Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/38

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A814889 — A814826
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A814888 (con.)

operating note; 9825ft calculator 93032ft option 083 interface tape reader operating note. Appl. aii: Allea Thomas Jackson. 8 Henlett-Packard Company; lnar76;


HP 981334 BCD interface; operating £ service- 42 p. ftdd. ti: Hewlett-Packard 9815A calculator 98133i BOB interface operating and service- ftppl. au: ftllen Bruce Herder. S Henlett-Packard Company; lllav76; ft81"t889.


980334 BCD interface installatio service manual. 41 p. Add. ti: Heulett-Packard 98033 4 BCD interface installation and service manual. 4ppl. au: Eldon Bay Broun. 8 Hewlett-Packard company; 1«ay76; A814890.


Matrix programming. 32 p. Add. ti; Hewlett-Packard 9825A calculator natrix programming; 98254 calculator matrix programming manual. Appl. au: John Frederick Abeqg. iS Hewlett-Packard company; 1Apr76; A814891.


98032ft option 071 interface printer operating note. 36 p. Add. ti; Hewlett-Packard 9825A calculator 98032A option 071 interface printer operating note; 98254 calculator 980324 option 071 interface printer operating note. Appl, au: John Frederick Abegg. 8 Hewlett- Packard company; 1llay76; 4814892.


Card reader operating note. 22 p. 4dd. ti: 98254 calculator 980324 option 069 interface card reader operating note; Hewlett-Packard 98254 calculator 980324 option 069 interface card reader operating note. 4ppl. au: Allen Thomas Jackson. e Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Mar76; 4814893.


Plotter programming. 38 p. Add. ti; Hewlett-Packard 9825A calculator 98624 plotter programming; 98254 calculator 98624 plotter programming manual. 4ppl. an: Patricia Ann Hafford. 9 Hewlett- Packard Company; 2Jun76 ; A8 14894.


HP 98714 printer options 10, 20, 21 and 30 operating manual. 1 v. 4dd, ti: Hewlett-Packard 98714 printer options 10, 20, 21 and 30 operating manual. 4ppl. au: John Bernard Balog. S Hewlett-Packard company; 1Nov75; A814895.


HP 98136A serial I/O interface; operating & service. 48 p. Add. ti: Hewlett-Packard 9815A calculator 98136A serial I/O interface operating and service. Appl. au: Allen Bruce Herder. 9 Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec76: A814896.


HP 98135A HP-IB interface; operating 6 service. 72 p. ftdd. ti: Hewlett-Packard 9ei5ft calculator 981354 HP-IB interface operating and service. Appl. au; Alien Bruce Herder. © Hewlett-Packard Company; mov76; 4814897.


HP 98134A option 063 interface; operating note- 10 p- Add. tr; Hewlett-Packard 9815A calculator 981344 option 083 interface tape reader operating note. Appl. au; Alien Bruce Herder. e Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976) ; 4814898.


HP 981344 option 084 interface; operating note. 10 p. 4dd. ti: Hewlett-Packard 98154 calculator 981344 option 084 interface tape punch operating note; 98 1344 option 034 interface tape punch operating note manual. Appl. au: Allen Bruce Herder. '9 Hewlett-Packard company; 1Dec75 (in notice: 1976); 4314899.


HP 981314 printer interface; operating manual. 40 p. 4dd. ti : Hewlett-Packard 9815A calculator 981314 printer interface operating and service. Appl. au: Allen Bruce Herder. Hewlett-Packard Company; 1NOV75; Aei4900.

A8 14901.

98784 I/O expander installation and service manual. 31 p. 4dd. ti: Hewlett-Packard 98784 I/O expander installation and service manual. Appl. au: Eidon Ray Brown. 6 Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Aug76; A814901.

A8 14902.

980324 16-bit interface installation and service manual. 48 p. 4dd. ti: Hewlett-Packard 98032A 16-bit interface installation and service manual. Appl- au: Eldon Kay Brown. 8 Hewlett-Packard Company; 20ct76; 4814902.


Disk programming. 112 p. Add. ti; Hewlett-Packard 9825A calculator disk programming- Appl. au: Patricia Ann Hafford. e Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec76; 4814903.


Shad. By Vince leavitt. 113 p. e Vince Leavitt; 15Sep76; 4814904.

481490 5.

Yang Ban-li. By J. D. Schmidt. 174 p. e G. K. Hall and Company; 9Kov76; A814905.


Saint Francis of 4ssisi. By Lawrence S. Cunningham. 151 p. 6 G. K. Hall and Company; 9Nov76; 4814906.


fleir Goldschmidt. By Kenneth H. Ober. 146 p. 6 G. K. Hall and Company; 9Nov76; A814907.


The Lord's Prayer in the light of yoga. By 4chariya Peter. 259 p. C 4chariya Peter; 12Sep76; 4814908.


Borneman Industrial Supply catalog 100. 303 p. e Borneman Industrial Supply; 15NOV76; 4814909.


The year book of urology, 1976- Edited by John T- Grayhack. 385 p. 6 Year Book Medical publishers. Inc.; 19Nov76; A814910.


The Year book of orthopedics and traumatic surgery, 1976. Edited by Hark B. Coventry. 480 p. 6 Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 19Sov76; A814911.


Advances in surgery. Vol. 10, 1976. Editor: fcilliam P. longmire, Jr. 6 other editors. 330 p. © Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 2Sov76; 4814912.

48 14913.

Introductory concepts in anatomy and physiology. By Leonard V. Crowley. 450


Genetic and malformation syndromes in clinical medicine. By iiilliam L. Nyhan 6 Sadia 0. Sakati. 499 p. 9 Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 2Nov76; 4814914.


Sexton desk diary, 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Robert S. Jennings. NM: compilation, e John Sexton and Company; 190ct76; A8149 15.


The Hereditary register of the United States of America, 1976. Editor: Ralph Malcom Pabst, associate editor: Jerome F. Beattie. 763 p. 6 The Hereditary Register Publications, Inc.; 29Jun76; 4814916.


Simpler networks and behavior. Edited by John C. Fentress- 403 p. 6 Sinauer 4ssociates,. Inc.; 25Aug76; 4814917.


Medical directory of New York State. Vol. 55. 1976-1977. Editor: John O'Brien. 796 p. 4ppl. au: Editorial staff. Medical Society of the State of New York. e Medical Society of the State of New York; 1Jun76; A814918.


Hater publications of state agencies; a bibliography of publications on water resources and their management published by the states of the United States. 1st suppl., 197 1-1974. Edited by Gerald J. Giefer £ David K. Todd, with the assistance of Beverly Fish. 189 p. e Bater Information Center, Inc.; 10ct76; 4814919.


Make believe in movement. Pre K-2. By Maya Doray- 12 p. Accompanied by sound recording. Kimbo Educational; 30Mar76; 4814920.


Are you ready for red? 2 p. Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au; Billy Strickland £ James Earie. 8 Kimbo Educational; 220ct76; 4814921.


Not for women only: slimnastics and conditioning for men and women. High school-college. By Kay Ice. 17 p. Accompanied by sound recording. O Kimbo Educational; 30Sep76; AB14922.


Simple stunts for children: with graded progressions and variations. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 38 p. Accompanied by sound recording- © Kimbo Educational; 16Apr76; A814923.


Hove along alphabet- Pre K-2. By Maya Doray. 24 p. Accompanied by sound recording. © Kimbo Educational; 304pr76; 48 149 24.


Rhythm band for little people. Pre-school — 3. By Joan Winter. 12 p. 4ccompanied by sound recording. 8 Kimbo. Educational; 30Oct76; A814925.


Balk like the animals: gross motor skills for early childhood and special education. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 11 p. 4ccompanied by sound recording.

e Kimbo Educational; 1Mar76; 4814926.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.