Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/279

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A824649 — A824693
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A824649. Tax quide: developments. Vol. 12, no. 1 6 2, Dec. 22 1976. 1977 ed. Sheets (128 p. ) e 6 p. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 22Dec76: A824649.


Tax coordinator. Vol. 22» ho. 51« Dec. 16. 1976. Sheets (514 p.) S 8 p. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.: 16Dec76: A8246S0.


Development of the Virqinia Hospital rate review program. Bf Stephen B. Lipson. 30 p. C Stephen U. Lipson: 1Dec76i A8246S1.


Hondec-Board vail system. Foldec.

Appl. au: Paul E. Oinkel. O nodulars. Inc.; 4Feb77: A82'4652.


Coin Call; radio program. 6 p. Appl. au: Craiq P. Brenard- Craig P. Brenard; 8Peb77: A824 653.


Poems for V.J. A. By Joe Donald Johnson, illustrated by the author. 1 v. NS: additional text, editorial revisions & neu pictorial matter. Joe Donald Johnson; 1SHOV76; A8246S4.


Italian conversation: a practical quide for students and travelers. By Adele A. Gorlanc. 202 p. C Branden Press. Inc.; 300ec76: A824e!>S.


New Atlantis: foray into meta-fiction. By ft. nc. B., pseud, of Bobert H. Blchardson. 32 p. Bobert H. Bic- hacdson; 31Jan77; A824656.


Searchlight. By Vlo, pseud, of Vickie Lynn O'Berg. 43 p. Vickie Lynn O'Berq; 1«Jan77; A824657.


The Phallic worship of Freemasonry unvelied (sic) By Ben L. Cook. Jr. 23 p. O Ben L. Cook. Jr.; 1SJan77; A824658.


Prelude: Children's Book Council mini-seminars on using books creatively. Ser. 2. 24 p. The children's Book Council, Inc.; 15!lov76; A824659.


The Bible and the Bermuda Triangle. By Seorqe Johnson 6 Don Tanner. 213 p. O George Johnson C Don Tanner; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A824660.


The Greeks in America. By Jayne Clark Jones. 1977 rev. ed. 79 p. Prev. pub. 15NOV67. O Lerner publications Company; 2tlov76 (in notice: 1977. 1969); A824661.


Hartin Luther Vincent's family; a prelim, ed. compiled by Sheridan Eugene Vincent. 11 p. C Sheridan Eugene Vincent; 27Jan77; A824662-


Shat's going on in there? By Edwin Purviauce 6 Bable Purviance. 116 p. Edwin and Hable Purviance; lFeb7;; A824663.


Pour is special! Content specialist: Nancy Braithwaite, illustrated by Kay Bnqe. 1 v. Appl. au: Sister Bebecca.

A824 665.

fiunzheiner meal-lodging cost index, January 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Bufus E. Bunzheimer. Jr. & Robert H. Kastengren. Bunzheimer Affiliated Services, Inc. ; 15Jaa77; A82466S.


The Job-getting process: resumes, letters, and interviews for college graduates. By aildred wehrli HcArthur £ Belford E. Carver. 45 p. Hildred iehrli HcArthur £ Belford E. Carver; lFeb77; A824666.


The Order of the I Ching: the changes of Chou. By Joe Louis Seed. 10 p. O Joe Louis Beed; 26Jan77; A 824667.


Psychic and spiritual end time revelation of the creator. By Edwin D. Oickerson. 33 p. NH: additional text & revisions. Edwin D. Dickerson; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; Ae24668.


Liberty Gifts catalog 1976-1977. 106 p. Appl. au: Gene L. fiubin. O Gene L. Bubin t.a. Liberty Gifts; 10Sep76; Ae24669.


Steel. Catalog 46S. 72 p. Gerlinger Steel and Supply Company: 31Jaa77: A8 24670.


Important facts for your production for [trelimiaary pageants associated with the Hiss America Pageant, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. O Hiss America Pageant. Inc.; 1Dec76; A824671.


The Local pageant is your first step to the title of Hiss America. Folder. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. O Hiss America Pageant; 1Dec76; A824672.


The Ticket Committee for the Hiss America Pageant preliminaries. Polder. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 1Dec76: A824673.


The Awards Committee for the Hiss America Pageant preliminaries. Folder. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 1Dec76; A824674.


An official guide for contestants participating in a preliminary pageant. By George J. Cavalier. 12 p. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. e Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 1Dec76: A824675.


An official guide to the judges of a preliminary pageant. By Buth HcCandliss. Folder. Hiss America Pageant, Inc. ; 1Dec76; A824676.


A Business manager's follow-through in preparing your winner for the state finals for the Hiss America Pageant prelimi- naries. Folder. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 1Dec76; Aa24677.


The Hostess Committee for the Hiss America Pageant preliminaries. Folder. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. O Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 1Dec76: A824678.


The Budget and Finance Committee for the Hiss America Pageant preliminaries. Folder. Appl. au: Ruth HcCandliss. O Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 1Dec76; A824679.


Hhat is the Hiss America Pageant? By Buth HcCandliss. Folder (8 p.) Hiss America Pageant; lDec7e: A324680.


Is the Pageant relevant to the contestants, to the committees? Folder. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. Hiss America Pageant; 1Dec76; A82468 1.


Field program. 1 v. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss. Hiss America Pageant; 1Dec76; A824682.


General Chairman's manual for official Hiss America preliminary pageants. 1977. By Buth HcCandliss. 1 >. O Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; lDec76; A824683.


Official production guide for Hiss America Pageant preliminaries. 15 p. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss Hiss America Pageant, Inc.; 10ec76: A824684.


Official press guide: Hiss America Pageant. By Frank J. Prendergast. 22 p. Appl. au: Buth HcCandliss- Hiss America Pageant. Inc.; lDec76: A824685.


Entries Committee manual for official Hiss America preliminary pageants* 1977. By Buth HcCandliss. 8 p. O Hiss America Pageant. Inc.; lDec76; AB24686.


Judges Committee manual for official Hiss America preliminary pageants, 1977. By Buth HcCandliss. 1 v. O Hiss America Pageant. Inc.; 1Dec76: A824687.


Official Pageant program book manual for official Hiss America preliminary pageants. 1977. By Buth HcCandliss. 8 p. Hiss America Pageant. Inc.; lDec76; A824688.


Tax planning for listed options. 24 p. e American Stock Exchange. Inc.; 230ct76; A824689.


Price list for stamps: United States, O.S. possessions. United Nations, confederate States, Canada and B.N. A. Hid 1977 ed. 128 p. Add. ti: Hid 1977 edition price list for stamps of the United States. The Brookoan Company; 7Feb77; A824690.


Egypt in pictures. By Camille Hirepoix, editor: Edward H. Egan. 64 p. NH: new text & updating. Sterling Publishing Company. Inc.; 31Dec76; A824691.


Finland in pictures. Prepared by David A. Boehm. editor: Edward U. Egan. 64 p. NH: updatiag of text. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Feb77; A824692.

A824693. China in pictures. By Joanna Moore, editor; Edward N. Egan. 64 p. NH: additions, revisions & updating. O Sterling Publishing Company. Inc.;

3Feb77; A824693.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.