Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/293

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A825248 — A825281
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A825247 (con.)

Translation o£ Heteorologiia i kiiaa- toloqiia; origiDal Bussian text pub. Id HoscoB, 19711 as a »olu«e ot Itoqi nauki. NH: tcanslatioD. 6 G. K. Hall and Coapany; 31Jan77; 4825247.


The iDteractioo of cells and viruses. Scieotlflc editoi:: h. S. Novokhatskiy. t02 p. (Vicology. vol. 3) Appl. au: G. &. (i.e. K.) Hall and Coapany, employer for hire o£ translator. Translation of Vzainodeist vie kletok i birusov; original Bussian text pub. in Hoscoi, 197it as a voluae of Itogi nauki. UUz translation. G. K. Hall and Company: 31Jan77: 1826248.


Genetics of aicroorganisBS. Scientific editor: A. S. Kriviskiy. 177 p. (Hicrobioloqy, vol. 3) Appl. au: G. K. Ball and Conpany, eaployer for hire of translator. Translation of GenetiXa Bikroorganizfflov; original Bussian text pub. in Moscow, 1974 as a volUB-:; of Itogi nauki. aa: translation. @ G. K. Hall and Company: 31Jan77: A82b2<49.


The Structure and developoent of tJie Eartti. Author: S. A. Ushakov. scientific editor: V. V. Fedynskiy. 261 p. (Physics of the Earth, vol. 1) Appl. au: G. K. Hall and Coapany, employer for hire of translator. Translation of Stroenie i razvitie zeali; original Bussian text pub. in Moscow, 1974 as a volume of Itogi nauki. Ntl: translation. O G. K. Hall and company; 31Jan77; A82S250.


Development of oil and gas deposits. Vol. 6. Scientifi.c editors: 1. N. Shadrin e 0. K. Angelopulo. 82 p. (Mining series. Editor-in-chief: A. V. Dokukin) Appl. au: G. K. Hall and Coopany, employer for hire of translator. Translation of Bazrabotka neftianykh i gazovykh mestorozhdenii: original Bussian text pub. in MOSCOW, 1975 as a volume of Itogi nauki. NM: translation, e G. K. Hall and company: 31Jan77; A62525t.


Current theories about the nature of abnornallv high reservoir pressures. Scientific editor; I. V. »ysotskiy. 132 p. (Deposits of fossrl fuels, vol. 6) Appl. au: G. K. Hall and Company, 'employer for hire of translator. Translation of Sovremennye predstavlenia o prirode anomal'no-vysokikh plastovykb davlenii; original Bussian text pub. in Moscow, 1975 as a volume of Itogi nauki. KM: translation. G. K. Hall and Company: 31Jan77; A825252.


Bibliographic guide to psychology; 1976. 198 p. Appl. au: Mew lork Public Library S G. K. Hall and Company. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in any material taken from D.S. Govt, sources. G. K. Hall and Company; 31Jan77; A825253.


Bibliographic guide to theatre arts: 1976. 227 p. Appl. au: New York Public Library & G. K. Hall and Company. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. G. K. Hall and Company; 31Jan77: A825254.


Bibliographic guide to dance: 1976. Vol. 1-2. Issued by the Performing Arts Besearch Center, The Besearch Libraries of The New York Public Library. 2nd suppl. to Dictionary catalog of the dance collection. Appl. au: The New lork Public Library & G. K. Hall and Company. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. G. K. Hall and Company £ The Hew York Public Library: 3Feb77; A825255.


Bibliographic guide to government publications— foreign: 1976. Vol. 1-2. Appl. au; The New York Public Library £ G. K. Hall and Company. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. C G. K. Hall and Company; 3feb77 ; A825256.


Bibliographic guide to art and architecture; 1975. 766 p. Appl. au; The New York Public Library 6 G. K. Hall and Company. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. G. K. Hall and Company: 31Jan77: A825257.


Correspondence of H. E. B. Du BOis. Vol. 2: selections. 1934-1944. Edited by Herbert Aptheker. 4 19 p. 6 The University of Massachusetts Press; 12Har76; A825258.


Success in America: the yeoman dream and the industrial revolution. By Bex Sehler Burns. 212 p. C Bex Sehler Burns; 22JU176: A82S259.


The Philosophy of Karl Popper. By Bobert John Ackermann. 212 p. University of Massachusetts Press; 11Jun76: A82S260.


Shakespeare's mediated world. By Bichard Fly. 164 p. 6 University of Massachusetts Press; 9Jun76: A825261.


Shakespeare's creation: the language of magic and play. By Kirby Farrell. 252 p. O Kirby Farrell; 27Feb76; A825262.


Legion of night; the underwing moths. By Theodore D. Sargent, photos, by Harold J. Vermes, drawings by Katberine A. Doktor Sargent. 222 p. University of Massachusetts Press; 26Mar76: A82S263.


The Moral tradition in English fiction, 1785-1850. By Samuel Pickering, Jr. 184 p. O Trustees of Dartmouth College: 140ct76; A825264.

A8 2526 5.

Guide to the microfilm edition of the papers of Josiah Bartlett (1729-1795) Editor: Frank C. Mevers. 71 p. O New Hampshire Historical Society; 10Dec76; A825265.


Energy and the environment: a structural analysis. Edited by Anne p. Carter. 262" p. C Trustees of Brandeis University; 2JN0V76: A825266.


Computer applications in radiation oncology; proceedings of the fifth International conference on the Use of computers in Badiation Therapy. Editor: Edward S. Sternick £ other editors. 559 p. Held Aug. 18-23, 1974 at Dartmouth college. O Fifth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Badiation Therapy: 29Sep76; A825267.


Shaker literatu 1-2. Compiled E Bichmond. e shaker Community, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825268.


Browne valley: the Piscatagua Biver Basin. By John P. Adams with a foreword by Charles E. Clark. 274 p. NM: compilation of materials. Trustees of the University of New Hampshire; 9Dec76; A825269.


fiobinair automotive service tools and equipment. Form no. 77-1, Jan. 1977. 43 p. Q Bobinair Manufacturing Corporation: 21Jan77: A825270.


The End of ideology and American social thought; 1930-1960. By Job Leonard Dittberner. Microfilm. Job Leonard Dittberner; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A825271.


black civilian aides and the problems of racism and segregation in the United States Armed Forces, 1940-1950. By Phillip flcGuire. Microfilm, o Phillip McGuire; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825272.


Humanistic educational reform: a study of Carl Eogers' influence on a teacher corps project in inner-city Louisville. By Douglas Mark Griggs. Microfilm. O Douglas Mark Griggs: 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825273.


The Preschool child's techniques for entering social groups. By Deborah Ellen Belle. Microfilm. O Deborah Ellen Belle; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825274.


Government policy-making and economic development, a case study: Greece, 1945-1953. By Andreas N. Coutris. Microfilm. O Andreas N. Coutris; 14Jan77 (fn notice: 1976) ; A825275.


Semi-direct products of Fuchsian groups and uniformization. By Gonzalo Guillermo Biera. Microfilm. Gonzalo Guillermo Biera; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8i5276.


The Problem of designing an African- American studies program in U.S. public schools: the challenge for new directions, a case study of the Bashington, D.C. public schools, 1969-1974. By James Clark Moone. Microfilm. James Clark Moone; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825277.


Left ventricular myocardial contrac- tility during the initial phase of experimental renal hypertension. By Billiam James Crawford. Microfilm. e William James Crawford; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825278.


"Contract of error": the thematic function of language in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. By Gayle Jacoba Greene. Microfilm. Gayle Jacoba Greene; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825279.


The Jewish schooling of American Jews: a study of non-cognitive educational effects. By Geoffrey Ephraim Bock. Microfilm. O Geoffrey Ephraim Bock; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A825280.


A Study of the influence of Plato and


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