Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/263

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A823989 — A825074
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A823988 (con.)

Eluyn Heserve £ Hax i. Sobel. 2nd ed. 592 p. Prentice-Rail, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823988.


Electricity, electronics and elec- trofflagneticsi principles and applications. BY Bobert L. Boylestad & Louis Nashelsky. 516 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823989.


Operational financial BaDagenent. By Bobert E. Pritchard. 436 p. Prentice- Ball, Inc.; 3.1an77; 4823990.


Technical calculus. By Dale Ewen £ Hlchael 4. Topper. 374 p. Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823991.


International organizations: principles and issues. By 41vui LeBoy Bennett. 440 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823992.


Fracture and fatigue control in structures: applications of fracture Dechanics. By Stanley Theodore Bolfe £ John B. Barsoa. 562 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jaii77; A823993.


Business, governneot and the public. By Hurray L. Ueidenbaua. 336 p. O Prentice- Hall, Inc.: 3Jan77; A823994.


Handbook of Hajor appliance troub- leshooting and repair.. By David L. Ueiseraau. 333 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.;



CurriculuB targets in the eleaentary school. By Daisy Harvel Jones. 374 p. C Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4823996.


Engineering econoay. By Holger George Thuesen, Uolter J. Fabrycky £ S. J. Thuesen. 5th ed. 589 p. Prentice- Ball, Inc.; 3Jao77; A823997.


Judicial adainistration: text and readings. By fiussell B. Hheeler £ Hovard B. Hhitcoab. 319 p. O Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823998.


Alpha-psychics: aystic path to perfect living. By Norvell. 223 p. O Parker Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 3Jan77; A823999.


Operational aaplifiers and linear integrated circuits. By Bobert P. Coughlin A Frederick P. Driscoll. 312 p. 4ppl. au: Frederick F. Driscoll, Jr. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A824000.


Hetaphysical aagnetisa: aagic force for autoaatic riches. By Fredric stoessel. 216 p. Parker Publishing Coapany, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4824001.


Labor relations. By 4rthur 4. Sloane G Fred-Hitney. 3rd ed. 524 p. Prentice- Hall, Inc.: 3Jan77: 4824002.


Seal estate investaent. By Billiaa B. Beaton £ Terry Bobertson. 2nd ed. 358 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824003.


Extraordinary healing secrets from a doctor's private files. By James K. Van Fleet. 220 p. e James K. Vac Fleet; JJan77; 4324004.


Criminal procedure and trial practice. By Kenneth H. Hells £ Paul B. Heston. 287 p. O Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824005.


behavior aodif ication: a practical guide for the classrooa teacher. By Patricia Inzalone Uovie £ Gretchen Hinkleman. 214 p. O Parker Publishing company. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824006.


4 Structured approach to prograaaing. By Joan Kirkby Hughes £ Jay I. Hichtom. 264 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824007.


Cheaistry: the central science. By Theodore L. Broun £ Harold Eugene LeHay, Jr. 8 15 p. O Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824008.


Idea and action in world cultures. By Harion Brady £ Hovard Brady. 520 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1824009.


Earth science. By Leonard Bernstein £ Harry K. Rong. 326 p. (Ideas and investigations in science) C Prentice- Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1824010.


Essentials of drafting. By James D. Bethune. 386 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jai.77; 1824011.


Exploring family life. By Henrietta Fleck fi Louise Fernandez. 4th ed. 378 p. Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; a024012.


Introductory experimental chemistry. By Helanie B. Hesser, fiichard 1. Hoag £ Indrea U. riesser. 4'38 p. Prentice- Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824013.


Hotorcycle mechanics. By George Lear £ Lynn S. Hosher. 266 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1824014.


aho'd uant to kill old George? 4 novel by Bobert Opton. 219 p. Bobert Opton; 3Jan77; 4824015.


Chris Evert: the young champion. By Lynn Haney, illustrated with photos, by Peter Succhard. 127 p. HB: text £ approx. 3/4 of photos. O Lynn Haney; 31Dec7b; 1824016.


The Snow rattlers. By Shepard Bifkin. 222 p. O Shepard Eifkin; 20Jan77; 4824017.


The Secret of Captives* Cave. By Bary Collins Dunne. 159 p. O Bary Collins Dunne; 22Dec76: 1824018.


luthcrship and narrative in the ciueaa: issues in contemporary aesthetics and criticism. By Billiaa Luhr £ Peter Lehaan, illus. by Stuart luld. 320 p. O Uilliaa Luhr £ Peter Lehaan; 14Jan77; 1824019.


It shouldn't happen to a dog. By Colin Watson. 192 p. O Colin Batson; 3Jan77; 4824020.


Ginger, Loretta and Irene who? By George Eells. 393 p. e George Eolls; 31Dec76: 1824021.


Caldo Largo. By Earl Thompson. 285 p. O Earl Thoapson: 300ec76: 1824022.


The Amazon of letters: the life and loves of Natalie Barney. By George yickes. 286 p. C George Kickes; 22Dec76; 1824023.


The Female factor: a study of women in five Western European societies. By Shari Steiner. 328 p. Shari Steiner; 5Jan77; A824024.


yesterday I climbed a mountain. By Margery W. Brown. 1 v. O Bargery U. Brown; 31Dcc76; A824025.


Animal babies of East Ifrica. By Honique Dossenbach £ Hans D. uossenbach, translated by Fred Sawyer. 1 v. Ippl. au: G. P. Putnam's Sons, employer for hire. Translation of Tierkinder der Hildnis. O on English translation; G. P. Putnam's Sons; 31Dec76; 1824026.


I was born in a tree and raised by bees. By Jim irnosky. 1 v. O on text £ illus.; Jim Arnosky; l2Jan77; A824027.


The Last cattle drive. 1 novel by Bobert Day. 221 p. Portions reprinted from Pictorial history of the cabin home in the Garden of Eden. C Bobert Day; 19Jan77; A824028.


Voyage: a novel of 1896. By Sterling Hayden. 700 p. C Sterling Hayden; 29Dec76; A824029.


Vintage films. By Boslef Crouther. 237 p. HH: text £ compilation of photos. Bosley Crowther; 2BJan77: A82403U.


The Pacific historical review. A cumulative index to Vol. 1-43, 1932-1974. Compiled by Anna Barie Hagcr £ Everett Gordon Hager. 579 p. Add. ti: Index to Pacific historical review, voluaes 1-43, 1932-1974. O Pacific Coast Branch, laarican Bistorical Issociation; 40c. 76; 1824031.


Socialization as cultural cowmuuication: development of a theme in the work of Bargaret Head. Editor: Theodore Schwartz. 250 p. Bepriuted from Gthos, vol. 3, no. 2, summer 1975. NB: introd. £ biog- raphical sketch of Bargaret Bead. The Begents of the University of California; 110ct76; 1824032.


The origins of evil in Hindu mythology. By Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty. 411 p. The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 31Dec76; A824033.


Climbing in North America. By Chris Jones. 392 p. O The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 44ug76;



These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.