Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/299

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A82S47B — A825516
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A825477 (con.)

ippl. ia: Special Coualttee ou Youth Education foe Citizenship, Aaecican Bar Association. Special Coamittee on louth Education foe Citizenship, American Bar Association: 22Dec76: A825477.


Tuo hundred years of English and Afflericac patent, tradeoack and copyright lav. 136 p. 6 American Bar Association; 29Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; Ae25«78.


Proceedings o£ the Fourth National Seminar on Planning Design and Implementation of Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities. December 4-6, 1975, Men Orleans, Louisiana. 610 p. Add. ti: Bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Aaerican Society of civil Engineers; 27Dec76: A825t79.


Bemeaber ae. By Saa Pishaan. 75 p. Saa Fishaan; 13Dec76: A825480.


The Oral tradition: storytelling and creative draaa. By Deuey B. Chaabers. 2nd ed. 102 p. C Billlaa C. Brovn Coapany Publishers: 5Jaa77: A82S4ei.


Jerry Brovn: high priest and Ioh politician. By Ed Salzaao, cartoons by Paul Conrad, photos, by Dennis Harreo. 125 p. KM: coapilation, additional text G pictorial natter. California Center for fiesearch and Education in Goveinnient: 2ejan77 (in notice: 1976) : A825482.


Copyright, patent, tradeaark and related state doctrines, copyright lav (Pub Law 94-553) and coaaeots; suppl. By Paul Goldstein. 62 p. US: editorial revisions. Callagban and Coapany; 6JaD77 (in notice: 1976): Ae2S4e3.


Atlantis: the antediluvian vorld. By Ignatius Donnelly, vith a nev introd. by E. F. Bleiler. 4 90 p. aa: introd. S, notes. Dover Publications, Inc.; 16Dec76: 4825484.


Harriage and the family under challenge: an outline of issues, trends, and alternatives. By Dorothy Pahs Beck, annotated bibliography: Emily Bradsbav. 2nd ed. 101 p. Prev. pub. as Current challenges to the traditional faaily and some nevly emerging alternate forms for family living. Q Faaily Service Association of America; 15HOV76; A82S4aS.


It all belongs to God: a guide to Christian stewardship. By Jerry filch. 19 p. Add. tlz It ail belongs to God: a devotional guide to Christian stewardship. Light and Life Press; 10JaD77 (in notice: 1976) ; 8625486.


All of life: a month's devotional guide to stewardship. By Jerry Bich. 30 p- O Light and Life Press: 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; Ae25487.

copyrights and historical affidavits on events and persons involved in Lord Dunmore's Bar which cliaaxed with the Battle of Point Pleasant fought on October 10, 1774, opening engageaent of the Aaerican Bevolution. 13 p. Appl. au: Patricia Burton. NH: coapilation & additional aatter. Patricia Barton; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A825488.


The Insertion of the pacemaker: what it aeans to ae. Lazarus laughs again. Iremendous possibilities through faith. By Victor J. Haiam. 31 p. NM: com- pilation £ additional matter. O Victor J. Haxaa; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A825489.


Cosmic Shakti Kundalini (the universal mother); a devotional approach. By Sant Keshavadas. 112 p. Ntl: compilation i additional text. O Sant Keshavadas: 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A825490.


A Hountain to clivb. By Eva Hazson, illus. by Fred Irvin. 122 p. S Pacific Press Publishing Association; 16Dec76; A82S491.


Op-date label. Sky Prints Corporation, Febiuary 1977. 1 p. 6 sky. Prints Corporation; 23Jan77: A825492.


The Oxy-acetylene handbook; a manual on oxy-acetylene weldijig fi cutting pro- cedures. 3rd ed. 290 p. 3 Union Carbide corporation; 15Sep76; A825493.


Dear amine guard systeas. No. F-46253. Folder. O Union carbide Corporation; 290ct76; A825494.


tledical emergency manual: differential diagnosis and treatment. Edited by aary E. Hoore, with associate editors: Hark Feldman, Charles D. Gilliland, Joseph C. Guzzo, Fredric a. Herskowitz, David P. Kelsen £ Lawrence a. Schiller. 2nd ed. 182 p. e The Williams and Uilkins Company; 31Dec76; A825495.


Dear Abby, February 14-20, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. a u: Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. O Chicago Tribune-New lork News Syndicate, Inc.; 31Jan77; A825496.


Dear Abby, January 17-23, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. a u: Chicago Tribune-Mew York News syndicate. Inc. O Chicago Tribune- New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; Aa25497.


Dear Abby, February 7-13, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune-New York Hews Syndicate, Inc. O Chicago Itibune-New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 24Jai:77; A825498.


Dear Abby, January 31-February 6, 1977. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune-uew York News Syndicate, Inc. 6 Chicago Tribune-New lot. News Syndicate, Inc.; 19Jan77; A825499.


Beginning an advanced placement Spanish language course. Level 3; edition Y. Contributions by Gloria Davila De Calhoun, Hacia Birigoyen, John Bars & others. 26 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. O College Entrance Examination Board; 24Har76; A825300.


Grading the advanced placement history of art examination. A report by Charles fihyne. 26 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. O College Entrance Examination Board; 17Hay76; A825501.


Beginning an advanced placement English course; edition Y. By The Advanced Placement English Development Committee. 37 p. appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. C College Entrance Examination Board; 9Apr76; A825502.


Beginning an advanced placement physics course; edition Y. By Charles Keno. 29 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. College Entrance Examination Board; 10Hay76; A825503.


Beginning an advanced place oent biology course; edition Y. Compiled £ edited by Billiam Kastrinos. 30 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. C College Entrance Examination Board; 12aay76; A825504.


Dance magazine annual '77. Editor- in-chief: Billiam Como £ other editors. 264 p. Appl. au: Danad Publishing Coapany, Inc. O Danad Publishing Company, Inc.; 27Dec76; A825505.


Zero Hostel's Book of villains. By Zero Hostel, with Israel Shenker, photographed by Alex Gotfryd. 1 v. Appl. au: Doubleday and Company, Inc., employer for hire of Alex Gotfryd. O Doubleday and Company, Inc.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825506.

A82 5507.

Scrapless forming process licensing program. Folder. The Dow Chemical Company; 6Dec76; «825507.


Feedblock coextrusioo licensing pcogram. 6 p. 6 The Dow Chemical Company; 6Dec76; A825508.


Dow CPE elastomers, versatility- -processability--reliability. 12 p. fi sheets. NH: editorial revision. O The Dow Chemical Company; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A825509.


Free analytical service with Ambitroi fluids from Dow, 34 p. NH: editorial revision £ new graphs. O The Dow Chemical company; 13Sep76; A825510.


Hethocel, a preaium methycellulose, USP. Folder. 6 The Dow chemical Company; 15NOV76; Aa25511.


Kethocel, a methycellulose. Folder. The Dow Chemical Coapany; 15Nov76; A82S512.


Dowicide B, antimicrobial. Section 1-10. polder. NH: revisions £ additions. O The Dow chemical Coapany; 27Sep76: 4825513.


Flotation fundamentals and mining chemicals. 80 p. NH: revisions, additional text £ new graphs. The Dow Chemical Coapany; 11Feb76; A825514.


Collins and Aikaan Corporation: suppleaentary review, Jan. 7, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) O Forbes Investors Advisory Institute,

Inc.; 7Jan77; A825S15.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.