Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/259

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A823830 — A823869
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A823829 (con.)

CorrespondeDce Schools. 93 p. Intext, Inc.; 25.1jr76; A823829.


Instrunental laboratory analysis. Pt. 2, 6588B-1. By Bichard C. Baccas, issued by International Correspondence Schools Center for Oecjree Studies. £d. 2. 56 p. Intext, Inc.; 74pr76; A823830.


Material and energy balances, 5018. By John J. Evanqelista, issued by Inter- national Correspondence Schools Center for Deqree Studies. 102 p. Intext, Inc.; 270ct76; A823831.


ioodnorking tools, 2180. By David T. Jones« issued by International Corres- pondence Schools. 72 p. O Intext, Inc.; 22Sep76; 4823832.


Exterior lighting practice, 5513-8. By C. E. Weitz, revised by «. S. Greennood, issued by International Correspondence Schools. Ed. <t. IQit p. e Intext, Inc.; 16Sep76: 4823833.


Sheet aetal work, 2176. By nark E. Uouchell, rssued by International Correspondence Schools. 69 p. Intext, Inc.; 174liq76; 4823834.


4utoDobile electronic ignition systeos. Serial 3611. By Janes N. Horiarty, issued by International correspondence schools. 7i| p. Intext, Inc.; 251lar76; 4823835.


InstruBentai laboratory analysis. Pt. 4. 65S8D-1. By Richard C. Barras, issued by International Correspondence Schools Center for Degree studies. Ed. 2. 56 p. Intext, Inc.; 74pr76; 4823836.


Horking safely vith electricity, 4400-2. By Boland E. Paloquist* issued by International Correspondence Schools. Ed. 3. 61 p. Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823837.


Engineering materials. Pt. 3, 2536C. By Henry fi. Clauser, issued by Inter- national Correspondence Schools Center for Deqree Studies. 80 p. e Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4823 838.


Eaqineerinq materials. Pt. 2, 2536B. By Henry a. Clauser, issued by Inter- national Correspondence Schools Center for Deqree Studies. 82 p. Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823839.


Eoqineerinq aaterials. Pt. 1, 25364. By Beary R- Clauser, issued by Inter- national Correspondence Schools Center for Deqree studies. B2 p. O Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4823840.


Fundamentals of food; student assiqnnent booklet* 57754-E. Issued by International Correspondence Schools. 52 p. 4ppl. au: E. Scannell. Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4823841.


4utoBobile automatic transmissions* 3617. By Janes N. Horiarty, issued by International correspondence Schools, 83 p. O Intext. Inc.; 3Jan77: 4823842. 3616. By James N. Horiarty, issued by International Correspondence Schools. 86 p. ^ Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823843.


4utoaobile clutches and universal joints, 36 15. By James V. Boriarty, issued by International Correspondence Schools. 72 p. Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823844.


Gettinq started as an electrician, 4410. 3y 4rt Hdrgolis, issued by International Correspondence Schools. 62 p. Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823845.


Highway draioaqe, 5374. By Arthur C. Miller, issued by International Cor- respondence Schools Center for Degree Studies. 74 p. O Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823846.


Hiqbway location and design. Pt. 3, 5353C. By James I. Taylor 6 Harold T. Thompson, issued by International Correspondence Schools Center for Degree Studies. 69 p. S Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823847.


Hiqhway location and design. Pt. 2, 5353B. By James 1. Taylor 6 Harold T. Thompson, issued by International Correspondence Schools Center for Degree Studies. 67 p. Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823848.


Highway location and design. Pt. 1, 53534. By James I. Taylor £ Harold I. Thompson, issued by International Correspondence Schools Center for Degree Studies. 70 p. O Intext, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823849.


Size separation, 6106-3. By Harry J. Kamack, revised by U. F. Porter, issued by International Correspondence Schools Center for Degree Studies. Ed. 3. 102 p. O Intext, Inc.: 2Feb76; 4823850.


Love dreams. Edited by Betsy Byan. 143 p. 4ppl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. BM: compilation. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; 4823851.


More animaloqic. By Ed Hofziqer. 96 p. MM: compilation. O Los 4ngeles Times Syndicate; 17Jan77; 4823852.


Basketball's fastest hands: little men who make biq plays. By Lou Sahadi. 92 p. NH: text 6 compilation of photos. O Lou Sahadi; 17Jan77; 4823853.


The Littles and the Trash Tinies. By John Peterson, pictures by fioberta Carter Clark. 60 p. on text; John Peterson; 17Jan77; 4823854.

A823 855.

The Littles and the Trash Tinies. By John Peterson, pictures by Boberta Carter Clark. 80 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. on illus. ; Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; Ae23855.


4ction: The Strange notion and other stories. Editor: Dolly Hasinbiller. 127 p. 4ppl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. Portions prev. pub. in Story magazine G others. MM: compilation. C Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A8238S6.


The Bed, white and blue soiigbook: patriotic and brotherhood songs for the elementary grades. Compiled by Grace Mccalley, Clare Gault E Frank Gault. 48 p. »M: compilation £ additional text. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; 4823857.


The Big orange splot. By Daniel nanus Pinkwater. 30 p. O Daniel nanus Pink water; 17Jan77; 4823858.


Scholastic 4aericaD literature program; how we live. Editor: Michael Spring C others. 224 p. Appl. au: Scholastic nagazines. Inc. MM: compilation. Q Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; 4823859.


Action. Unit book 2. Editors: Dolly Hasinbiller 6 Mel Cebuiash. 95 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. NM: compilation 6 additions. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A823860.


Action. Unit book 3. Editors; Dolly Hasinbiller £ Mel cebuiash. 128 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. NM: compilation £ additions. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc. ; 17Jan77; A023061.


Scholastic American literature program: where we live- Editor; Michael Spring £ others. 222 p. 4ppl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. MM: compilation. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; 4823862.


The Presidency* Congress and the Supreme Court; teaching guide. By Steven Jantzen. 64 p. (Scholastic American citizenship program) 'Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A823863.


Scholastic 4Becican literature program: what we believe. Editor: Michael Spring C others. 224 p. 4ppl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. NM: compilation, e Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; 4623864.


Action. Unit book 1. Editors: Dolly Hasinbiller £ Mel Cebuiash. 63 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. NM: compilation £ additions. Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A823865.


Action chances/skills book. By Faith Sullivan. 63 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77. A823866.


Scholastic American literature program: who we are. Editor: Michael Spring £ others. 223 p. Appl. au : Scholastic Magazines, Inc. NM: compilation. O scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A823867.


How to use the card catalog; or The Case of the missing clue; teaching guide. Poster. 4ppl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. O Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; t5Dec76; 4 823868.


Famous ships of American history. By M. B. fiegam, illustrated by Michael Heber. 1

V. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.