Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/301

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A821560 — A825600
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A825559 (con.)

proqraa. 17 p. C Score iDternationai; 5No»76; A825559.


Sioqer 111 lessons, power seHing training prograa; instructor's guide. Developed by zieva Konvisser £ Darryl [Jrcbeclc. 1 t. Appl. au: Chrysler Learning, Inc. Q Chrysler Learning, Inc., a subsidiary of Chrysler Corporation; 11NOV76: A825560.


Snow Foan, 1977 annual catalog. 30 p. O Snow Foam Products, Inc. ; 23Dec76; A825S61.


I can make you appear to be a mil- lionaire in just six veeksl 7 p. Add. ti: Bould you like? Appl. au: Bobert H. Morrison — "Hugh Collier" £ Ihad C. Stevenson — "Hugh Collier". O Everslonal Besources Publishing Company, Inc.; 1itl)ay73; A825562.


OaJc Creek Canyon; a &-stanza poem. Card. Appl. au: E. K. Brown. e E. K. Brown; 22Sep76 (in notice: 1977); A825563.


Color Key. Appl. au: Ira Chester Gould. Prev. reg. A5«6016. NH: additional text e pictorial matter. The color Key Company: 290ec76: A825564.


Rental health centers and local clergy: a source book of sample prolects. Compiled by Bobert J. Carlson. B8 p. community nental Health Institute; 30NOV76: A825565.


1001 crafts by J and A, 1977. 57 p. Appl. au: Joseph Siegelnan, Joanne Siegelman & Sidney Dubin. J and A Handy-Crafts, Inc. ; 22Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A825566.


TV yearbook. No. 31. Editor: Florine McCain, art editor: Larry Flanagan, photo editor: Olivia Atherton. 90 p. O Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 11Jan77; A825567.


Daytime TV yearbook. No. 8. Editor: Michael Denis, art editor: A. J. Budolph. 90 p. Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 11Jan77; 4825568.


The Credit Dnion planning seminar participant planning handbook. 32 p. Appl. au: James u. Cardwell e Anthony a. Schumacher (Tony) C Credit Union National Association, Inc. (in notice: Credit Onion National Association, Inc. - -Organization Development); 2'*Feb76; A825569.


Credit union planning seminar, seminar materials. 1 v. Appl. au: James H. Cardwell. O Credit Onion National Association* Inc. (in notice: Credit Onion National Association, Inc- -Organization Development) ; 23Mar76; A825570.


Coordinator's manual Credit Union planning seminar. 134 p. Appl. au: James U. Cardwell. e Credit Union National Association, Inc. (in notice: Credit Dnion National Association, Idc- -Organization Development); 28Nov76; A825571.


An Analysis of arson in a socio-economic framework. Prepared for the Mayor's Task Force op Arson by the Institute for Puget Sound Needs. 1 v. Add. ti: Arson in a socio-economic framework: an analysis.

The Institute for Puget Sound Needs; 21Dec76; Aa2S572.


God and man. 1 v. Appl. au: Buford S. Anderson (B. S. Anderson) NM: compilation & additions. O Buford S. Anderson; 15Dec76; 4825573.


Techniques and experiments for organic chemistry. By Addison Ault. 2nd ed. 296 p. Holbrook Press, Inc.; 13Feb76; 4825574.


Bail roads of America: a calendar for 1977. By Don Ball. Jr. O Don Ball, Jr.; 10ct76; 4825575.


Hoffman systems approach to reading: comprehension instructional kit 2: teacher 6 student. 2 kits. The school Board of Dade county; 254ug76: 4825576.


4 and SP management: marketing communications program. 4uthor: Bichard Keith. 1 V. Appl. au; General Electric Company. 6 General Electric Company; 31Dec76; A825577.


Creative direction: marketing com- munications program. 4uthor: Richard Pry. 1 V. Appl. au: General Electric Company. O General Electric Company; 16Dec76; 4825578.


Account management: marketing com- munications program. Author: Philip Burton. 1 v. Appl. au: General Electric Company. Q General Electric Company; 17NOV76; 4825579.

482558 0.

IBS program: Individualized reading skills program; reading skilljs booklets. Level B. By Uilliam K. Durr, Bobert L. Hillerich 6 Clifford I. Johnson. Kit. Add. ti: Individual reading skills program. Appl. au: Houghton Mifflin Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions & additions. Houghton Mifflin Company; 27Auq75; 4825580.

482558 1.

IBS program; Individualized reading skills program: pre-assessment tests. Level B. By Uillian K. Durr, Bobert L. Hillerich e Clifford I. Johnson. Kit. 4dd. ti: Individual reading skills program. 4ppl. au: Houghton Mifflin Company, employer for hire. NH: revisions & additions. & Houghton Mifflis Company; 274ug75; 4825581.

A82558 2.

Peacemaking: a guide to conflict resolution for individuals, groups, and nations. Edited by Barbara Stanford, illustrated by Guy Danella. 500 p. Appl. states all new except for prev, pub. material. Portions prev. pub. in The New York times magazine. May 4, 1975 E others. 6 Bantam Books. Inc.; 19Jan76; A825582.


A Grief observed. By C. S. Lewis, afterword by chad Ualsb. 151 p. 6 on afterword; Chad Balsh; 16Feb7b; A825583.

Lottman. 186 p. (The Bionic woman) Based on The Bionic woman, adapted from The Bionic woman episodes Claws, written by Sue Hilburn S canyon of death, written by Stephen Kandel. e MCA Publishing (in notice: MCA Publishing, a division of MCA, Inc.); 5Jan77; 4825584.


International incidents. By Mike Jabn. 186 p. (The Six million dollar man) Based on The Six million dollar man, adapted from the episodes Double trouble, written by Jerry Devine, The Deadly test, written by James D. Parriott £ Love song from Tanya, written by David H. Balkan £ 41an Folsom. MCA Publishing (in notice: MCA Publishing, a division of MCA, Inc.); 5Jan77: A825585.


The Last great death stunt. By Clark Howard. 216 p. O Clark Howard: 5Jan77: Ae2 5586.


The Travelers. By Jonathan Leon. 283 p. e Jonathan Leon; 5Jan77; 1825587.


Clarion SF. Edited by Kate bilhelm. 176 p. e Kate Hilhelm; 5Jan77; A825588.


The Music of Aquarius. By Canella Lewis, pseud, of Jonathan Bichards. 217 p. 6 Jonathan Bichards (writing as Canella Lewis) ; 5Jan77; A825589.


Ufay are we in Vietnam? By Norman Mailer with a new pref. by the author. 145 p. on new pref.; Norman Mailer; 5Jan77: A825590.


The Whole art of speaking the word. By John Lee Baughman. 22 p. John Lee Baughman: 7Nov76; 482559 1.


The Technique of demonstration. By John Lee Baughman. 23 p. O John Lee Baughman; 14ug76; 4825592.


Taking charge once again. By John Lee Baughman. 20 p. O John Lee Baughman; 5Sep76; A825593.


New thought and how to use it. By John Lee Baughman. 29 p. John Lee Baughman; 4JU176: A825594.


The Eternal voyager. By John Lee Baughman. 15 p. John Lee Baughman; 15Feb76; A825595.


The 4pproach that conquers. By John Lee Baughman. 18 p. O John Lee Baughman; 6Jun76: 4825596.


Extending your friendships. By John Lee Baughman. 20 p. O John Lee Baughman; 5Dec76; A825597.


Life's supreme riddle. By John Lee Baughman. 27 p. John Lee Baughman; 30ct76; A82559B.


The Fortenberry rites. By Margaret Ogan £ George Ogan. 160 p. G Major Books; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4825599.


Blueprint for terror. By Bobert Temmey.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.