Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/403

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5829646 — 6829637
JAN.-JUN. 1977

0829636. Final arrangments. 12 p. Appl. auz Dorothy Fleming. C Saint Henry’s Women’s Guild, Inc.; 5Oct76; 1829636.


The Antique candy cookbook; being a collection of pure candy recipes for home cookery. 1 e. C Fna’s pnblaaioeg; 2Dec76: 1829637.


I Book of favorite recipes. Ceepilod by 25Jan77; 1829661. Cbeistiae asses’s Fellonship of asotneod Christian Chseei. 1 p. Add. ti; Oiroeteenaal reokiook. Ippi. an: Disco say carl (Diana snsqbt Carl) C as p05.0; Diana vsnght Curl; 231cs76; 1329668.

0829669. Dirroiory of sassas conots libraries, 1977: a qairk tetececos ro liiooraen spoons! collections is aassns faactp nnclading lasses Ceorty Libnary 0550— mattes .sstcssbnp dstsotsty. 112 p. IppI. no: Aodtsn lppolito i Carol nagnpr. C Library Directory Os500letes; 10Jan77; 1829639. 1829650. lenges of esson. 1 .. 5 Portland Vneso. of Ott: 13.1as77; 8879650. 0329651. Ocsgon, Fanner Citp, son Point, PD, telepbssc directory, Deoe.ber 1976. )aitb saltlnad, tkideorp, No, telepioae directory. Deoe.ier 1976) 5 oregon Pac.ets datasl Telspbcee Cnnpaey; 1Dec76; ndd. ti: nospital, • 76/’77. C leadS, a 0829651. 1829602. eaitlaad, Skidnore, 05, telephone diseotssp, Deoe.ipt 1976. )nitb Dregos, Forest City, ass Poirt, KU, telspioss directory, Osreabep 1976) C Asds.ay Valley Telepbeae Ce.pany; 1 Dec76; 1329652. 0829653. word of their testisoni: temnons delivered at the Nsrld COsgresO of Panda.eataiiots, Odinisrgb, scotland. June stiting opetatiag sanssls fot rndiouctise 15—22. 1976. sy lao 8. 0. Paisley 6 others. 138 p. IppI. aa: vol Jsrss Oei,erni ty Prens, Inc. C Deb Joses Doaversity Ftsaa • oar.; 2aaoo76; 0829603. 182g654. Leasee——goad and evil, what niost iribnlstion7 Audio •sssages by Don nodes. ections foc elootcic ls.p bases aad 20 p. (Ciasged livoo) 8 Dec laden; 158et76; 6829654. 0829600. Tie Otbetsiso. tniaaaood book. eadie •005agos by Boa Oadoo. 20 p. )Cbaaqed lives) C sen Onden; 19Jaa77; 5829655. 6829656. Porgettiag) T.ageioeeerytbing) nndis Portage Orginoering/Pel. 2 services. •esseges by Bee aaden. 28 p. )Cbaeged liven) 0 can aadsn; 11Feb71; 6829656. 8829657. Pteeds. fro. deer. Te.ptatnons. Sadis snasagsa by See aades. 20 p. (Ciasged uses) C Ben Vaden; 27Jan77; 6329657. 1829658. 801 to eotivate your sales fesce; a co.plete baadbooi of 47 snles ideas for nctissting tierteasiag bbs prsductieity at yaan anion darre. 96 p. C Oleaaader 0s.iltou Institnts, Inc.; 1Feb77; 1829658. 1e29659. Selectior 0 faoensu itout ie boopital food service syets.a, design, and gnip.ent; gaidsliues. Catalog no. aoia. Folder (3 p.) C Seepinen Vospitel Osneci atlon; 21Jan77; 0329659. 0029660. Cats of palsosare tnbcrcslusio patients in general boapitals; ssidellnes. Catalog no. 0025. Folder (3 p.) C 0.eaioao noepitoi Ossscistion; 14Jan77; 0329660. 0829661. The Oospital ad.itting depart.ent. 90 p. C O.erioas Hospital association; 0829662. CT scanners: a tenisical report.. 135 p. C n.enaaan aonpntal Onaociatisn; 11Jan77; 5829662. 0829663. Dseelopaest of professional stendards meynes for icspntal sand cork. 52 p. Dosed an tie psscesdinss of tbs Confortacs on tucial lock and FtOO—cn, Osdford, Ta, 1976. C Sserioan Oaspital lc500iatnon; 9Feb77; 0829663. 0529663. Vind—ta—.ind .aosgesent; ios to •eet tbe Sysdicate, Inc.; 7Jan77; 5829677. nsa breed on ito oar grosnd; a. 051 .annge.eet briefiag. Os ttasiey Patetfras nd. 35 p. C ANACOI, a dielsiee jf neerica a eunagosont associations; 13Jan77; n029664. 5029665. raecatieo Co.ponoatioo Service hospital aed beult h mrs pe pert, 1g76—1g77. 258 p. dieioian of Osorican Oanagsnert anon— nations; 1Dec76; 0829665. 0329666. 0.enitau National Standard traffic— signal iscandescect lavys for 120—, 125—, aed 130—vol t nirrnits.. 0550 C78.110—1576. 1 p. C Oserirne natiaesl standardn sstitata; 15Jan77 )ta notice: 1976); 0829666. 0829667. Osericas Notiouul Standard gside for saterials packaging. INST 8679—1976. Sectetntiat, Isennoan Inesrance Association. 16 P. C 0 serican aatioeai ttandands nastitate, anc.; 23Feb77 (in notioea 1976) ; 1029667. 0829668. 3.oriras Hotional ituadard epvcidi— holders—— flasreseent typos. InST C31.231976. tecretncist: rlertnicai and flectseairs Staadards Ssrage.eet Board. 5. C I.msican Oatisaal ttaudands lsstitste, err.; 11Feb77 (In notiro: 1976); 0829666. 0929670. Sboncaee 00000 eapo a. 46 p. Oppl. aa: p. C I. Cain; 12Feb77; 0325683. I Cabtern Fsblinbing Ca.pany, Inc.; 11Jan76; 0025619. 582967). caideline dos aenssble pntto: 115573 idler sbaft ned 557360 case aons.ily ron pnner sbirt ttuos.insion on 621, 623 and 627 trncsor—ncrnpers. 2 p. C Crterpiliar Tractor Cospany; 14Jan77 (in sotice: 1976); 1529671. 0829672. Caterpillar basic prodsct noeenciatnre. 53 p. 57.-nsvusions. 0 Caterpnilar Tractot Co.pany; 15oct76; 0329632. 0829673. Cat aarine engIne application and installation guide. 151 p. Odd. ti: Cat astino gaide. C Caterpillar Teacton Co.panp; 1Feb73; 5829673. 2081 0829673. tison and Gnrfnnkel: a biography in nordo nod pictnres. Dy Nitcbeil 5. Coben, odited by nrcg then. 55 p. 0 rio p)ell nnd Cnspany, Inc.; lOJss77; 082567n. 0829675. Poland. Frepased for Cinne ncsld Dnfot.atien Cotporneioa bp Robyn Starr & edeard Sagaire. 231 p. )Tbe Chase Norld Tsfersato.oe series on onet—asot bnsltess cooperation and 3sint eeatsres) C rinse notld Tudan.ntion Cospstatioe; 26ncv76; 0329675. 8829636. Dent Slip, reirssry 23—snreb 6, 1977. Dy kbigail tan eanes, pnead. ) p. Oppi. an: Cbtcngs Ttlbuss—Sen letO Tins Syudicnte, Inc. 8 Cbicngc Triiano—Nrs York none Tysdicate, Tar.; 13feb77; 0329676. 0329677. year Slip, Jnnnary 26—30, :577. ay Ibignil tan Ssren. pscsd. 1 p. nppl. na: Cbicsgc Teibseo—Nen fork Hens Syndicate, Oar. C Cbirngn Trnbnae—Nen fork Ness 5029678. Grading t be advnnred ylnre.ent Pterrb lasgnageesa.inntiuu, 1976; Advanced Placesent Pragra.. a report by Nobert L. Coon. 29 p. kppl. aol College Ontrance fna.isn tion Hosed. C Coirego Dotrnooe ron,iosrios Board; 150ag76; n82g675. 0029679. Too and coliese. Folder. C Csliogo fatrance fna.inntian aonrd; 7Jnn77 )in notice: 7976); 0829679. 5829680. CLfP Oecti Csrolisa narsing egnlvnlenry seosirs tiens: desctiptieen, nn.plo quenitass, na 3 score infor.ntion. aasasd by roliego—insol ensniaatien rsngrav eT tin college aotrance faa,inatson eonrd. 11 p. appl. no: College rsrrnnce fnn.inntion Sosrd. 5 College rnrratce 000eination Board; 155ng75; 0029680. 5829681. Tbe taoiiel ceport: forselattan at co.pnnianslve plan based an nntsrnl nystess. 07 Join Clark5 ybotos. by Jobs Clnrb 6 Sobi Tnraer. 305 p. C Tie Conseatatien Posudntisa; 24Peb77 )ln antics; 1976); 582g681. 0829602. Cannsbis cnitisneorsrranbrosrne. 1 p. C Nestern fditiens Psiliaiing Ca.paay, nobly osned by Janspb Tba.aa; 20Doc76 (in nation: 1977) ; 1829682. a82 9683. accord beeping guide for 0.nny diatrnbntomn. fly Narrse Cain. 14 0829634. Oar.anioa belper: self lastraction syste., teat; csnnette tnpe ttnsnrript of iastsuctions. 10 p. Ippi. n no Jetty 1. Dreoks. C Jerry P. Stocks; 23Nov76; 82965a. 082 9605. Divorce sedlatien, a leon painful pete- 1 5. sppl. as: Jobs 5. Snynes. S Join 5. 8noes; 15cct76; aB2gbBS. 5829686. Joarnal ok glass stndies; Dlceutennisl issne. Vol. 13. 1976. Dditer: Jobs 8. Sortie 6 otber editorn. 279 p. C 160 CornIng Poses, of claso; 15Oct76; 5029686. 829687. Today’s a see day: 1 p. OppI. sa: These entries alone may not reflect the Complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exest.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.