Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/333

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1826819 — 8826859
JAN.-JUN. 1977

5826018 (con.)

Lawn and garden supplies and equipment market, somber 437_ 0 Frost and Solilean, Inc.; lOwsl6; 0826818.

8026819. Patient aenutarrag products. no. 362. 1 e. Add. tI: Fatiest aoxitanung, woolen 362. 0 prose and SuNless, Inc.; 180076; J. Dshrny. lerteas lax of Fe Octal knesme 6826819.

0826820. The Industrial gas turbine nanket. Ne. 851. 1 V. 0 Frost aad Salliean, dan.; 12sr76; 8826820.


The Asslptneal isotenmento market in Europe. 269 p. Add. 61: analytical iostrwnents in escape, 0183. 8 Frost and Ssllisan, Tar.; 1nov76; 6826821.

8826822. Civil transport aircraft markets to 1986 in selected countries of Western Europe. 1 e. lId. ti; fistS transport airseaft market in Turspe, 0117. 8 Prsat and Sullivan, Ten.; lsct76; 0826822.


The Military computer market. 1 e. Add. tue Bnlitary coo putera mar hot, somber 427. 8 Frsst and Soidu,an, Ire.; laos76; 00 268 23.


The U.S. market for computerized axial tomographic equipment. 1 e. Add. tie Csmpsterieed axial tonogrophy market, nsmber 430. 8 Fruat and 555lknan, Tan.; lNae76; 0826824.


Word proceasieq ie lurape, t152. 1 © Frost and sslsieee, Too.; lTen76; 8826825. 1826826. The Hilitery nseiqstisa asrien. Na. 462. 1 e. C Frost sad Ssliiear, Tee.; 1Nov16; 0826826. 6 82 68 27. The nron sod Soadu Arabia defense mankrts. 1 e. kdd. 61: silitary market ix Iron and easdi arabia, 1205. 8 Frost aed Sollieaa, Tar.; 1Nov76; 6826827. 8826828. 0 Financial, ec000mcc and market onalysis of tin rarer macharm indnstr sink forecaans to 1981 wad 1985. 1 Add. 61: paper machinery, number 415. o Frost and ssllieaa, Ike.; llooI6; 8 8 268 26. 0826829. Veterinary medieune and sapplier sad animal health muriet ix the snited mates, and mnteniada oncamnencind lxx, third 1965—1985. 1 e. Add. 60: Veterinary aupphiea merket, esaher 401. 8 Prose end ealhisow, Inc.; lTec76; 8826829. 0826830. lisuid sad uslld naste tresemeet maniets Inc.; 25Jan77; 6826881. he Parore, 0190. 1 e. English; Salle of contexts, list xl tables, last af fngxrea 6 executive sammoky in English, lennox, French 6 Itsiiax. C Frsst sod Soildean, Inc.; looel6; 1026030. 1826831. Oefnrty love probate, second editksn. ewl. 1, ix, 2 & 3. 1977 exmxda tine so prl. far teachers. 8 The pooadstuon Press, ey eiiliam e. Fhelsn 6 Stephen P. eright. 3 e. io 5. C tallsgtan end Campanr; 203ao77; 6826031. 1826832. eichiga a stxtntem sneetared. Aexe— tanu005 release 2. Dee. 1976. faapiled & edited hy yaciehaise N. TOoths, earhern 0. eomsaekl, Henry Grocer Smith 6 the fxliaghoa and faopsay editorial rtatf. 447 p. 0 Calleghon and Coopeny; 14Jan17; no 26 83 2. 68 26 d3 3. forrest toe highlights supplementing eertens doe of Poderad ineoxe toaoxian. Vol. 18, oa. 14, Sept. 30, 1916, ho James txaatusn. eslkngs ealnxe, release na. 45, laws, no. 4. p. 335—531. 0 Ceat reqnlntisea, relesae no. 28. Sept. 30, 1976. Folder (5 F.) 6 sheets. 8 Calloghan and foxpoay; Ooct76; 0826837. 8826834. Csrrsni tax hnghiights sopplementing eert,ns law sf Federal jerome toxatiet. Osd. 18, so. 15, Oct. 21, 1976. Op Jemoa J. esheny. Fsldor (4 p.) 8 falhxghon and Op ndelaude Bry. U’S p. 0 xdelaide Sty; Company; 38sr76; x826834. 0826835. farrene tax hnghlights exppdemeattsg eertune len of Federal iseoee taaathon. yal. 18, so. 16, eon. (1, 1916, by Jaaes J. Daheny. eertees don af Fedeuwl inewme taxation. xcqslatlons, ueieage xa. 30, sos. Il, 1976. Folder (4 p.) 6 sheete. C Callnghxs end Company; 1840,76; 8826835. 8026836. What ywu eosn kaos union the urea— pa nisnal Safety ead eeeltk hen. Sah ed. 24 p. 8 Frentuee— Hall, dIe.; 3Jan77; 6826836. 0826837. l.C. rode lagnoiatnme and admnakatratn,o soreire: Siatrret of Celanhia laws, public ynlihees. 166 p. (Celia; apyeaoter, so. lows, 90th Congress, serssdsoosint, 1976. 14) Odd. ti; ealke, nomier 14; the 435 p. Supplomrntnsg listrirt ad Colnmhio Furtog000e defection. uppl. as; Fkenaele rode encyrlapedna. 8 West Fxhliahing Caaparp; 26Jan77; 642h831. 0026838. Selected statxtrs, roles sad fur mssrder notice: 1977); 8826851. the Federol oeexrrthes laws. fwopkled hy xiehard 0. Jeeniega I earald aersi, Jr. 1977 ed. 729 p. 8 TIn Poxndosioo Press, Inc.; 3Pekl7; 0826830. n02i639. West’s North sesrors digest, yrreaher 1976. 775 p. 0 West Fohlishing foapany; 17Jan17; 8826839. 8826848. fxrdsn ‘5 Fennapdeonna statutes eanatarrd. Jan. 1977 rnmniorie, paaphlet. 710 p. uypl. ow: West Pshdishdeg Company, alphehotica 1 sections fodlomiog yeller explorer for hire. C xest Pwhlishing Coxpany 6 George I. Steel Company; 26Jun17; 0826840. 6826841, esnnal for teschero to oceampany Caere dittos. Or l. nlhon Foresnor th 6 Jaha Nonnold. 192 p. Odd. 61: Con meerinl leo, cases ow d materdals, thurd edituon, man501 for teachers. NO: sempilation, reeishsws 6 additiaws. 8 The poowdstiou Press, Nfl 26802. sanowl far teerhers to accompany lanes and xaterials an the lox of credin erwuaeetiaoa end consumer protection. By Jam Oruwoid. 123 p. Add. ti: Ida of credit traesactiaes and consumer yrstortiwn. e0000 and materislo, masnal Ion.; 25Jao71; 1826842. 0826853. eastaeuoaetts prartare, eeesnd edntise. ral. 14—146. 1977 psekat port. Op ywmwcd J. Aiperin. 2 e. I Aeot Fwblishua5 Campxuy; 25Jee77; k82h643. 2011 8826844. eanual on eenformeomnernkei rude. 1917 porket part. 8: Austin 3. Stichells. 238 p. (saeoarbwoe tts prorties, raT. 25) o 0,nr Pshhkohin Company; 17Dec76; 1826844. no 2 684 5. New Jrnsty aeauian law aereic,. 1576 Peblhothag Conpanyy 13Jaw77; n826845. 8826846. Thr Souse on enasion Hill. By elerenre Hard. 107 p. I Fierenee nard; 4Jan77 (Ia notice; 1976); nt26HsN. 1826807. yex to get angry nittont feeliag ;unltp. 4Jan77 (ow sature-. :976, en espies: let Siooet priut., Jan. 1977) ; 0826041. 8826848. Seords of the hoireclowo. ry Ocbert kdsws. 182 p. 8 Hohert Hdaxs; 15Jan76; no 26 848. n826849. Space—age esekery. ry hilletto Warberg. 177 p. 0 Auil,tts harherg; 15Jse76; N826e45. 882 6850. the Word heek. ey Sophie easeuco. 2nd tee. 6 eul, ed. 132 p. 8 Sophie Baseana; lTJsu76; 8626850. 8826851. Tho Pontxgoeoe defeethon. ep lerard no nooks, nor. • employer ear hire. Free. yak. aader the title, S.n.T.: lea owrriea do tage. B ow iwglish tnanelatior; Fieaarle eoshs, Tue.; 15Jan76 (in 1826852. The lakhaeh lights. Or xarud n. Wheelee. 186 p. 8 Ooeid N. Wheeler; lBJaa77; n826852. 8826853. The Horton lisa the tools. Ny Hloreare Stosen055. 170 p. 0 Plaretee Stareneox; 17Jun77; 82k853. n82 6854. rogers, Sprioofield, 60, separate pages Con neouby tomes, 1977/78. d Pacific noatbwest Nell Telephone Company; 3Jan77; 5826854. 0026855. Furtlond, Oortlngtoa. lake Iomega, eiixeokiu, 00, 1917. 8 Forilir Borthnest Bell Telephone toapawy; 9Dec76; 6826055. x82 68 SN. Caaphell, oar Battle, and Saratoga, Co. telephone dirertury, February 1917. 8 TI, Pecblio Telaphore and Telegraph Cumyany; 4Feb77; 1826056. x6i6851. Breerly Bills, Cx, telrphoxe directory. Fehrsary 1977. 0 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph fompaup; 9Feh77; 1826057. 1026858. Cnlaer City, Palms, fn, telephone dirernory, Fehuwary 1977. 8 Ihe Porifte Telephone and Telegraph Coxpanp; 7FehH7; 1026858. 0826859. San Jose, Saatn Clara, Copertino, Oulputes, Cl, telephore directory. Febraarp 1977. C The Feeilkr Telnphase and Teleymaph Company: 3Feb17; 0826059. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.