Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/261

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A823907 — A823950
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A823906 (con.)

Lee BroHDiog. 311 p. NH: additioDal text. Nona Lee BroUDing e Srdcey Omarr; lUJaoV'/; A823906.


The Hearthstone o£ my heart. By Elizabeth Bocton De Trevino, iatrod. by Harqaret Cousins. 225 p. C Elizabeth Borton De Tcevino; 28Jan77; »823907.


The Average fflan fights back. By David Bapqood in collabocation with Bichacd H. Hall. 280 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Uashicgton monthly. »n: additional text. C David Hapgood; 28Jan77: A823908.


They rose above it: true stories about aen, women and children who fought back in the face of pain, doubt and dismay. By Bobert Bernard Considine. 1 1 1 p. HD: additional text. Millie Considine as executriji of the E.state of Robert considine: 28Jan77: A823909.


Days and nights in Calcutta. By Clark Blaise 6 Bharati Rukherjee. 300 p. O Clark Blaise i Bharati Hukherjee; 28Jan77: A823910.


The Complete beginner's guide to making and flying kites. By Edward F. Dolan, Jr.. illustrated by John Lane. 151 p. O Edward f. Dolan, Jr.; 1<IJan77: 4823911.


Cultivating carnivorous plants. By Allan A. Svenson. 160 p. KB: text e additional illus. Allan A. Swensoni 1IUan77: A823912.

A8239I3 . 1900, the generation before the Great Bar. By Edward fi. Tannenbaum. 463 p. NH: text. O Edward B. Tannenbaum: 111Jan77; A823913.

A8239 114.

ars. Spratt*s Buffet cookbook. By Genevieve Spratt HcDaniel. 228 p. Genevieve Spratt McDaniel; 5Jan77; A8239 1(|.

A 8239 15.

Selected poetry. By Frances Tauer. 72 p. Frances Tauer: <Uan77: A823915.


A Eeliable source. By Bobert Elveraan. 181* p. Bobert Elvermau; 5Jau77: A823916.


Poems for growing up: a sociological approach. By Hillie Bosson, pseud, of Dorothy Castagna. 35 p. O Hillie Bosson (pseud, for Dorothy Castagna); 31Dec76; A823917.

18239 18.

Crazy Pete. By Dan Gillis. 63 p. Dan Gillis: 6Jan77: 1823918.


The pig-tailtHister; as related to the author by carl Oorski. A novel by Anthony Bense. 216 p. C Anthony Benne; 5Jan77: A823919.

18239 20.

The World and Uarren's cartoons. By walter Consuelo Langsam. 302 p. NH: text & compilation. Baiter Consuelo Langsam: 17Jan77: A823920.


The Evolution of mattera: a romance in natural philosophy. By Jamshed Oinshah

Kapadia. 297 p. e Jamshed Cinscal, Kapadia: 2ejul76; A823921.


Symmetric generalized topological structures. By C. J. aozzochi, 11. S. Gagrat 6 s. A. Naimpaily. 11 p. e C. J. Hozzochi. H. S. Gagrat £ S. A. Naimpally; 16JU176; A823922.


Breeds of men: toward the adulthood of humankind. By J. Samuel Bois, foreword by Rilliam J. Uilliams. 17it p. Ippl. states all new except portion prev. pub. in flan and his world b in Breeds of men: post-Kor zybskian general semantics. 6 J. Samuel Bois: 26Aug70 (in notice; 1969) : 1823923.


The Vanishing white man. By Stanley Steiner, drawings by Haria Garza. 309 p. Ippi. states all new except portions prev. pub. in natural history £ others. O Stan Steiner; 1Sep7o; A823924.


Blues of the sky; interpreted fro#i the original Hebrew Book of psalns. By David fiosenberg. 53 p. Portions prev. appeared in Scne psalms £ others. NH: compilation fi editorial revision. David Boseaberg; 153ep76: 1823925.


Endocrinology of pregnancy. Edited by Fritz Fuchs £ Arnold Klopper. 2na ed. 387 p. C Harper and Eow, Publishers. Inc.: 3Jan77; A823926.


Lifeboat ethics: the moral dilemmas of world hunger. Edited by George fi. Lucas. Jr. fi Thomas U. Ogletree. 162 p- Prev- pub. in Soundings, spring 1976 £ summer 1976. SH: compilation £ additional text. Vanderbilt University fi the Society for Values in Higher Education; 200ct76: A823927.


Climbing into the roots. By Beg Saner. 80 p. Some poems first appeared in The Carleton miscellany fi others. NH: compilation £ additional text. C fieg Saner; 1i|Jan76: A823928.


Perinatal medicine. By Hugh £. Evans fi Leonard Glass with illus. by Ingram Ckodorow. 604 p. O Harper and Bow. Publishers. Inc.; 25Ilar76: 1823929. (See also Perinatal medicine; 25Har76: 1744905)


Electrod iagnosis; a handbook for neurologists. By Hario P. Smorto £ John ?. - 6asaa jian. 163 p. Harper and Bow. Publishers. Inc.; 3Jan77: 1823930.


Firefighting strategy and leadership. By Charles T. talsh £ Leonard G. Barks. 2ad ed. 373 p. HcGraw-Hill. Inc.; 3Jau77: A823931.


Grounds maintenance handbook. By Herbert S. Conover. 3rd ed. 631 p. e BcGraw-Hili. Inc.; 3Jan77; A823932.


Sociological theory: its development and major paradigms. By Graham Charles Kinloch. 319 p. acGraw-Uill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823933.


Clean air. By Beulah Tannenbaun £ Hyri stxllman. illustrated by Harta cone. 64

1823935 .

How ti farm your backyard the mulch- organic way. By Bax 11th, original line drawings by Simon 41th. 272 p. a KcGraw-Bill. Inc.: 3Jan77: A823935.


ProbatiOQ and 4iarole; legal and social dimensions. By Louis P. Carney. 346 p. e HcGraw-Hill. Inc.; 3Jan7'7; A823936.


Organizational behavior. By Fred Luthans. 2nd ed. 580 p. e McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jaa77; A823937.


Essentials of algebra for college students. By Baymond 1. Barnett. 382 p. O BcGraw-Hill. Inc.; 3Jan77: 4823938.


Fundamentals of physical geography. By Glenn Thomas Trewartha. 4rthur H. Bobinson, Edwin H. Hammond. Lyle H. Horn, cartography by Baudaxi D. Sale. 3rd ed. 376 p. O HcGraw-Hill. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823939.


Your marriage and family living. By Paul Henry Lacdis. 4th ed. 472 p. HcGraw-Uill. Inc.; 3Jan77: A823940.


Teen guide to homemaking. By Jeanne Hayden Brinkley, Valerie n. Chamberlain £ Frances Champion. 4th ed. 328 p. HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4823941.


Echoes of time; a world history; annotated teacher's ed . By Richard Ostrowski £ Jack Kemper. 1 v. BcGraw-Hill. Inc.; 3Jan77; A823942.


triters in love. By Mary Kathleen Benet. 273 p. O Bary Kathleen Benet; 7Jan77: 4823943.


Detente and the democratic movement in the USSB. By Frederick Charles Barghoorn. 229 p. O The Free Press, a division of Bacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 290ct76; 4823944.


Probability and statistical inference. By Bobert V. Hogg £ Elliot A. Tanis. 450 p. Q Bacmillan Publishing Company. Inc.; 3Jan77; A823945.


Introductory statistics; a decision map. By Thad B. Harshbarger. 2nd ed. 587 p. O Thad B. Harshbarger; 3Jan77; A823946.


Roosevelt's revolution, the first year: a personal perspective. By Bexford Guy Tugwell. 327 p. Bexford G. Tugwell; «Jan77; A823947.


College algebra and trigonometry. By Hilliam G. Ambrose. 547 p. Uilliam G. Ambrose; 3Jao77: A823948.


Elementary linear algebra. by Bernard Kolman. 2nd ed. 314 p. Bernard Kolman; 3Jan77: 4823949.


4n Introduction to ethics. Edited by Bobert E. Dewey fi Bobert H. Hurlbutt, 3rd.

499 p. NH: pref., introductions t


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.