Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/282

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A824782 — A824817
JAN.-JUN. 1977


American Natioaal standard for general-service incandescent lamps for 120-, 125-, and 130-ffolt circuits, ANSI 078.100-1976, revision of C78- 100-1971. Secretariat: Electrical and Electronics Standards Hanaqement Board. 2 p. UH: updating & revisions. Q American National Standards Institute; 26Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A824782.


ADerican National Standard foroat for scientific and technical translations. ANSI Z39. 31-1 976. Secretariat: Council of National Library Associations. 10 p. 3 American National Standards Institute, Inc. : 26Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A824783-


Sappleoent 1 to API spec 8A (eighth edition) specification for drilling and production hoisting eguipsent. Issued Jan. 1977. Issued by American Petroleum Institute, Production Department. 1 p. Appl. au: American Petroleum Institute. 6 American Petroleum Institute; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A824784.


API recommended practice for hoisting tool inspection and maintenance pro- cedures. Issued by American Petroleum Institute, Production Department. 3rd ed- 20 p. &ppl. au: American Petroleum Institute. 3 American Petroleum Institute; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A82i*785.


Hanual on installation of refinery instruments and control systems. Pt. 1: process instrumentation and control, section 6: control valves and accessories. 3rd ed. 21 p. 6 American Petroleum Institute; 30Dec76; A824786.


Becommended practice for the design and installation of pressure- relieving systems in refineries. Pt. 1: design. 4th ed. 45 p. 6 American Petroleum Institute; 7Jan77; A824787-


The Target car program. By John H. HcDonald, Louis J. Bintz & Roger A. Banouetz. 42 p. Appl. au: Automobile. Club of Southern California. Automobile Club of Southern California; 30Jaii76; A824788.


Kentucky corporation lavs annotated, complete to November 15, 1976. 1 v. Nfl: index, & Banks- Baldvin Lav Publishing Company; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8247d9.


Boston Oniversity; an in-depth study. 32 p. (Barron's Profiles of American colleges) NM: revisions. O Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 31Dec76; A824790.


Hilliams College; an in-depth study. 41 p. (Barron's Profiles of American colleges) NH: revisions. 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 31Dec76; A824791.


Oniversity of Hichigan; an in-depth study. 32 p. (Barron's Profiles of American colleges) Appl. aui Steve Baphael. NH: revisions. Q Barron's Educational Secies, Inc. ; 25Jaa77; &824792.


AVHP 1977 audiovisual market place: a multimedia guide. 438 p. Add. ti: Audiovisual market place, 1977. Appl. au: B. B- Bowker Company. © Xerox Corpo- ration ; 4Jan77; A824793-


Study guide for Beginning algebra for college students. By Karl J. Smith S Patrick J. Boyle. 261 p. 6 HadsHorth Publishing Company, Inc. ; 3Jan77: A82479 4.

A824 79 5.

Boliday shopping. 2 p. (Be an open-eyed consumer, guideline no. 53) Ap^l. au: Pennsylvania Bureaa of Consumer Protection. 3 Pennsylvania Department of Justice, Bureau of Consumer Protection; 27NOV76; AB24795.


Specifications for reusable lift truck hydrostatic transmission components. 1 p. (Guideline for reusable parts) 3 Caterpillar Tractor Company; 23Nov76; A824796.


Steel-backed bronze plates for vane-type hydraulic pumps. Folder. (Guideline for reusable parts) O Caterpillar Tractor Company; 1Dec76: A824797.


Lift truck hydrostatic transmission. 43 p. (Guideline for reusable parts) Caterpillar Tractor Company; 23Nov76; A62479 8.


Instructor's guide for Caterpillar fundamental English. 1 v. NH: revisions, compilation & additional text. Caterpillar Tractor Company; I0ec76; A824 799.


Instruction manual for Caterpillar fundamental English. 128 p. NH: revisions, compilation 6 additional text. Caterpillar Tractor Conpany; lNov76; A824d00.


Front end (D and 1} manual; instructor. Developed by GUller; Brewing Compaay in conjunction vith Industrial Publishing Services, lac. 1 v. Add. ti: Hiller Brewing Company: training and development. NU: revision & additional text. Miller Brewing Company; 15IJov76: 4824801.


1977 Chevrolet sales album. Prepared by Chevrolet flerchandising — Passenger Cars 8/76. 1 V. Appl. au: Uilliam H. Friesen. O Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors corporation; 27Auq76; A824802.


Dimensions of dress and adornment: a book of readings. By Lois M. Gurel S Marianne S. Beeson, illus. by Clayton £. Peterson. 2iid ed:. 178 p.. C Lois M.. Gurel & Marianne S, Beeson; 4JaiL77; A824803.


Interviewiag meUiods. By Bobert S. Goyer & Mickael Z. Sincoff. 133 p. fiobert S. Goyer & Hxchael Z. Sincoff; 4Jan77; AB24804.


-Tho elementary classrooms: views fron the teaciiers, children, and parents. Prepared by Vito Perrone S oth.ers. 78 p. Appl. au: Center for Teaching and Learning, aaivecsxt.y of North. Dakota. O for leacking and Learning,


Beading and writing about technological and human futures. By Frances E. Snowder & Handa Thiisted. 110 p. Appl. au: The Depart.ment of English, Oklahoma State University. 8 Frances E. Snouder, tfanda Thiisted & The Department of English, Oklahoma State University; 7Jan77; A824&06.


A Systematic approach to instructional media competency: orientation, operation, action, application. By Kenneth L. King, John A. Ludrick, Gene L. Post & J. D. Strickland. 2nd ed. 158 p. 3 Kenneth ;. King, Gene L. Post & John A. Ludrick; 5Jan77; A824807.


£PG 2 programming; a learning system approach instructor's manual- By Thomas E- Lewis- 170 p. Add. ti: HPG prog- ramming. 6 Rilliam C. Brown Company Publishers; 7Jan77; A824d08.


Keramos: the teaching of pottery. By Franz F. Kriwauek. 135 p. NH: additional text, compilation & general editorial revisions. 3 Franz Kriwanek; 290ec75; A824809.


Tell me how the sun rose; mastery test. Level 11. By Theodore Clymer, Nilliam E. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson & Diane Lapp. 23 p. (Beading 720) 6 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 2Jan76; A824810.


Mountains are for climbing; mastery test. Level 13. By Theodore Clymer, Uilliam £. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson G Diane Lapp. 19 p. (Beading 720) 3 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 2Jan76; A824811.


How it is nowadays; mastery test. Level 8. By Theodore Clymer, Hilliam E. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson & Diane Lapp. 19 p. (Beading 720) 3 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 2Jan76; A824812.


One to grow on; mastery test. Level 6. By Theodore Clymer, iilliam E. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson & Diane Lapp. 21 p. (Beading 720} 3 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 2Jan76; A824813.


A Lizard to start with; mastery test. Level 10. By Theodore Clymer, Silliam E. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson & Diane Lapp. 23 p. (Beading 720) 3 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 2Jan76; A824814.


A Pocketful of sunshine; mastery test. Level 2. By Theodore Clymer, iillian E. Blanton, Dale 0. Johnson fi Diane Lapp. 13 p. (Beading 720) Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 2Jan76; A824815.


Measure me, sky; mastery test. Level 12. By Theodore Clymer, Hilliam E. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson & Diane Lapp, 23 p. (Beading 720) O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 2Jan76; 4824816.


Helicopters and gingerbread; mastery test- Level 4. By Theodore Clymer, Billiam £. Blanton, Dale D. Johnson £ Diane Lapp. 13 p. (Beading 720) 3 Ginn and CoBpany (Xerox Corporation) ; 2Jaa76;



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