Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/236

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A822918 — A822960
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A822917 (con.)

American Bniversitias Field Staff, Inc.; 19Dec75: Aa22917.


Hilltaty qovernuent in Chile. Pt. 2: the neu reqime. By Thomas G. Sanders. 12 p. (West coast south America series, vol. 22, no. 2) 6 American Hnirersities Field Staff, Inc.; 16Mar76 (in notice: 1975); A822918.


Haluku prospect- Pt- 2: spices, copra, saqo, and modernization. By Uillard A. Hannd. 12 p. (Southeast Asia series, vol. 23, no.. 4) C American Oniversities Field Staff, Inc.; 11Dec75; A822919-


Mexican uomen. By Thomas G. Sanders. 10 p. (North America series, vol. 3, no- 6) e American Oniversities Field Staff. Inc.; 8Dec75; A822920.


Ihe Opening- Pt- 14 : the Suez Canal- By John daterbury. 21 p. (Northeast Africa series, vol- 20, no- 5) £ American Oniversities Field Staff, Inc.; 9Dec75; A82292I.


Indo-Banqladesh relations- By Marcus F. Frauda. 11 p. (South Asia series, vol. 19, no. 16) a American Universities Field Staff, Inc.; 27Jan76 (in notice: 1975); A322922.


Of women, men, .-id families in India- By Marcus F- Franda. 11 p- (South Asia series, vol- 19, no- It) « American Universities Field Staff, Inc.; 22Dec75; A822923.


India's double emerqsncy democracy. Pt, 1: transformations. By aarcus F- Franda. 20 p. (South Asia series, vol. 19, no- 17) © American Universities Field Staff, Inc.; 23Feb76 (in notice: 1975); A822924.


The Banqladesh coup. By aarcus F. Franda. 15 p- (South Asia series, vol, 19, no, 15) Q American Oniversities Field Staff, Inc.; 13Jan76 (in notice: 1975); S822925.


Decompression in Brazil- By Thomas G. Sanders. 11 p. (East coast South America series, vol, 19^ no. 1) American Universities Field Staff , Inc.; 27Jan76 (in notice: 1975) ; Aa22926.


India's double emergency democracy, Pt- 2: reactions and adaptations. By Marcus F- Franda. 18 p- (South Asia series, vol. 19, no. 18) e American Oniversities Field Staff, Inc, ; 25Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; A822927,


India's double emergency democracy. Pt- 3: implications. By aarcus F. Franda- 19 p. (South Asia series, vol. 19, no. 19) 9 American Oniversities Field Staff, Inc. ; 1IIar76 (in notice: 1975) ; A822928-


Governments and commodities. By Jon McLin, 11 p. (tJest Europe series, vol, 10, no. 1) & American Universities Field Staff, Inc.; 23Feb76 (in notice: 1975); A822929..


Bilitarv government in Chile. Pt. 1: the coup. By Thomas G, Sanders. 9 p. (West coast South America series, vol. 22, no. 1) 6 American Oniversities field Staff, Inc.; 27Feb76 (in notice: 1975); A822930.


Haiuku prospect. Pt. 4: insular Banda. By Biliard A. Hanna. 11 p. (Southeast Asia series, vol- 23, no- 7) @ American Universities Field Staff, Inc-; 12Jan76 (in notice: 1975) ; A822931-


Postwac Thailand: Indochinese domino or Chinese checlter? By Brewster Grace- 13 p- (Southeast Asia series, vol- 23, no- 5) 8 American Oniversities Field Staff, Inc.; 12Jan76 (in notice: 1975); A822332.


Biochemical engineering — energy, renewable resources and new foods. Editors: S. M. Barnett, J. P- Clark 6 John a. Nystrom. 118 p. (AIChE symposium series, no. 158, vol- 72, 1976) & American Institute of Chemical Engineers; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A822933.


Pioneer people: a story of David, Kentucky. By Hary A. Pineau, illustrated by Jerry J. Tupy. 103 p, e Mary ». Pineau; 1Feb77; A822931.


Selection interview form, revised. Folder, Appl. au: Benjamin Balinsky. NM: additions. 6 Benjamin Balinsky; 2itJan77; A322935.


Confidential prices promotional and jobber price list, 1977. 15 p. 9 0. S. Divers Company; 27Jan77; Aa22936.


A New concept: the Calypso compensator. 1 p. 6 0, S. Divers Company; 23Nov76;



Jobber price list, 1977. 8 p. Add. ti: Commercial Diving, 1977 jpbber price list. 8 0. S. Divers Company; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822938.


Dealer price list, 1977, 8 p. Add. ti: Commercial Diving, 1977 dealer price list. ^ U, S. Divers company; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A822939.


Parts and accessories, 1977 catalog. 160 p. Accompanied by Van accessories by Stag. & Stag Trailer Supply, Inc. ; 9Aug76; 4822910,


The Chicago Nutrition publications list, 1977. Compiled by Carol S. Hanzek S Martha J. Lindgren, 136 p. Appl, au: Chicago Nutrition Association. 6 Chicago Nutrition Association; 19Jan77: A822911.


Star fire. By Isidore Friedman, 24 p, e Isidore Friedman; 1Feb77; Aa22942.


Chronic lung disease, "save your breath for tomorrow." Original content authors; Dorothy McDowell S Ann Galbraith, illus. by Ruth Cude. 1 v, Appl, au: Saint Lukes Hospital Medical Center. O Saint Lukes Hospital Medical Center; 15Aug75; A322913,


Ford C-6. No. 884-111. 2 p. fi 4amco Transmissions, Inc.; 5Jan77; A822941-


Ford dual range automatic C-6- No. 884-112, 2 p. O Aamco Transmissions, Inc.; 5Jan77; A822945.


Ford C-6. No. 88A-143. 2 p. 6 Aamco Transmissions, Inc.; 5Jan77; A822946-


Ford C-6- No, 88A-144, 2 p. © Aamco Transmissions, Inc-; 5Jan77; Aa22947-


Ford C-6. Bo- 884-115. 2 p- 9 Aamco Transmissions, Inc-; 5Jan77; 4822948.


Kollinski- 1 p- Appl- au: Michael Albert Collins- Prev- reg- A779995- NM: abridgment £ revisions. © Michael A. Collins; 25Jan77; A822949.


Revised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, February 2. 1977. 1 v. O Stationers Price Service Company; 2Feb77; A822950.


Vitamin E: in search of a disease. By William V. Applegate, SO p. Add- ti: Nero presents Vitamin E: in search of a disease- NM: additions £ revisions- © U- V- Applegate; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822951.


Instructions for love and money squares- By John Alan, pseud- of John 4- Towsley. 8 p- e John A- Towsley d.b-a- John Alan Enterprises; 31Jan77; A822952-


New instructions for love and money looms- By John Alan, pseud- of John A. Towsley. 1 p- NM: additions 6 revisions. 3 John A- Towsley d-b.a. John Alan Enterprises; 31Dec76; A822953.


Spanish quick: 500 teacher expressions in Spanish. By Amy Marie Bazadier. 19 p. 8 Amy Marie Bazadier; 1Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A822951.


The Establishment of minority owned businesses through cooperation of the Minority Businessmen's Council of Saginaw, Michigan and the Economic Development Group of Saginaw, Michigan. 1 v.

9 Valley Sales, Inc; 28Dec76; A822955,


4 Journey to ave. By Leanne Sarkisian. 8 p. © Leanne Sarkisian; 1Peb77; 4822956.


Utility management training course, April 25-May 12 and June 6-23, 1977. Folder. 3 Stone and Kebster Management Consultants, Inc.; 2Feb77j A822957-


Furchase contract and receipt; commercial contract. 1 p- O All-State School of Beai Estate^ Inc- ; 25Jan77; 4822958-


Mass programmer, model number 091-3- 2 p- " O Extranudear Laboratories, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4822959.


Valuation quarterly, January 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Frank C. Swift. 6 Marshall and Swift Publication Company;

11Jan77; 4822960.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.