Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/275

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A824501 — A824536
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A824500 (con.)

O Allied Telephone Coapanr of Hlssouci, Inc.; 21Jan77; 4821500.


Bender's foros of discovery. Vol. 11-16. Dec. 1976 cuaulative suppl.. release no. 9. Multiple Toluaes. Hatthew Sendee and Coapany* Inc.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1972, 1973, 197», 1975, 1976): 4324501.


Neil Jersey lav Kith focBS. Vol. 1-5. Dec. 1976 suppl. & revision, release no. 15. Br C. Zachary Seltzer, senior aanaqing editor: Ann B. Hiele, editors: Steven Bellaan 6 John Streapfer. 7 v. £ sheets (87 p.) Appl. au: Batthev Bender S COBpany, Inc., enployer for hire. O Hattbev Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 11Jan77 (in notice: 1948, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1 96 J , 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976); A824502.


1976 cumulative suppleaent to Henry's Probate lav and practice of the State of Indiana. Vol. 1-3. 6th ed. by John S. Crises. The fiobbs-aerrill Coapany, Inc.; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824503.


Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 56, no. 1, Jan. 28. 1977. 55 p. O The Bobbs-Heirill Coapany, Inc.; 28Jan77; 4824504.


Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 55, no. 13, Jan. 21, 1977. p. 630-682. The Bobbs-Herrill company. Inc.; 21Jan77; 4824505.


The Lavycr in the intervievinq and counselling process. By 4ndrew S. Hatson. 163 p. The Bobbs-Berrill Coupany, Inc.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824506.


Callaqhan's Official Nisconsin reports advance sheets, January 14, 1977. Vol. 74, no. 4, second series. Beported by the Callaqhan and Company editorial staff. p. 405-641. e Callaqhan and coapany; 19Jan77; 4824507.


Onifora cwaaercial code reportinq service. Looseleaf voluae (cases, coaaentary, finding aids) vol. 20, Jan. 1977, release no. 3, vol. 20 cases release paaphlet, cuaulative findex* vol. 20, Jan. 1977, releases 1-3. 3 v. 4ppl. au: Pike and Fischer, Inc. 6 John V. Nillis. O Callaqhan and Coapany; 31Jan77; 4824508.


Federal rules digest, third edition. Jan. 1977 cuaulative suppl. Edited by PiJce and Fischer, Inc., aanaqinq editor: John U. iillis, associate editors: Stephen B. Sosman S Frances P. Haysbrooke. 8 V. O Callaqhan and coapany; 20Jan77; 4824309.


Illinois tort lav and practice. Cuaulative suppl. issued Dec. 19 76. By Jeroae Hirza. 89 p. The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Coapany; 27Dec76; 4824510.


Federal incoae taxation of corporations and shareholders: foras. 1976 suppl., no. 1. By Boris I. Bittker, Bruce Bodner £ 41ex £. Seinberg. Sheets. Warren,


The law of bank checks. 1977 cuaulative suppl., no. 1, to the 4th ed. By Henry J. Bailey. 407 p. 4dd. ti: Brady on bank checks: 1977 cuaulative suppleaent, number 1. Uarren, Gorham and Laaont, Inc.; 7Jan77; 4824512.


Bank officer's handbook of coaaercial bankinq law, fourth edition, by Frederick K. Beutel. 1976 cuaulative suppl. By Gerald T. Dunne £ Elijah E. Jbirad. 298 p. O Uarren, Gorhaa and Laaont, Inc. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1975, 1976); 4824513.


Idaho digest. Vol. 1-7, 9-10. 1977 cuaulative annual pocket parts. 9 v. West Publishing Company; 5Jan77; 4824514.


West's Mibhigan legislative service, 1976; public and local acts, 78th legislature, public acts 261-314. No. 5. p. 659-843. West Publishing Coapany: 160ec76; 4824515.


Indiana code. 1976 suppl. 82 p. O West Publishing Coapany: 13Dec7b; 4824516.


Coaputopricer 4-L, January 25, 1977. aicrofiche. (Counter facts pricing service) Howard U. Saas and Company, Inc.; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824517.


Coaputopricer H-Z, January 14, 1977. Bicrofiche. (Counter facts pricing service) o Howard U. Sams and Coapany, Inc.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824518.


caos cookbook. By Don Lancaster. 414 p. O Howard i. Saas and Coapany, Inc. ; 25Jan77; A824519.


GSI Electronics: Garden State Industrial Electronics, Inc. Industrial catalog 77. 276 p. NB: revision. C Howard w. Sams and Coapany, Inc.; 26Jan77; A824520.


Parts Bart Corporation catalog. 584 p. NB: revision. Q Howard W. Saas and Coapany, Inc. ; 26Jan76 (in notice: 1977); 4824521.


The Craft of prose. By bobert Hanson Woodward £ H. Wendell Smith. 4th ed. 321 p. O Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4824522.


Study guide for Of children, second edition. By George 8. Semb. 152 p. NB: revision £ updating. O Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; S824523.


Applied Fortran prograaming with standard Fortran, Hatfor, Watfiv, and structured Watfiv. By Hichael J. Herchant in collaboration with John fi. Sturqul. 544 p. MB: pref., compilation, index, revision £ additions. Wadsworth Publishinq Company, Inc.; 6Jan77; 4824524.


Business communications, fifth edition; instructor's manual. By William C. Hiastreet £ Wayne Burlin Baty. 126 p. 4dd. ti: Instructor's manual for Business coaaunications, fifth edition. NB: revision. O Wadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4824525.


Instructor's aanual, by George B. Semb, for Of children, second edition, by Guy a. Lefrancois. 265 p. NB: revision £ additions. O Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4824526.


Studies in microwave spectroscopy: conformational analysis of 1, 4-t hioxane, thiane, 2-cyclohepten-l-one, cyclohexyl cyanide, cyclohexyl isocyanate and cyclohexyl isothiocyanate: qualitative analysis of low molecular weight alcohols. By fiobert Walter Kitchin. Bicrofila. O aobert Walter Kitchin; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A824527.


Darlington Hoopes: a political biography. By John Paul Henderson. Bicrofila. John Paul Henderson; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824528.


The Belationship of selected criteria to graduate school admission and success at fliddle Tennessee State University. By Betty June Snell Harper. Bicrofila. Betty June Snell Harper; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824529.


Elementary students' understanding of certain aasculine and neutral generic nouns. By Ozella Mae yowell Eberhart. Bicrofila. O Ozella Hae Yowell Eberhart; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824530.


The Effect of research courses upon attitudes and critical thinking abilities of graduate students. By Lori 41ice Gressler. Bicrofila. O Lori Alice Gressler; 14Jan77 (in notice; 1976); 4824531.


The Effects of pupil-teacher sei interaction on kindergarten children's perceptions of their teachers and themselves. By Bobert Bason Fritts. Bicrofila. Bobert Bason Fritts; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824532.


The Effects of individual teacher conferences on the writinq achievement and self-concept of developmental junior colleqe students. By Bildred Frances Holland Fritts. Hicrofilm. Bildred Frances Holland Fritts: 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824533.


Drug usage among hiqh school students in a Mississippi community. By Bodney Noel Friery. Hicrofilm. Bodney Noel Friery; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4824534.


The Development of short haul air transportation. By Kent Leslie Foutz. Microfilm. Kent Leslie Foutz; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824535.


Rational emotive therapy coapared with a representative institutional treataent proqram on the self-concept of male alcoholics. By James Davis Foley. Bicrofilm. James Davis Foley; 14Jan77

(in notice: 1976); A824536.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.