Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/36

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A814409 — A814852
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A814408 (con.)

Smith. e Trevor Melia S F. Michael Smith; 9Dec76: A81t808.


Boring manual. No. VBH-104, No». 1976. 103 p. © The Valeron Corporation; 25liov76; 4814809.


Cube baseball: illustrated play 6 rules. 8 p. 4ppl. au: Uarren John Allen (H. J. lllen) e Marren John Allen; 17Jul76; A814810.


The Habit of saving. By Keith 4. Thornton. 12 p. 6 Keith 4, "Buddy" Thornton; 6Jan76 ; A814811.


Manual for travel counsellors; a guide to airline ticketing, domestic £ international air fares, steamship G rail travel fi related services. By Kenneth N. Carlson. 6th ed. 251 p. Prev. pub. 30JU173. a Kenneth N . Carlson; 11Dec76; A814812.

A8148 13.

Finger puppets. Creator S writer; Cecilia H. Di Pofi. 4 p. e Cecilia H. Di Pofi; 3Jan77; 4814813.


Let us rise; a Bicentennial book. By Beaee Anne Viosca. 52 p. € eenee Anne Viosca; 1Dec76; 4814814.


Standard transportation commodity code, January 1, 1977. 638 p. S Association of American Uailroads; 1Jan77: 4814815.


Midnight and noonday; or. The Incidental history of southern Kansas and the Indian territory. By G. D. Freeman. 410 p. KM: additions. C Sumner County Historical Society; 3Jul76; 4814816.


Finger prints, palms and soles; an introduction to derma toglyphics. By Harold cummins 6 Charles Midlo. 324 p. Prev. pub. 1943 6 1961. NH: suppl. K republication notice. © Research Publishing Company, Inc.; 12Jan76; A814817.


Seven founders of American literature. By Carla Hancock, portrait drawings by Ted Irinkaus. 207 p. 6 John F. Blair, Publisher; 10Jul76; A814818.


The Parker gun; an immortal American classic. Vol. 2. By Larry L. Baer. 148 p. a Larry L. Baer; 1Dec76; A814819.

48 14820..

Eguipment and services in the petroleum industry. Study prepared by fiobert B. Spears and Company. 1 v. la Robert B. Spears and Company; 24Nov76; A814820.


Revised pages for Facts and comparisons, December 1976. Sheets. Add. ti: Eevised pages for Facts and comparisons book for December 1976. Appl. au: Eruin K. Kastrup 6 Gene H. Schwach. « Facts and Com- parisons, Inc.; 7Dec76; Aei4821.


In days of old, at this season. 28 p. English 6 Hebrew. 6 Sifrei Levana, Inc.; 9Dec76; A814822.


A Vital resource: agriculture in Hampshire County. By Nathan Kutstein 6 Bichard Gaffney- 20 p. Appl. a u: Hampshire County Planning Department. © Hampshire County Planning Department; 220ct76; A814823.


Survival song. By Maxine Gayle Silverman. 27 p. O Marine Silverman; 10ct76; A814824.


Laymen look at wilderness; views of the wilderness Review Panel. 16 p. Appl. au: Tom Messelt. e Tom aesselt; 30Dec76; A8 14825.

A8 14826.

Midstream, 1976. Editor: Amy Nyman. 81 p. Appl. au: Louise & Leonard Butters & Loren Gruber. Q Indianola Writers Workshop, Inc.; 4Sep76; A814826.


Collected Terse and plays of Morman Bennett. By Norman Bennett, drawings by the author. 12 p. Appl. states all new except one poem prev. pub. in the Saint Charles (HO) journal. 6 Norman Bennett; 3Jan77; 4814827.


If you're so smart. By Pasgual J. Battagiia. 1 v. NM; compilation. e Pasgual J. Battagiia; 17Dec76; AB14828.


Fish stories, 1976. By Dean Kapsy, Elaine Solem £ John Hagen. 1 v. 6 Dean Kapsy, John Hagen £ Elaine Solem; 30ct76; 4814829.


4 Selection of historic 4merican papers on concrete, 1876-1926. Edited by Howard Newlon, Jr. 334 p. Appl. au: 4merican Concrete Institute. Portions prev. reg. NH: compilation. Q American Concrete Institute; 21Dec76; 4814830.


Furniture rental: a sensible alternative for all kinds of people. 1 v. 3 Associated Furniture Rental Companies, Inc. ; 14Sep76; A814831.

A8 14832.

CCH capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1364, Dec. 17, 1976. Sheets. 9 Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 17Dec76; A814832.


CCH capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1365, Dec. 22, 1976. Sheets. C Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 22Dec7b; 4814833.


CCH capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1366, Dec. 30, 1976. Sheets. S Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 30Dec76; A814834.

A8 14835.

CCH capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1363, Dec. 9, 1976. sheets. © commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 9Dec76; A814835.


CCH capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1362, Dec. 2, 1976. Sheets. & Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 2Dec76; A814836.

48 14837.

Bowhunting for whitetail and mule deer. By Marion £. James. 224 p. e Marion R. James; 25Nov76; A814837.


The Revelation of a multi-dimensional autobiography. By Leonard B. Hascall. 160 p. Add. ti: The Revelation, a multi-dimensional autobiography. O Leonard B. Hascall; 24Dec76; A8 14839.


Quiet in the grave and other poems. By Gerald Garbarini. 57 p. 6 Gerald Garbarini; 23Dec76; 4814840.


orientation in American English. Reader 6. By Sandra Costinett, illustrated by Diana Manning. 61 p. NM: additions £ revisions. e Institute of Modern Languages, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4814841.


Becertif ication: a look at the issues. Vol. 9, report no. 96, May 1976. p. 64 1-699. e Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry; 15May76; A814842.


Phonic analogies, B8. By Richard A. Boning. 1 v. 6 Dexter and Westbrook, Ltd.; 3Jan77; 4814843.


Notable New Mexico women: a selected index. By Nancy C- Benson. 34 p. © Nancy C. Benson; 30Dec76; 48 14844.


Blue Cross manual. Editor: Margaret R. Earle. Sheets. NM: additions, revisions G compilation. @ Blue cross Association; 28Dec76; 4814845.


Gem trails of Arizona: a field guide for collectors. By Bessie W. Simpson. 5th rev. ed. 96 p. G Bessie W. Simpson; 3Jan77; A814846.


Traditional Roman Catholic calendar for the year of our Lord 1977. 4ppl. au: Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Inc. fi Gommar A. De Pauw. © Catholic Tradi- tionalist Movement, Inc.; 1Dec76; A814847.


Midwest Wildflowers: the seeds of wildflowers. Catalog 1, 1977. 26 p. Appl. au: Leroy B. Busker. © Midwest Wildflowers; 3Jan77; A814848.


The Mighty god Viracocha. Adapted by Harriet fieisman a.k.a. Harriet Rohmer £ Mary Anchondo, illustrated by Mike Rios £ Richard Bontez. 19 p. Add. ti: El Dios ponderosa viracocha. English £ Spanish. © Children's Book Press/Imprenta de Libros Infantiles; 290ct76; 4814849.


Cuna song. Adapted by Harriet Reisman a.k.a. Harriet Rohmer £ Jesus Guerrero Rea, illustrated by Irene Perez. 23 p. Add. ti; Cancion de los cunas. English £ Spanish. © Children's Book Press/Imprenta de Libros Infantiles; 24Nov76; 4814850.


Land of the icy death. Adapted by Harriet Reisman a.k.a. Harriet Rohmer £ Jesus Guerrero Rea, illustrated by Xavier Viramontes- 23 p. Add. ti: Tierra de la muerte glacial. English £ Spanish- © Children' s Book Press/Imprenta de Libros Infantiles; 24Nov76; 4814851.


How we came to the fifth world. Adapted

by Harriet fieisman a.k.a. Harriet Rohmer £


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.