policy Association, Inc.; 3Jan77: A822701.


Great decisions '77. Editor-in-chief; Norman Jacobs £ other editors. 96 p. © Foreign Policy Association, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 48 22702.


How to produce alpha waves using deep meditation; or. How to live a fuller life. By John Rawlins, pseud, of Louis Allan Blanchard, Jr. 11 p. © Bacarda Trading Company; 28Jan77; A822703.


Behold, the King is coming! By Norman B. Hasenfang. 49 p. © Norman R. Hasenfanq; 3Dec76: A822704.


Nathaniel's curse. Author: James D. Jones, illustrated by Whitney Jones. 29 p. © James D. Jones; 27Jan77; A822705.


Bistory of the American Indians in the Manchester, New Hampshire area. By Thaddeus M. Piotrowski. 104 p. Add. ti; History of the American Indian in the Manchester, New Hampshire area, e Thaddeus B. Piotrowski; 26Jan77; A822706.


The Linking pin model; the East Nashville child Advocacy Project. By Dana Moore 6 Warren Thompson. 91 p. Appl. au; Dede Wallace Center. Dede Wallace Center; 1Jttl76; A822707.


Individualized math skills; basic operations. By Mary E- Holt, Lyna A- Bergmann & Karen G. Bearne. 2 v. £ sheets. NM; revisions. O Beth Holt, Lynn Bergmann 6 Karen Hearne; 13Nov76 (in notice; 1975) ; A822708.


Approaches to Jewish education; a modern guide for principals, teachers, and students. By David Louis Schoem. 9 v. d David Louis Schoem: 11Jan77; A822709.


The Christmas doll. By Wendy aathis Parker. 15 p. O Wendy Mathis Parker: 15JU176; A822710.


Bronaugh, El Dorado Springs, Harwood,

ao, and others, February 1977.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.