Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/277

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A824574 — A824411
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A824573 (con.)

schools in Mississippi. By Marty BobertsoD seaward. HicrofilB. C Marty Bobertson Seaward; 14JaD77 (in notice: 19761 : A824573.


Propaganda, dissension, and defeat: Loyalist sentiuent in Georgia, 1763-1783. By Charles 41tred Bisher, Jr. Micro£il». e Charles 41fred Bisher, Jr.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A824574.


Suryey and control efficacy of endoparasites of Solenopsis richteri Porel and Solenopsis invicta Buren in Mis- sissippi. By Michael 4nthony Poole. Hicrofiln. O Michael 4nthony Poole; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 482457S.


4 Study of elementary principals* leader behavior as perceived by hiqh and low status eleaentary teachers. By John Killebrew Perry. Hicrofila. O John Killebrew Perry; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824576.


The Bclationship between teacher Borale and the principal's atteapts to improve teacher performance. By Carol 4nne Moss Perry. Microfilm. Q Carol Moss Perry; 1«Janl7 (In notice: 1976); 4824577.


The Enhancement of virulence of Mycobacterium amegmatis by growth on n-propane. By Gerard Stephen Pabst, Jr. Microfilm. Gerard Stephen Pabst, Jr.; 14Jan77 (ia notice: 1976); 4824578.


The Leadership behavior of the provincial school superintendents in Thailand as perceived by provincial high school principals. By Suriyan Nontasalc. Microfilm. O Suriyan Nontasalc: 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824579.


4 Study of differential perceptions of an ideal university by two selected groups of undergraduate students at Mississippi State University. By Kamaledin Bajafi. Microfilm. O Kamaledin Hajafi; 14Jan/7 (in notice: 1976); 4824580.


Laboratory and field evaluation of sterile male boll weevil competitiveness. By William Lawrence McGovern. Microfilm. William Lawrence McGovern; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824581.


The Belationship of teacher morale to the racial composition of the student bodies in selected Mississippi high schools. By Jimmy Bay McCalla. Microfilm. Jimmy Bay McCalla; 14Jan77 (is notice: 1976); 4824582.


The Effects of values clarification on change in value priorities as measured by Bokeach's Value survey. By Boberta Parker Martin. Microfilm. & Boberta Parker Martin; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824583.


Operating loss carryforwards for firms with deferred tax credits. By Lawrence Dillard Maples, 3rd. Microfilm. O Lawrence Dillard Maples, 3rd; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824584.


The Effects of guasi-contingent reinforcement of institutionalized mentally retarded residents on attendant- resident interaction. By Jerry Howard Lyall. BicrofilB. Jerry Howard Lyall; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824585.


Decomposition properties of the mirex fire ant-bait and its ecological effects on selected biotic systems. By Kuang Yang Lue. Microfilm. e Kuang yang Lue; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4824586.


Cobb and Son's Enterprises print and mail advertiser. 2 p. Cobb and Son's Enterprises, solely owned by Donald P. Cobb; 271IOV76; 4824587.


4 Business casebook for young decision- makers. Edited by Paul U. Tedesco with the assistance of Bobert E. Coviello 6 Cary U. Holmes. 60 p. Business History and Economic Life Program, Inc.; 15Nov76; 4824588.


Smile with arithmetic. Sheets (2 p.) C cards. 4ppl. au: Frank 4. Stanovich. C Frank 4. Stanovich; 7Jul76; 4824589.


Chronicles of Canon falls, 1976. By The Bicentennial Heritage Committee: Jeannette S. Burch, Joan Bisty, Gerald Flynn, 41bert G. Johnson 6 Merle S. Olson. 163 p. O Jeannette S. Burch; 17Dec76; 4824590.


The North 4bington riot. By William Daniel Coughlan. 9 p. NM: additions. Evelyn C. Coughlan (Mrs. William D. Coughlan); 20Oct76; A824S91.


Our childcare center. Written 6 illustrated by Wendy Lorraine Bartlett. 1 V. Wendy Bartlett; 6Dec76; 4824592.


Poison prevention program for the young child. By £. Walter Scott. 1 v. NM: revisions £ additional text. £. Walter Scott; 1Jan77: 4824593.


Pick-a-diily papers; innovative math worksheets. By John U. Lettau. 1 v. O John U. Lettau d.b.a. It's Elementary; 13Sep76; 4824594.

4824 595.

Time marches on; basic clock worksheets. By John a. Lettau. 43 p. O John 8. Lettau d.b.a. It's Elementary; 22irov76; 4824595.


Bureaucratic red tape in community development: a northern New England perspective. By 4. Bobert Thoresen £ the Task Force on Community Development for the New Hampshire Planners 4ssociation. 57 p. New Hampshire Planners Asso- ciation; 18Jan77; 4824596.


Foreign economic and investment outlook, fall survey, November 1976. By 4ndre Sharon, Bein Van Der Does £ Christa Costello. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc.; 1611ov76; 4824597.


Progressive steps to a new voice. By Helen Emerson £ Barbara Hitteman. 33 p. Appl. au: The 3111 Wilkerson Hearing and Speech Center. NM: additional text 6 revisions. The Bill Wilkerson Hearing and Speech Center; 110ct76: 4824598.

4824599. HPG-2 user. Written for J. and S. Erskine, Inc. by S. L. Erskine. 18 p. O J. and S. Erskine, Inc.; 17Nov76; 4824599.

432 4600.

Who. when, where in Kansas. Vol. 2. Compiled by Mildred Lowry. 40 p. NM: compilation E additional text. O Mildred Lowry; IDec76; 4824600.


Dream notebook. Created by Bobert Gumpertz, drawings by Diana Brewer, introd. by Patricia Garfield, compiler of guotes: Bobert Gumpertz. 222 p. NM: illus. 6 compilation of quotes. Bobert Gumpertz: 30Oct76; 4824601.


Winston-Salem Barber School. Folder. Winston-Salem Barber School, Inc.; 314ug76; 4824602.


Tax action coordinator. Vol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 1, 1976. Sheets (200 p.) 4ppl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4824603.


Tax action coordinator. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1977. Sheets (208 p.) 4ppl. au: James £. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of 4mcrica, Inc.; 280ec76 (in notice: 1977); 4824604.


BI4 supervisory alert: action. Vol. 5, no. 52, Dec. 28, 1976. folder (p. 23/-240) 4dd. ti: BI4 supervisory alert: personal action, December 28, 1976. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. S The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 28Dec76; 4824605.


41ert, December 22, 1976. Items no. 493-502. Prepared ror Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc., executive members. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 22Dec76: 48246 06.


41ert, December 15, 1976. Items no. 483-492. Prepared for Besearch Institute of 4Derica, Inc. , executive members. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4824607.


41ert, December 8. 1976. Items no. 473-482. Prepared for Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc., executive members. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 8Dec76; 4824608.


41ert, December 1, 1976. Items no. 463-472. Prepared for Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc., executive members. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4824609.


Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary- Vol. 2, no. 26, Dec. 23, 1976. 8 p. 4dd . ti: Besearch Institute of 4aerica Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary, December 23, 1976. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 23Dec76; 4824610.


Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary. Vol. 2, no. 25, Dec. 9, 1976. 8 p. 4dd. ti: Besearch

Institute of 4Berica Personal Beport for


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