Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/284

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A824061 — A824003
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A824860 (con.)

ClacailldQ Publishing Coopany* Idc, employer for hire, 6 tlacmillau Publishing COBpany, Inc.; 1bAug76: A824860.


Introductory physiology and anatomy; a laboratory guide. By Bobert E. Haupt, Delma E. Harding, Oscar £. Tauber & Adela S. Elwell. 4th ed. 266 p. Pre». pub. as A Laboratory guide for elementary physiology 6 Elementary physiology — a laboratory guide. 6 Bobert £. Haupt«  Delna E. Harding, Oscar E. Tauber £ Adela S. Elliell; 3Jan77; A824861.


Arithmetic: a practical approach. By Gershon J. Shugar, Bose Shugar Bauman«  Bonald A. Shugar e Lawrence Bauaan. 195 p. @ Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 12JaD77; A824862.


General chemistry laboratory operations. By Lawrence E. Conroy, Bobert C. Brasted 6 B. Stuart Tobias. 3rd ed. 258 p. Hacmillau Publishing Company, Inc.; 17Jan77; ASatSea.


Hobody's hero: a Puerto fiican story. By Manuel Barretto, introd. by P iri Thomas. 258 p. e Hanuel Barretto; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A824864.


The Brandon affair; a blockbuster political novel exploding with sex t savagery. By Charles Nhited. 219 p. e Charles Rhited; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A824865.


The Legend of Doctor J; the story of Julius Ervinq. By Marty Bell, photos, by Kevin Fitzgerald. 182 p. Appl. au: The New American Library, Inc., employer for hire. on chap. 13; The New American Library, Inc. ; 28Jan77; A824866.


Pay less tax legally: the tax pre- paration guide to the latest lavs and loopholes; for 1976 tax returns. By Barry B. Steiner. 1977 ed. 134 p. Appl. au: Phase One Publications, Inc. , employer for hire. 3 Phase One Publications, Inc. ; 11Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A824867.


Careers through cooperative work experience. By Bobert L. Bennett. 172 p. e John Hiley and Sons, Inc.: 4Jan77: A 824868.


International relations: a policymaker focus. By Bobert L. Hendzel. 286 p. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77: A824869.


Educating for leisure-centered living. By Charles Kestner BrightbiXl e Tony A. Mobley. 2nd ed. 128 p. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 26Jan77: AS24870.


Analytical chemistry, second edition; solutions manual. By Gary D. Christian. 96 p. NMr up-to-date revision £ additions. O John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77: A824871.


Study guide for Physical geology, second edition, by Bichard Foster Flint & Brian J. Skinner. Prepared by George D. Turner. 185 p. NM: up-to-date revision & additions. 6 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 3Jan77; A824872.


Study guide for Chemistry and the living organism. By Holly a. Bloomfield. 187 p. O John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77: A824873.


Introduction to APL and computer programming. By Edward Harms & Michael P. Zabinski. 400 p. O John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 3Jan77; A824874.


You and your health. By Hilliam T. Fassbender. 438 p. Appl. states all new except some prev. pub. photos. i John Hiley and Sons, Inc. ; 3Jan77: A824875.


Basic algebra: a guided approach. By fiobert A. Carman & Marilyn J. Carman. 566 p. Appl. states all new except some prev. pub. cartoons. C John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 20Jan77; A824876.


Living together, married or single: your legal rights. By Nora Lavori. 255 p. Appl. states all new except portion prev. pub. in Viva. O Nora Lavori; 29Dec76; A824877.


Metrics primer. By Alfred A. Lease. 89 p. @ A. A. Lease; I|Nov76; A824878.


Instructor's manual to accompany Finite mathematics. By David A. Sprecher. 91 p. David A. Sprecher: 22Jun76: A824879.


Cutting production: teacher imple- mentation plan. 67 p. O Dallas Independent School District; 150ct76;



Library of test items to accompany Investigating behavior. By Otello Desiderato, Diane Black Howieson & Joseph a. Jackson. 91 p. 6 Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. ; 20Aug76; A824881.


Borkbook and study guide to accompany Investigating behavior. By Otello Desiderato, Diane Black Howieson & Joseph H. Jackson. 194 p. e Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 20Aug76; A824882.


The Magic garden: the myth and folklore of flowers, plants, trees and herbs. By Anthony S. Mercatante, illustrated by the author. 185 p. O Anthony S. Mercatante; 3NOV76; A824883.


The Mew community. By Elizabeth O'Connor. 121 p. O Elizabeth O'Connor; 150ec76: A824e84.


Cutting prodactioni evaluation instruments. Sheets {27 p.) 6 Dallas Independent School District; 150ct76; Aa24885.


Typing: evaluation instruments. Sheets (38 p.) Dallas Independent School District; 150ct76; A824886.


Typing: student learning plan. 119 p. Q Dallas Independent School District; 15Oct76; A824887.


Municipal land use. By Ivy s. Minely. 135 p. Appl. au; Institute for Continuing Legal Education. NM: revisions & additions. © Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 180ct76: A824888.


Worker's compensation. Editors; Edward J. O'Hara £ Michael J. Guard. 121 p. Appl. au: Institute for Continuing Legal Education. NM: revisions £ additions, e Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 8Sep76: A824889.


Materials for ICLE's . seminar on handling uninsured motorist claims in New Jersey. 39 p. MM: compilation, e Institute for continuing Legal Education; 15Jan77; Aa24890.


Residential real estate transactions: a practice guide. Prepared by Arthur S. Horn. 123 p. Appl. au: Institute for Continuing Legal Education. 6 on new material £ compilation; Institute for continuing Legal Education; 22Jan77: A824891.


Compilation of drunk driving materials. 269 p. BM: revisions £ additions. 6 Institute for Continuing Legal Education: 10jan76: A824892.


Attorney's guide for defense in VASCAB citations. 315 p. NM; revisions £ additions. Institute for Continuing Legal Education; 20Sep76; A824893.


Apparel trades book, February 1977. Issued by Credit Clearing House, a division of Dun and Bradstreet. 987 p. O Dun and Bradstreet. Inc. ; 14Jan77; A824894.


Corning, Campbell, Caton, NY, and others telephone directory, 1977. 9 New York Telephone Company; 21Dec7e; A824895.


Harwick, including Florida, Pine Island, NY, and otiiers, 1977. New York Telephone Company; 1Feb77; A824896.


Hatkins Glen, Montour Falls, NY, telephone directory, 1977. e New York Telephone Company; 5Jan77; A824897.


Chester, Goshen, Highland Mills. NY, and others yellow pages, 1977. (Hith Chester. Goshen. Highland Mills, NY, and others telephone directory, 1977-78) 6 Highland Telephone Company; 26Jan77; A824898.


Elmira. Horseheads, NY, telephone directory. 1977. New York Telephone company; 4Jan77; A824899.


Salamanca. Ellicottville, Limestone, Little Valley, HY, telephone directory, 1977. e New York Telephone Company; 7Jan77; A824900.


Franklinville. NY. telephone directory, 1977. e New York Telephone Company; 7Jan77; A8 24901.


Olean, Allegany, Hinsdale, Portville, NY, telephone directory, 1977. C New York Telephone Company; 7Jan77: A824902.


Marlboro, NY, telephone directory, 1977. d New York Telephone Company; 26Jan77;



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