Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/233

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A822797 — A822031
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Life and legends of the Borzoi. By Eileen northing, illustrated by Teri Bednarczyk. 126 p. e Donald B. Hoflin; 25Jan77; A822797.


Epitaph in a city churchyard. 1977. By John D. Shaver. 33 p. John D. Shaver; 19Jan77: A822798.


Printing in colonial Spanish Aaerica. By Hensley C. Hoodbridge £ Lawrence 5. Thoapson. 172 p. Hensley C. Uoodbridqe £ Lawrence S. Tboipson; 13No»76; 4822799.


Kek HuuyqeDS, SDUggler- By Bobert L. Fish. 151 p. Portions pre». pub. in 4r40sy £ others. NH: introd. £ con- pilatioQ. 6 The Mysterious Press; 31Jul7e: 4822800.


The iorld Almanac and book of facts. 1977. Editor: George E. Delury £ other editors. 976 p. 4ppl. au: Newspaper Enterprise Association. Inc. £ Kenneth L. Franklin. O Newspaper Enterprise Association. Inc.; 1 1 Not76 ; 4822801.


Huron county, OH, Bobinson's rural directory, 1976. Bobinson Directories, Inc.; 12JaD77; 4822802.


Drugs as teratogens. 4uthor: Janes L. Schardein. 291 p. 4ppl. au: CBC Press, Inc. CKC Press, Inc.; 31Dec76; 4822803.


Hydrogen properties. Author; Robert D. accarty, editors: Kenneth £. Cox fi K. D. Uillianson. 321 p. (Hydrogen: its technology and iapiications, vol. 3) Appl. au: CBC Press, Inc. O CBC Press, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notice; 1975); A822eOU.


The Bar register annual, 1977. Compiled by the Bar Begister Company, Inc. 1952 p. The Bar Begister Company, Inc.; 13Jan77: 4822805.


To be a good printer; our four commitments. By Gaylord Donnelley, compiled by B. G. Douuelley and Sons Company. 110 p. G H. B. Donnelley and Sons Company; 12Jan77; . 4822806.


Lawyers: Haryland ew York (to H. I.e. ) Compiled by Hartind -Hubbell. Inc. 109th annual ed. 1 (Hartindale- Bubbell law directa wol. 3) Inc. ; 10Jan77;


Lawyers: New York City — Pennsylvania, compiled by Hartindale-flubbell. Inc. 109th annual ed. 1 r. (Hartindale- Hubbell law directory, vol. H ) e Hartindale-Hubbell, Inc.; 19Jan77: 4822808.


Surgical forum. 7ol. 27. Editor: nary B. Gardner, compiled by 4nerican College of Surgeous. 608 p. Proceedings of the 32nd annual sessions of the Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems, 62nd Clinical Congress of the 4iBerican College of Surgeons, Chicago, Oct. 1976. 4merican College of Surgeons; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822809.


Journeys through philosophy, a cjassical rntroduction. Edited by Nicholas Capaldi £ Luis F. Savia, compiled by Prometheus Books. 471 p. e Prometheus Books; 10Jan77; 4822B10.


Singularity theory and an in trodrv^t ion to catastrophe theory. By Yung-Chen Lu. 199 p. (Uni versitext) 4dd. ti: Singularity theory/catastrophe theory. Springer-Werlag New Jork, Inc.; lltDec76; A822811.


Software engineering education; needs and objectives; proceedings of an interface workshop. edited by Anthony I. Uasserman £ Peter Freeman. 159 p. Proceedings of an Interface Workshop on Software Engineering Education: Needs and Objectives held at the University of California. Irvine, on Feb. 9, 1976. Springer-Verlaq New Jork, Inc.; 1ltOct76; A822812.


Differential equations and their applications: solution manual. By H. Braun. 1 v. (Applied mathematical sciences, 15) e Springer- Verlag New yotk. Inc.; 9Sep75 (in notice: 1976); A822813.


Solid-state laser engineering. fly Walter Koechnet. 620 p. (springer series in optical sciences, vol. 1) C Springer- Verlaq New York, Inc.; l7Dec76; A82281i(.


Books by Bob. Hultiple volumes in box. Bobby Lynn Haslen; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822815.


The Christian life is exciting. Correspondence course no. 1- Writer: Batreu Angel, editor: Bose Hamill. 1 v. Appl. au: Full Gospel Business dec's Peilowship International. © Full Gospel Business Hen*s Fellowship International; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822816.


trhe Planning and control workshop. 1 v. Q Schrello Associates, Inc.; 30Nov76; A822817.


Connell. aesa. Basin City. UA, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 6 Columbia Basin Telephone Companv; 15Nov7b; 4822818.


Eastman, Seneca, including Ferryville, HX. and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Company of tfiscon.;in; 1011OV76; A822819.


Brazil, Center Point, 111, 1976-77. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 3 General Telephone Company of Indiana, Inc.; 1Nov76; A822820.

A822821. L'Anse, including alphabetical listing: for Alston, Baraga, Tapiola, HI, Novembei 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Company of Hichigan; 5Nov76; 4822821.


Quitaque, Silverton, Turkey, Bean, TX, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. <d General Telephone Company of the Southwest; 1Nov;6; 4822822.


Comanche, Hastings, Loco, Temple, OK, November 1976. Complied by General Telephone Directory Company. 6 General Telephone Company of the Southwest; «Nov76; 4822823.


Carlisle, De Vails Bluff, Des Ace, AB, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. o General Telephone Company of the Southwest; aNov76; A82282II.


ainonk, Benson, La Eose, IL, anfi others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 6 General Telephone Company of Illinois; 1Nov76; A822825.


Chinook, Ilwaco. Long Beach. WA, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. © Ilwaco Telephone Company; 15Nov76; 4822826.


Stuttgart, Almyra, Humphrey, 4B, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Company of the Southwest; 4NOV76; 4822827.


Conway, includes listings for Aynor, East Conway, SC, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of the Southeast; 3NovV6; A822828.


Tuscola, Broadlands. Homer, IL, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of Illinois; 18NOV76; A822e29.


Tekoa, Fairfield, Farmington, WA, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of the Northwest, Inc.; 1UNov76; A822830.


Sullivan, Concord. Hebron, WI. and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company, e Sullivan Telephone Company; 11Nov76; A822831.


Greensburq, KY, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Company of Kentucky; 1NOV76; 4822832.


Bixby, OK, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Bixby Telephone Company; lNov76: A822833.


4del, Chemult, Chiloguin, OB, and others, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Beaver State Telephone Company: lNov76; 4822834.


Enqland, Coy, Humnoke, 4B, November 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of the Southwest; H>Nov7b, 4822835.


Bio Vista, C4, November 1976. Compiled

by General Telephone Directory Company.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.