Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/327

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A826573 — A826603
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A826572 (con.)

BusxDess Machines CorpocatioD) ; 30Dec76; A826572.


Apparel busiaess systeB/370 progran descciptioQ/operations. manual, part 1 of 2 A.6.S./370 systems design and implementation, proqraui number 5796-AJG. 2nd ed. 1 V. (Installed user program) e International Business Hacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 1SJan77 (in notice; 1975, 1976) ; A826573.


IBH systen/32 client accounting and financial reporting system application reference manual, volume 2, guide to daily operation, program number 5725-C21. Sheets. (Industry application program) Add. ti: Client accounting operation. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation); 1loct76: Ae2657i|.


5740-F12. Printout. International Business Elacbines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation; 30»o»76: A826575.


5746-XC2. Printout. O International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation: 3D1Iot76 : A82657e.


5740-IC2. Printout. MB: adaptation. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation: 30NOV76; A826577.


5798-CLP. Printout. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH corporation: 3Dec76: A826578.


The Natural world modules, resource boolc; teacher's ed. Program directors; Ernest Burlcoan, Stevart P. Darrov, David D. Bedfield t, William B. Snyder. 100 p. Adaptation ot Probing the natural world. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NH: adaptation. O Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: A826579.


tfinds and weather: teacher's ed. Program directors; Ernest Burkman. Stewart P. Darrow, David D. Bedfield G Hilliam G. Snyder. 1 v. (The natural world modules, level 3) Adaptation of Probing the natural world. Appl. au; Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NH: adaptation. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: A826580.


Hhy you're you; teacher's ed. Program directors; Ernest Burkmau, Stewart P. Darrow, David 0. Redfield t, Silliam B. Snyder. 1 v. (The Natural world modules, level 3) Adaptation of Probing the natural world. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NH: adaptation. Silver Burdett Company: 3Jan77; Ae26581.


In orbit; teacher's ed. Program directors: Ernest Burkman, Stewart P. Darrow, Oavid D. Bedfield e Hilliam B. Snyder. 1 v. (The Natural world modules, level 3) Adaptation of Probing the natural world. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NB; adaptation. Silver Burdett Company: 3Jan77; A826582.


Christian community: spirit master activity sheets. No. 2. Illus. by John D- Firestone Associates. 20 p- Appl. au: Sliver Burdett Company, employer for hire. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: A826583.


Activity book for Jesus lives. By Patricia Uertaiik. 64 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A82658lt.


Jesus lives; spirit master activity sheets. No. 1. Illus. by John D. Firestone Associates. 16 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. O Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: A826585.


Activity book for creation- By fl. Angela Conrad Staub. 63 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire, e Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: A8265e6.


Creation; spirit master activity sheets. No. 3. Illus. by John 0. Firestone Associates. 20 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company* employer for hire. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A826587.


Occupations 1; Judy duplicating masters. Illustrator: Norma Erler Bahn. 1 v. Appl. au; The Judy Company, employer for hire. O The Judy Company: 3Jan77: A826588.


Activity book for christian community. By Patricia Uertaiik. 61 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A826589.


Let freedom ring: a United States history; spirit master activity sheets. Baps, charts & drawings by Oavid Lindroth e Vantage Art, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NB; editorial revision. O Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A826590.


Let freedom ring: a United States history, problem-solving booklet: teacher's ed. By Dan Fleming. 157 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. NB: editorial revision e additions. Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77: A826591.

4826 59 2.

Let freedom ring: a Onited States history, performance tests; teacher's ed. By Beverly S. Almgren. 64 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett company, employer for hire. NB: editorial revision. C Silver Burdett Company: 3Jan77; A826592.


Activity book for Sacrament; teacher's ed. No. 5. By Sister Rose Barie Padovano. 64 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. O Silver Burdett Company; 3Jan77; A826593.


Spanish- American music and its roots. By Alice D. Firgau 6 Sobert Garfias. 30 p. (Silver Burdett music, 7 8 8) Appl. au: Silver Burdett company, employer for hire. C silver Burdett Company: 30Dec76: A826594.


Activity book for Growth in spirit: teacher's ed. No. 6. By Sister Bose Harie Padovano. 64 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. 6 silver Burdett Company: 3Jan77; A826595.


Activity book for christian conscience; teacher's ed. No. 4. By H. Angela Conrad Staub. 64 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. @ Silver Burdett Company: 3Jan77: A826596.


Occupations 2; Judy duplicating masters. 1 V. e The Judy Company; 3Jan77: 4826597.


Growth in spirit; spirit master activity sheets. No. 6. Illus. by Bob Barker. 20 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett company, employer for hire. O Silver Burdett Company; 7Jan77; A826598.


Sacrament; spirit master activity sheets. NO. 5. Illus. by Bob Darker. 20 p. Appl. au: Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. 6 Silver Burdett company: 3Jan77: A826599.


Transportation; Judy duplicating masters. 1 v. C The Judy Company; 3Jan77; 4826600.


Dinosaurs: Judy duplicating masters. 1 V. o The Judy Company: 3Jan77: A826601.


Animals; Judy duplicating masters. 1 v. The Judy Company: 3Jan77; 4826602.


Animal parents and babies: Judy duplicating masters. 1 v. The Judy Company; 3Jan77: 4826603.


Balance in your life; teacher's ed. Level 5: purple. Writing of annotations by Barbara «. Coyner. 1 ». (Health: decisions for growth) Appl. au: Division of Urban Education, Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. NH: p. T36-I38 6 annotations. Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4826604.


Toward your future; teacher's ed. Level 6: brown. Uriting of annotations by Barbara li. Coyner. 1 v. (Health: decisions for growth) Appl. au: Division of Urban Education, Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. NH; p. T36-T40 £ annotations. O Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4826605.


YOU make choices; teacher's ed. Level 2: red. writing or annotations by Elizabeth Hone, Susan Curia Pulisci £ Gerry Donati Thompson. 1 v. (Health: decisions for growth) 4ppl. au: Division of Urban Education, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. , employer for hire. NB; p. I34-T42 6 annotations. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A826606.


4s you grow; teacher's ed. Level 1: blue. Sriting of annotations by Elizabeth Hone, Susan Curia Pulisci E Gerry Donati Thompson. 1 v. (Health: decisions for growth) 4ppl. au: Division of Urban Education, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. NH: p. I2-T40 6 annotations. O Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich,

Inc.: 3Jaii77: A826607.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.