Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/250

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A823400 — A823519
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A823l479 (con.)

Jr. 24 p. Q Uackett Publijshing Company, Inc.; 1Feb77; A823479.


Governmeat in Arkansas — '76. Prepared bv the League of Women Voters of Arkansas, illustrator: Helen Leflar. 72 p. Appi. au; Harqaret C. Anderson. © League of Uomen Voters of Arkansas; 30Nav76: A823480.


Empowering Christians for action; 12 study sessions for Parish volunteer in-service training. Prepared for the Parish Ministries Commission, General Board, Church of the Brethren, by George Kreps. 47 p. Appl. au: The Brethren Press, employer for hire. © The Brethren Press: 27Jan77; A823481.


How to make beer at home. Folder. Appl. au: Arnold J. Barras. @ Arnold J. Barras; 2Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ;



Beady t eference sheets. 1 v. editoria] revision & additions, e contine ntdl Illinois Corporatio 29 Dec 76: A823483.


YHCh yearbook and official roster. 1976. Vol. 1 6 2. Editor: Earle E. Buckley. e National Board of Young Hen's Christian Associations; 151lov76: A823434.


Introducing the 1978 calendar from TBB: the uilestone cars; a selection of 12 post-tfar classics from the Milestone car collection. Folder, e TBH, Inc.; 25Jan77: A823485.

A8234 86.

An Auto-rewind system. By Gary Kcohe. 2 V. 8 Gary Krohe; 31Jan77: A823486.


Hhat every woman should know before she gets married. By Georqe H. Uhittenberg. 176 p. e George H. ghittenbergi 20Jaa77; A823«87.


Use and misuse of drugs and chemicals; Pharmacy 231, outline. By dichael B. Cramer, Thomas L. Lemke, David £. Clarke & Joseph P. Buckley. 160 p. 6 Oniversity of Houston; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823488.


Comparative digest of credit union acts; a comparative study of the credit union statutes o£ the several states, the Onited States 6 Puerto £ico. Compiled by CUKA, Governmental Affairs Division, editor: Bobert H. Davis. 1977 ed. 114 p. Appl. au: Credit Dnion National Association^ Inc. O Credit Onion National Association, Inc.; 24Jan77; A823489.


The Allocation of rights and obligations in condominium regimes: guidelines for the drafters of condominiun statutes. 100 p. 6 Federal Home Loan IJortgage Corporation; 27Dec76; A823490.


Bartinsville, VA and others, e Central Telephone Company of Virginia; 14Jan77; A823491.


The Haxwell approach. 1 p. Appl. au: Bruce B. Hardy 6 Gary a. Smith. 6 Maxwell Home Furnishings, Inc.; 12Jan77; Aa23492.


California oil field: annual production data, 1946-1975 (inclusive) 154 fields. By Hilliam B. uardner. 1 v. NB: updating S additions. 6 Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers; 4Feb77; A823493.


flaking music. Text by Eloise Franco, m Johan Franco, illus. by David Stevens. 76 p. e Johan & Eloise Franco; 14Nov76; A823494.

A3 23495.

Man's search for truth. Vol- 1. By George W. Gillette, illus. by George N. Gillette, edited by Gerry Gillette. d George i. Gillette; 7Dec76; A82349S.


Contemporary physical science expe- riments. By F. S. Sadek & L. P. Thompson. IV. e F. S. Sadek £ L. P. Thompson: 19Jan77; A823496.


General biology in the laboratory. By Patricia H. Johnson. 155 p. 6 I. H. Johnson; 2»Jan77; A823497.


Master Silburn Burchette's Meditating with music instructions. 1 v. Add. ti: Meditating with music instructions and record catalog, @ Burchette Brothers; 1Dec75; A82349a.


The Venture Associates program. 1 v. S Venture Associates; 4Feb77; A823499.


Gahan Wilson Sunday comics. Vol. 4, no. 1. e Gahan Wilson; 2Jan77; A823500.


Inspection report, city of Lufkin: 1,000,000 gallon storage reservoir at water plant. Prepared by Don S. Eeichle, 1 V. e Don S. Beichle; 26Jan77; A823S01,


Contract documents for repairs and painting of the city of Lufkin 's water storage reservoir. Prepared by Don S. Beichle. 1 v. Add. ti: Contract documents: repairs and painting of one ground water storage reservoir, Lufkin, Texas. C Don S. Beichle; 26Jan77: AB23502.

&82350 3.

Aladdin readi-cut houses. 63 p. Add. ti: Aladdin readi-cut homes; Aladdin's new home, 1906-1977. MM: additions. O The Aladdin Company; 2SJan77; A823503.


All too often late (a collection) By Jeanne Laing. 86 p. O Jeanne Laing; 180ct76; A823504.


Bruning model 97 microfiche reader; operator instruction manual. 8 p. @ Addressograph Multigraph Corporation; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A823505.

A82350 6.

Shopping with children; advice for parents. By Brandon F. Greene, Hewitt B. Clark & Todd B. Sisley. 59 p. 3 Brandon F. Greene, Hewitt B. Clark 6 Todd B. Eisl'ey; 24Jan77; A823506,


Boy Halter's Accent Auto Air, Sac- ramento, California: instructions for using head-lock stand. 1 p. £ Boy Salter d, b,a. Boy Walter's Accent Auto Air (in notice: Boy Baiter); 27Jan77; A823S07.


Quantitative analysis of Elvanol polyvinyl alcohol; a report from Du Pont. 9 p. e £. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 1 9Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823508.'


Charleston, West Virginia and the Kanawha Valley from A to Z, 1977. Folder. e Advertising, Inc. £ Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce and Development; 22Dec76; 4823509.


Charleston, West Virginia and the great Kanawha Valley, Photos.: Earl Benton, Tom Evans, Carl Kadou, Harold Lambert t; Hilliam Lutman. 1 v. Appl. au: Advertising, Inc. & Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce and Development. 3 Advertising, Inc. & Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce and Development; 22Dec76; A823510.


Beyond civil rights: the right to economic security. Edited by Michael B. Wise. 150 p. Appl. au: Center for Civil Bights, University of Notre Dame Du Lac. Portions prev. pub. in Notre Dame lawyer, 1975 6 The Public interest, no. 40, summer 1975, e Center for civil Eights, the Oniversity of Notre Dame Du Lac; 29Nov76; A823511,


International human rights: a bib- liography, 1970-1976, compiler S editor: William Miller. 118 p. Appl. au: center for civil Bights, Oniversity of Notre Dame Du Lac, IB Center for Civil Eights, the Oniversity of Notre Dame Du Lac; ISAug/o; A823512.


Faxon 1977 librarians* guide to periodicals, annuals, continuations, GPO publications, monographic series, newspapers, proceeaings, serials, transactions, and yearbooks. 302 p. Appl. au: Beverly D. Heinle. F. B. Faxon Company, Inc.; 28Jan77; A823513.


A Coding system for identification of ancestors and other relatives. 5 p. Add. ti: A Coding scheme for identification of ancestors and other relatives. Appl. au: Ottwill I. Benson. 6 Ottwill I. Benson; 27Jan77; A823514.


M and K Diving and Marine Salvage Corporation. Folder (3 p.) 6 H and K Diving and Marine Salvage Corporation; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A823515.


Handbook for teaching in a Liberal- /Reform Jewish kindergarten. By Ruth Nadine Sternfeld. 193 p. @ Euth Stefnfeld; 14Jan77; AB23S16.


The Jazz/rock guitar fingering handbook. By Christopher Hughes Wilson. 177 p. S insert, © Christopher H, Wilson; 4Feb77; A823517.


God reshaping our ways; workshop in developing disciples- No. 2. By Lyle B. Pointer. 23 p- Add. ti: GEOB: God reshaping our ways. © Lyle B. Pointer; 27Dec76; A823518.


Jersey City, Bayonne, Hobokeu telephone directory, January 1977 and Bayonne, Jersey city. Black Tom and others yellow pages classified telephone directory,

January 1977. 6 New Jersey Bell Telephone


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.