Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/245

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A823272 — A823316
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A823271 (con.)

instructions By stirley Augustine. 6 p. Sbicler Auqustine: 70ec76: A823271.


"PollyaDna" (165.10) Pattern £ iustructious by Shirley Auqustine. 6 p. Shirley iuqustiue; 7Dec76; A823272.


"Betsy" (165.10 qooglie) Pattern £ instructions hy Shirley Auqustine. 5 p. Shirley Auqustine; 7Dec76; A823273.


"Boxanne" (Bru 9) Pattern £ inst- ructions by Shirley Auqustine. 6 p. e Shirley Auqustine; 7Dec76; A82327t.


"Shirley" (16") Pattern £ instructions by Shirley Auqustine. 7 p. G Shirley Auqustine: 7Dec76; A823275.

A8232 76.

"Baby Julie" (PH 91it) Pattern £ instructions by Shirley Auqustine. 6 p. e Shirley Auqustine; 7Dec76; A823276.


So great a love. By Lillian Poster Perpall. 21 p. O Lillian Foster Perpall : 28Jan77; A823277.


Flute over Walden: Thoreauhaiku. By Sayuond Boseliep. a9 p. Portions prev. pub. in Arts in society £ others. NH: compilation, revision £ additions. e Felix SteCanile S Selna Steianile; 1Nav76; A823278.

A823279. The Phonics zoo; primary. written by Harie Sue Parsons, illustrated by Beverly Arastconq. 47 p. Appl. au: Linda Schwartz, eapioyer for hire. © The Learning Works; 28Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823279.


The Control of violence. Prepared by Sue Marcotte, Gloria Cederberq, Terry Kaylor, Hary Moriarty, Lorraine Nelson, Iherese O'fallon £ Dick Studer. 31 p. Appl. au: Golden Valley Health center. e Golden Valley Health Center; i(Feb77; A823280.


Hedic systea: aedical inforaation control systea; demonstrations manual. Prepared by Hicro-Technology, Inc. 2<4 p. e Micro-Iechnoloqy, Inc.; 1Mov76; A823281.


Hedic systea: aedical inforoation control systea; training manual. Prepared by aicro-Technoloqy, Inc. 57 p. O Micro-Technology, Inc.; 150ct76; A823282.


Accounts payable system; operator's manual. Prepared by Micro-Technology, Inc. 1 V. Micro-Technology, Inc.; 1Sep76: A823283.


Accounts payable systea; general information aanual. Prepared by Micro-Technology, Inc. 1 v. O Micro- lechpoloqy. Inc.; 1Sep75; A82328K.

A 8232 85.

General ledger system; general information manual. Prepared by Micro-Technoloqy, Inc. 1 v. Micro- Iechnoloqy, Inc.; 151IOV76; A823285.


manual. Prepared by Micro-Technology, Inc. 1 V. Q Micro-Technology, Inc.; 15NOV76; A823286.


Operating system utilities; operations manual. Prepared by Micro-Technology, Inc. 47 p. Q MicEO-Technology, Inc.; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976) ; A8232a7.


Medic system: aedical inforaation control system; general rnformation manual. Prepared by Micro-Technology, Inc. 31 p. Micro-Technology, Inc.; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976); A82328B.


Medic system: medical information contrul system; users manual. Prepared by Micro-Technology, Inc. 1 v. Add. ti: Medic systea: operations manual.

Micro-Technology, Inc.; 1Dec75: A823289.


ESISA plan and EBISA trust, April 1976.

1 V. Scriveners, Inc.; 15Apr76; A823290.


Jeffaaine ua-1700; advance technical data. 2 p. C Jefferson Cheaical Company, Inc.; 1Feb77; A823291.


Jeffamine DU-iOOO; advance technical data. 3 p. O Jefferson Cheaical Coapany, Inc.; IFeb77; A823292.


Jeffaaine BuD-2000; advance technical data. 5 p. d Jefferson Chemical Coapany, Inc.; lFeb77; A823293.


Thancat DD catalyst. 7 p. (Jefferson urethane chemicals technical bulletin) Jefferson Chemical Coapany, Inc. ; 1Feb77; A82329lt.


Jeffamine DD-700; advance technical data. 2 p. Q Jefferson Cheaical Coapany, Inc.: 1Feb77; A823295.


bhy do you need a will? 2 p. Appl. au: David F. Uest. O David P. uest d.b.a. Circle Financial Services; 2rjan77 (in notice: 1976); A823296.


ilhy do you need a will? 1 p. Appl. au: David F. Best. O David F. Best d.b.a. Circle Financial Services; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823297.


Bhy do you need a vill? 1 p. Appl. au: David F. Vest. e David F. West d.b.a. Circle Financial Services; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823298.


Average probate and administration costs. 1 p. Appl. au: David F. Best. O David F. Best d.b.a. Circle Financial Services; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823299.


Physician's office manageaent reference book. Prepared by American Academy of Faaily Physicians. 185 p. O American Academy of Family Physicians; 21Jan77; A823300.

A82330 1.

Parts preparation. Manual 9505X. 7 p. Appl. aa: Larry Beich. e Bell and Boiiell Schools, Inc.; 24Jan77; Aa23301.


Electronics 2H. Manual 9505 IG. 1 v. Add. ti: Instructor's guide for Fun- damental electronics 2. Appl. au: Larry Eeicb. e Bell and Hoaell Schools, Inc.; 2»Jan77; A823302.


Fundamental electronics 2. Manual 9505. 1 V. Appl. au: George B. Dean. O Bell and Bovell Schools, Inc.; 2'tJan77; A823303.


The Physics o£ cancer. By Donald T. Schiff. 1(8 p. e Donald T. Schiff; tFeb77; A82330lt.


La Prueba de analisis auditivo. Progress report no. 3, By Janes A. Morrison. 1 v. A paper presented at the 3rd annual California Bilingual Bducation Conference, San Francisco, California, Jan. 20. 1977; English C Spanish. MM: revisions £ additions. Q Jaaes A. Morrison; 20Jan77; A823305.


Voltage relays, model number BE1-27, BE1-59 and BE1-27/59, part number 9 1085 00; instruction aanual, January 10, 1977. 12 p. C Easier Electric Company: 2Feb77; A823306.


Your personal income tax record book. 1 V. Appl. au: David B. Hoffman. HM: revisions £ additions. i> David 6. Hoffman: 'IFeb77: A823307.


Hacrame Dy Symbols: Jute King 1977 catalogue. Folder. Jute Kin], Inc.; 29Jan77: A823308.


Competitive analysis: attached single family, January 1977. sheets. O Home Data Corporation; 31Jan77; A823309.


UeH laws affecting consumer product marketing. 10 p. 6 Oeere and Coapany: 18Jan77; A823310.


The Times of your life theme. 1 v. Add. ti: Complete speech set for "Times of your life," Appl. au: George F. Bezoni, Carl A. Carlson £ J. B. Ceilings. 6 National Supply Company; 28j3n77; A823311.


The Procureaent and administration of blood and blood fractions. 24 p. Appl. au: Katherine M. Morton. Katherine M. Morton; 1Feb77; A8233 12.


Public interest questionnaire. Folder. Appl. au: Paul B. Good. O Paul B. Good; 7Peb77; A8 23313.


Misty flowers. By Lidia Smith. 14 p. O Lidia Smith: 25Jan77; A823314.


Gaylord systems, supplies, equipment and publications for today's libraries, 1977-78 catalog. 144 p. Add. ti: Gaylord Brothers, Inc. 1977-78 catalog: library systems, supplies, equipment and publications. © Gaylord Brothers, Inc.; 250ct76; A823315.


Oaniufflgathum; an anthology of verse by top authors in the field of fantasy. Edited by Jonathan Bacon £ Steve

Troyanovich. 64 p. Appl. au: Tevis Clyde


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.