Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/265

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A824075 — A824113
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Younq John Dewey: an essay in American intellectual history. By Neil Coughlan. 187 p. O The Oniycrsity of Chicago; 26Sep75: A82407S.


Eaily Dickiason's poetry- By Bobect Heisbuch. 202 p. Na: cevisions. The Oaiyersity of Chicago; 20Hay75; A824076.


The Anateor Deaoccat: club politics la three cities. By James Q. Hilsou. 376 p. NH: pref. e The Ouiversity of Chicago; 1SApr66; A824077.


Herbert Spencer on social evolution; selected writings. Edited £ with an introd. by J. D. I. Peel. 270 p. (The Heritage of sociology) MH: introd., compilation, abridgment & editorial apparatus. O The University of Chicago; 15Feb72; A824078,


History of Cermany in the nineteenth century. By Heinrich Gotthard Von TteitschXe, selections from the tran- slation of Eden Paul S, Cedar Paul, edited & with an introd. by Gordon A. Craig, pref. by Leonard Krleger. 411 p. (Classic European historians. A series edited by Leonard Krieqer) NM; pref., introd., abridgment £ editorial apparatus. The University of Chicago; 280ct75; A8240 79.


The Fate of reading, and other essays. By Geoffrey H. Hartman. 352 p. NH: additions, compilation £ editorial apparatus. The University of Chicago; 2Sllar75: Ae24080.


Slavery; a problem in American institational and intellectual life. By Stanley B. Elkins. 3rd ed. , rev. 320 p. O The University of Chicago; 15Nov76; A824081.


Uacaulay and the Hhig tradition. By JosepE Hambargec. 274 p. O The University of Chicago: 30Sep76; A824082.


Learning to use extrasensory perception. By Charles I. Tart. 170 p. Appl. au: Gaines Thomas £ Dana J. Bedicgton. NH: revisions £ additions. The University of Chicago; 30Sep76: A824083.


Selected writings. By Thomas Babington Hacaulay, edited £ with an introd. by John Clive E Thomas Pinney. 453 p. (Classics of British historical literature. Editor; John Clive) NH; pref., Introd., compilation, abridgment £ editorial apparatus. O The University of Chicago; 15Feb72: A824084.


Memorials of his time. By Henry Cockburn, edited £ with an Introd. by Karl F. C. Hlller, pref. by John Clive. 446 p. (Classics of British historical lite- rature. Editor: John Clive) NH: introd., pref. , abridgment £ editorial apparatus. O The University of Chicago; 20Nov74; A824085.


The History of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, abridged £ with an introd. by Bodney u. Kllcup, pref. by John Clive. 392 p. (Classics of British historical literature. Editor: John Clive) NH: introd., pref. abridgment G editorial apparatus. O The university of Chicago; 29Sep75; A8240e6.


The Comedies of Ariosto. Translated £ edited by Edmond H. Beame £ Leonard G. Sbrocchi. 322 p. NH: Introd., pref. £ translation. G The University of Chicago; 25Feb75; Aa24087.


Gullng from horsebaclc: Hanchu politics in the obol regency, 1661-1669. By Robert B. oioam. 250 p. NH; revisions, e The Univeisity of Chicago; 28Har75; A824088.


Glossary of astronomy and astrophysics. By Jeanne Hopkins, foreword by S. Chandrasekhar. 169 p. O The University of Chicago; 3Hat76; A824089.


folktales told around the world. Edited by Uichard Hercer Dorson. 622 p. NH: additions, revisions £ compilation. 6 The University of Chicago; l1Dec75; Ae24090.


Power in the Pacific: the origins ot naval arms limitation, 1914-1922. By Hoger Dlngman. 318 p. O The University of Chicago; 2Nov76; A824091.


The Western approaches: poems, 1973-75. By Howard Neoerov. 110 p. Prev_ pub. in American poetry review £ others. NH: compilation. Howard Nemerov; 10Sep75; A824092.


Genetic evolution. By Chen Kang Chai. 34 1 p. The University of Chicago; 16JU176: A824093.


Hotor disorders of the esophagus. By Bobert D. Henderson, with the editorial collaboration of John 0. Gooden. 231 p. The Ullliams and Hilklns Company; 22Dec76; A824094.


Bathenatlcal bioeconomics: the optimal management of renewable resources. By Colin Nhltcomb Clark. 332 p. (Pure and applied mathematics) John kiley and Sons, Inc.; 180ct76; A824095.


CLemistry and the living organism. By Holly H. Bloomfield. 536 p. Appl. states all new except some prev. pub. figures £ photos. O John Hlley and Sons, Inc.; 28Jan77; Ae24096.


Writing the modern magazine article. By Hax Gunther. 3rd ed. 183 p. Portions prev. pub. In TV guide & others. C Hax Gunther; 28Dec76: Aa24097.


New product highlights (NPH) ; Investment research, no. 4, July 1976. New product analysis. 2 v. Add. ti: New product analysis for the drug industry. Appl. au; Frederic Greenberg. NH: additions £ revisions. C Goldman, Sachs and Company; 25JU176; A824098.


Had. Special no. 21. Editor: Albert a. Eeldstein, art director: John Putnam, associate editors: Jerry De Pucclo £ Nick Hegiin. 1 v. Appl. au: t. C. Publi- cations, Inc. NH: compilation, revision £ special nostalgia Had comic book, no. 5. E. C. Publications, Inc.; 21Dec76: A824099.


How to create an attractive and unusual picture frame from scrap lumber. 11 p. Appl. au: 0. L. Keeney. D. L. Keeney; 17Dec76; Aa24l00.


Numerical chart. Numerology. 2 p. Appl. au: Delcia Haurice Gudgel. © Haurice Gudgel; 28No»76; A824101.


Steve's Him worm farm; instructions. 1 p. Appl. au: Steven A. Speare. O Steven A. Speare; 9Sep76; Ae24102.

Ae24 1G3.

SCA index: an analysis of the voting record of each member in the congress, 1st session, 94th Congress, 1975. Besearch £ evaluation by Americans for Constitutional Action. 36 p. Add. ti: iCA inaei, 1st session, 94th congress, 1975. c Americans for Constitutional Action; 15Har76 (in notice: 1975); A824103.


The fair Publishing House, Norwalk, Ohio, catalog 96. 59 p. NH: revision £ additions. © The Fair Publishing House, Inc.; 15Dec76; &824104.


Economics 396D: Contemporary economic Issues for nonmajors, money and banking; Hawaii open program guided study course. By Haxwell J. Fey, issued by Hawaii Open Program, University of Hawaii, College of continuing Education and Community service. 82 p. Add. ti: Econ 396D: Contemporary economic issues for nonmajors, money and bankirig. Appl. au: College of Continuing Education and Community Service, University of Hawaii. NH: revision. College of Continuing Education and Community Service, University of Hawaii (in notice: University of Hawaii); 60ct75; A824105.


Help them remember. By Mary C. Dudek 8 Sandra K. Bhitlock. 1 p. 6 6 posters. Hary C. Dudek E Sandra K. Bhitlock; 22JU176: A824106.


Model 321 Isolated interface instruction manual. By Data Design, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Walter E. Carey £ Blchard U. Bailey. Data Design, Inc.; 27Dec76; A824107.


Hodel 319 freguency to voltage converter Instruction manual. By Data Design, Inc. 1 V. Appl. au: Walter E. Carey E Richard W. Bailey. O Data Design, Inc. ; 27Dec76; A824108.


Hodel 320 5 1/4" modified NIH bin instruction manual. By Data Design, Inc. 1 V. Appl. au: Walter E. Carey £ Blchard W. Bailey, e Data Design, Inc.; 27Dec76; A824109.


Patterns in mathematics. 200 p. Appl. au; Ellery B. Golos. 6 Ellery B. Golos; 20Sep76; A824110.


"Original 500" Sport Grip. No. 58-0450-B. Kit. 6 Superior Industries, Inc. ; 1Har73; A824111.


New and relined brake shoes, 1976 catalog. 46 p. CHB, Inc.; 4Feb77; A824112.


Hultiplication and division math

riddles, tongue twisters, and happy


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.