Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/25

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A814355 — A815389
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A814354 (con.)

Haqoer, associate editor: Katherine C. Davison. Sheets £ p. 12011-12181. 4ppl. au: aatthen Bender and Coupany, Inc., employer for hire. C HattheH Bender and Company, Inc.; 30Dec76; 48 11351.


Federal taxation of insured pensions. Dec, 1976 suppl. £ revision, release no- 7. By Gerhard 4. Hunch, revisions £ additions since 1972 by Thaiter P. Spencer fi Paul H. iiallcer. Folder, 12 p. £ sheets. 4ppl. au: Hatthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. 3 Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 13Dec76; 4811355.


Hen York criminal practice; index £ tables volume. Nov. 1976 revision, release no. 1. Prepared by Lucille Boorstein. Sheets. 4ppl. au: Hatthew Bender and company. Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Hatthev Bender and company. Inc.; 22Dec76; 4811356.


Bender's Oniform commercial code service reporter-digest. Vol. 6 et seq. Dec. 1976 suppl. £ revision, release no. 10. By Billiam F. Willier £ Frederick 11. Hart, with the assistance of students at Boston Colieqe ta» School. 7 v. £ sheets. 4ppl. au: natthea Bender and Coapany, Inc.. employer for hire. tlattheii Bender and Company, Inc.; 17Dec76: 48 11357.


Treatise on environmental la«. Vol. 3 £ Dec. 1976 revision to vol. 2 (chap. 10) release no. 2. By Frank p. Grad. 1 v. £ sheets. 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.. employer for hire, e aatthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 22Dec76: 4811358.


Bender's Florida forms-pleadings. Vol. 1-12, Nov. 1976 suppl., release no. 6 £ supplemental index, by Bichard U. U. Haloy £ Wilbur S. acDuff. Huitiple volumes £ folder. 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. 13 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 10Dec76: 4811J59.


Business corporation law, by Isidore Kantrowitz 6 Sol slutsky. Vol. 1-5, Dec. 1976 revision, release no. 10, by assistant editor-in-chief: John P. O'Brien, managing editor: Gerald R. 41di £ editor: Lawrence G. Marshall. Sheets £ 1 v. (uhite on New lark corporations, thirteenth edition) 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. Mattnew Bender and Company, Inc.; 10Dec76; 4811360.


eabkin and Johnson, Federal income, gift, and estate taxation; desk ed. Dec. 1976 revision, release no. 5, by 41an Priqal. sheets £ folder. 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. 6 Matthew Bender and Compaiiy, Inc.; 9Dec76; 4811361.


4ntitrust laws and trade regulation. Dec. 1976, current service suppl.. release no. 18, by Julian 0. Von Kalinowski, assisted by 4nne Kolbe. Consolidated table of cases £ index. Multiple volumes. (Business organizations, vol. 16-16N) 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. (3 Matthew Bender and Company. Inc.; 17Dec76; 4811362.


New York civil practice, by James Zett, Michael £. Edmonds E Stanley 41ex Schwartz. Vol. 11-11B: matrimonial actions, Dec. 1976 revision, release no. 5, by Martin Kaufman. Dec. 1976 suppl. by Martin Kaufman, Marissa Buttrey, Jean R. Goldman £ Naomi M. uerne; supplemental table of cases £ index. 6 v., sheets £ folder. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4811363.


Government contracts: cyclopedic guide to law, administration, procedure. Vol. 7, 197b, release no. Ill fi 112. By John Cosgrove McBride £ Isidore a. Kachtel; McBride and Hachtel government contracts commentator, by John Cosgrove McBride. 1 V. £ sheets. 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Company. Inc.. employer for hire. @ Matthew Bender and company. Inc.; 11Dec76; 48 11364.


Collier bankruptcy cases. Vol. 10. Edited by Irwin Hall £ others. Current material highlights for Collier bankruptcy cases. Vol. 10. Release no. 1, Dec. 1976. Sheets (312 p. I £ 17 p. 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. @ Matthew Bender and company. Inc.; 20Dec76; 4811365.


Haior tax planning, 1918-1976; cumulative index volumes. 1976 revision, release no. 5. 1 v. (Proceedings of the Tax Institute, University of Southern Calitornia School of Law, vol. 1) O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4811366.


Illinois law: Illinois law locator. Vol. 1-10. 1976 cumulative suppl. for use Dec. 1976-Dec. 1977. Prepared by Shepard's Citations, Inc. editorial staff. 4dd. ti: shepard's Illinois law locator, 1976 cumulative supplement. O shepard's Citations, Inc.; 28Dec76; 48 11367.


Shepard's New Jersey citations; cases £ statutes, advance sheet ed. Vol. 11, no. 2, Dec. 1976. 26 p. S Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4811368.


Shepard's Federal labor law citations; cases, statutes £ cross references, advance sheet. Vol. 18, no. 2, Dec. 1976. 51 p. Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4811369.


Shepard's Texas citations; cases £ statutes, advance sheet ed. vol. 28, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 27 p. Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4811370.


Shepard's 4rizona citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 59, no. 2, Dec. 1976. 170 p. O Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4811371.


Shepard's New Hampshire citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 61, no. I, Dec. 1976. 271 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 12Dec76; 4811372.


Shepard's Ohio citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 68, no. 1.. Dec. 1976. 306 p. O Shepard's Citations. Inc.; 21Dec76; 481137 3.


Shepard's Utah citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 62. no. 1., Dec. 1976. 228 p. O Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4811371.


Shepard's New york miscellaneous citations. Vol. 60, no. 1, Dec. 1976. 171 p. Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 11Dec76; 4811375.


Shepard's Connecticut citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 70, no. 1, Dec. 1976. 222 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4811376.


Shepard's Arkansas citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 62. no. 3, Dec. 1976. 125 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec7b; 4811377.


Shepard's Law review citations; a compilation of citations to law reviews £ legal periodicals. Vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 160 p. 6 Shepard's Citations. Inc.; 21Dec/6; 4811378.


Preservation of man-made resources. By Coy Layne Ballard. Microfilm. C Coy Layne Ballard; lbDec76; 4811379.


The Observer's perspective in the simulation of self-perception. By Kenneth Dale Finstuen. Microfilm. 6 Kenneth Dale Finstuen; 15Dec76; 4811J80.


Late Wisconsinan lobate deposition of the Harbor Hill Moraine in northeastern Long Island, New York. By Harold E. Corley. Microfilm. Harold E. Cotley; 15Dec76; 4811381.


4 Descriptive comparison of value system analysis and the personal orientation inventory. By George Baylon Scoggin. Microfilm. & George Baylon Scoggln; 15Dec76; 4811382.


Relationship of certain fungi to 4zotobacter in nitrogen-free media. By Manfred G. Bay. Microfilm. « Manfred G. Ray; 15Dec76; 4811383.


A Comparison of Yuma and Keres. By James Delmer Sorensen. Microfilm. e James Delmer Sorensen; 150ec76. 4811381.


The Effects of change on television news: a comparison of the 10:00 p.m. news of the Dallas-Fort Worth network affiliates. By John Henry Sparks. 1th. Microfilm. e John Henry Sparks, 1th; 15Dec76; 4811385.


Congressional counteraction in foreign policy: constructive or counterproductive? By Howard Taylor Pittman. Microfilm. 6 Howard Taylor Pittman; 15aec76; 4811386.


Irrationalism in the philosophies of Heidegger and Wittgenstein; a comparative study. By Sameer Stephen Hilmy. Microfilm. Sameer Stephen Hilmy; 15Dec76; 4811387.


Anthropology aiid development: new direction and skills for the seventies. By 4nthony Joseph Di Bella. Microfilm. O 4nthony Joseph Di Bella; 15Dec76; 4811388.


A Study of art education beliefs of


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