Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/268

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A824198 — A824237
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A824197 (con.)

nation. 6 D. J. Hilton d. b. a. TESA publications: 1Feb77; A824197.


History, religions and customs of four ancient civilizations (1915) By inna E. innino. 1 v. Anna E. Annino a.k.a. Ann Annino; 7Feb77: 4824193.


Challenging experiments in chemistry. By Philip 4. Horriqan £ Jenette B. Kelly. 1 v_ © Harshland Publishing Company; 30Dec76; 4824199.


Betailing management. by Joseph Barry 0ason fi Korris Lehman flayer. 1 v- Joseph Barry fiason & Morris Lehman Haver; 304ug76; A824200.


Slessed is the match: the story of Jewish resistance. By Marie Syrkin. 366 p. Appl. au: Jeuish Publication Society, employer for hire. Originally pub. 13Jun17, J 13667, renewed 15»o»71„ E590638. KM: introd. C epilogue. © The Jewish Publication Society of 4merica; 13Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; A824201.


Maiaooides: Torah and philosophic quest. By David Hartman, foreword by Shlomo Pines. 296 p. 4ppl. au; Jewish Publication Society, employer for hire. e The Jewish Publication society of 4merica; 5Jan77 (in notice; 1976); A824202.


Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical Society, 1971. Wol. 30. Editor; Donald B. Hoffman. 113 p. Add. ti: Lehigh County Historical Society: proceedings, 1971. © Lehigh County Historical Society: 10ct71; A824203.


Chapters from the history of the Lehigh County Historical Society, 1976; occasional papers, Lehigh County Historical Society. 16 p. Add. ti: Lehigh County Historical Society; occasional papers, 1976. Appl. au; Mahlon H. Hellerich. 6 Lehiqh County Historical Society; 1Nov76; A824201.


Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical Society, 1976. Vol. 31. Editor; Donald B. Hoffman. 207 p. Add. ti: Lehigh County Historical Society; proceedings, 1976. S Lehiqh County Historical Society; 10ct76: A824205.


Poor mac's CB. 1 v. Appl. au: Edward E. Button £ Lawrence S. Schuller. e Edward E. Hutton S L. E. Schuller d.b.a. Siqns of the Times; 17Dec76; 4824206.


Miiford Eeservation. 4 proposal prepared by Natural Science for Youth Foundation. 1 v. © NSIF, Natural Science for youth Foundation; 1Jun76; 4824207.


The Princess without a kingdom. By Deborah. Hendelson Doan. 76 p. © Hope Publishing Company, subsidiary of Deborah Doan Productions. Inc.; 1Feb77; 4821208.


This is my opinion about; Little Twirps creative thinking workbook. By Linda P. Silbert £ Alvin J. Silbert. 32 p. © Alvin J. Silbert £ Linda P. Silbert; 1Feb77; A824209.


California aechanic" s Lien law. 20 p. Add. ti; Construction industry guide to California Mechanic's Lien law. Appl. au: Nubar Tashjian. © Nubar Tashjian; 7Feb77; A821210.


Baterville, Skowhegan, ME, area, Febmary 1977. 6 New England Telephone and Telegraph Company: 7Feb77; 4821211.


Playwate. 1 v. Appl. au: John Edward Pinko. e John E. Pinko; 31Jan77; Ae21212.


The Social index-directory: Palm Beach, Southern Florida, Gulf Coast, Bahamas. Vol. 51, 1977. 833 p. Appl. au; Camille Hicholas. © Social Index Association, Inc. £ The Social Directory, Inc. ; 26Jan77; 4821213.


The FP-i5 liberator pistol, 1912-1915. 116 p. Appl. au: Bobert U. Koch. © Bobert N. Koch; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4821214.


4 Plea for fundamentals; 1977 rteed- Hardeman college Lectureship, Henderson, Tennessee. Editor: Uilliaa iioodson. 193 p. Add. ti; Freed-Hardeman College lectures, 1977. © Freed-Hardeman College; 1Feb77; 4821215.


The Peytons of Virginia. Compiled by The Peyton society of Virginia. 129 p. 9 The Peyton Society of Virginia; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1975); A821216.


Current concepts in dental hygiene. Edited by Suzanne styers Boundy £ Nancy Jane Eeynolds. 213 p. © The C. V. Mosby Company; 28Jan77: A821217.


Current practice in family-centered community nursing. Vol. 1. Edited by Adina Marie aeinhardt £ Mildred Derricott Quinn. 355 p. 9 The C. V. Mosby Company; 21Jan77; A824218.


Directorship by objectives. By Bobert E. Kemper £ Hichard E. Ostrander. 80 p. O Libraries Onlimited, Inc.; 25Jan77; A821219.


Vital records of Sterling, Massac- husetts, compiled by Frances Pratt lapley. 131 p. Add. ti; Sterling, Massachusetts: vital records to 1850; Sterling vital records. © Town of Sterling, Massachusetts; 10ct76; Ae21220.


Ineguality in the Peruvian Andes: class and ethnicity in Cuzco. By Pierre L. Van Den Berg he fi George P. Primov with the assistance of Gladys Becerra Velazgue £ Darciso Ccahuana ccohuata. 321 p. 6 The Curators of the University of Missouri; 2Feb77; A821221.


Jewish minters and medalists. By Daniel M. Ftiedenberg. 131 p. 6 Daniel M. Friedenberg; 23Dec76: Ae21222.


B700 systems Burroughs hospital administrative system (BHAS 2) accounts payable; reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. A575135 £ others. NM; editorial 11Jan77; A821223.


4synchronous multipoint IBM 2710 model 2 TC 1000 gualif ication; reference manual. 1 V. (Data communications terminal interface/IBM series, vol. '21) © Burroughs Corporation; 17Jan77; A821221.


B1800/B3800/B2800 systems: illustrated parts. 1 v. (Publication change notice, no. 1092731-001, July 1976) Prev. reg. A718939. MM: revisions £ additions. 6 Burroughs corporation: 22Jul76; A821225.


S1300/S1500 proof of deposit/enco- ding /in clearing /fine sort: operator's manual. 1 v. (Publication change notice, prelim, ed., Nov. 30, 1976) Prev. reg. 4787118. NM: additions. © Burroughs corporation; 20Dec76; 4821226.


ID 076 magneti troller; technic illustrated parts catalog. 1 v. (Burroughs field engineering) © Burroughs Corporation: 17Dec76: 4821227.


C6153 financial calculator; operator manual. 91 p. © Burroughs Corporation; 21Dec7ti; 4821228.


Asynchronous teletype model 33/35 for TC 1700 and series TC 3000 qualification; reference manual. 1 v. (Data commu- nications terminal interface/IBM series, vol. 22) 6 Burroughs Corporation; 3Jan77; 4821229.


B9181-5 disk pack drive (model 206) ; technical manual. Vol. 2: illustrated parts catalog. 63 p. (Burroughs field engineering) © Burroughs corporation; 12Dec76; A821230.


Production control system 2: on-line inquiry module; reference manual. 1 v. O Burroughs Corporation: 3Dec76: 4821231.


TV's fabulous faces. By Peggy Herz. 108 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. NM: editorial revision. © Sc- holastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A821232.


Count Morbida's dynamite puzzle book. By Linda Williams Aber, illustrated by Arthur Friedman. 61 p. ippl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. © Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 17Jan77; A821253.


The Big water fight. Story £ pictures by Norman Bridwell. 32 p. © Norman Bridwell; 17Jan77; A821231.


Blacksmith at Blueridqe. By Eve Bunting, photos, by Peter H. Fine. 125 p. a Eve Bunting: 17Jan77; A821235.


Paramedic emergency! By Gloria D. Miklowitz, photos, by Arthur Sirdofsky. 126 p. © Gloria D. Miklowitz; 17Jan77: A 32 1236.


The Dog writes on the window with his

nose and other poems. Collected by David


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.