Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/502

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A833685 — A833724
JAN.-JUN. 1977

6833685 (con.) Oillcepbc’e. latbor; Ella day Ornereatt. 159 7. 6 lila day aclernatt; 31Dec76; 8336 84. 1833661. Tarot. the royal path to oiedos. ay Joseph 5. D’lgootino. 132 p. 0 Joseph I. l’lqoatiso; 26Jan37 (in satire; 1976); 1833665. 1833686. California atyia annual; a handbook of iegal atyie far calif oreia courts 6 lantern. 2nd rca. ad. by robert o. Pornichi. 213 p. Hosed oe a cork of rho same tithe by a. o. niekin & 0. 8. Sen kercia. Jr. 0 lobert 1. yoreirbi; 4Mar77; 0831686. 1833687. Colifornie to a nerelec. toi. 3; aaron end oae tanca. 1 a. Eat T. liiarorti. Od; reairiont. 0 000 T. Siisnortb; 20Jan77 (is notice: 1976y 6833687. 1833686. pairasy Village. 71. rammenity nelepbaee diraetarye dial directories, 1577. 6th e6. 6 Dial Dirnetonies, Inc.; 26Peh77; 6833688. 3833689. leeryman’s gaide to ma torryrle sirrtrnr.e 1 syeteea. 97 1. samuel Israel, paead. of laster 5. lath. 139 p. 1 Jeanifer yabiiraniaro; lsar77; 63 36 89. 6833698. Fanllanrstorp eotiass; a golie La orderly decision—making. Or lersas n. rernool. 27 p. F Varmon 8. yneneil: 17Feb77; 5833696. 5833691. Itoti, oeriarthol, Sharoh Springs, 80, and othars5 taiephosa dirartary, rabruany 1977. 6 Soafiorer Telaphose Coapooy. Lee.: 1Feb77; 1873691. o 83 36 92. Sirkseilie. Jerirba, Plaiteiee. vii Iethpsqr, ye. rena, beak arrest addraaa and sanerirai dirartary. 1977. 7th ad. 3 Sailor nook robiisberr. lee.; 7Mar77; 1833652. 1873693. Hiektellle. Jerinbo. rloiasban, aid Oethpagc. 91, cellos baak aoeeoaity teiepbaar dirertary, 1977. 7eb ad. .7 ‘alias nook Pabiiohera, cr0.; mar77; 0133693. 1133696. lstanria, Ooriarty, loustainoir, Na. aod Jonuory 1977 rceision, coded aPP. others, talcphooc dbraerarp, rabroary 1977. 0 The Haaatain States Telephone and Telegraph Coapang; 16Feb77; 1873695. 8133695. Nrorqed. By Jaaoatta laaoi Warrae. 27 Christenson. 45 p. OppI. an; Tiaa p. F Jeanctte O’rral Warren; 18Feb77; 8833695. 1833196. Sopresa roart aioeorira 1 aoriety yaarbooi, 1977. Editonr eilliae p. Soindier. 719 p. nppl. as; Tin Saprann Coori.Oiatorirai Society. 8 The Sapraan Court Historical Society; 30Dec76; 1833696. 6833697. Seroed Intareatioeai Conrarnnea and Winter arhool 00 Suhmiliieotcr Warce and Their Opyiicatises, Saa Jooe, Pa, lecenber 2nar77; 00337i5. 6—11, 19761 roeferesro digest. Editor; S. Perkonita. 257 p. lppl. ao; The Tratitate at Electrical aed lleetranics aagineara. Inn. 6 The I aatitate ef 88085 6 VlaPlI,ETS Tiertrirai on Eientroeira ingineers, Tee.; 6Oct76; 0833697. 0833698. 3016 bibliograpip on automatic generation control and baiier—torbisr— gaecrsae eattrols, 1931—1974. 67 p. 8 The Inatitnte at Electrical end tiernraaico Esqiaeern, Ian.; 3dJan77; 8833698. 0833695. Cosnonirationt and knowledge, partners in progrnaa; 1976 natioeai Teleeonao— eirationa Confereace: NEC ‘76. Noe. 29—lee. ;, 1976, ialkaa, TI, rnnteresre rerard. vol. 1—3. 8 The Inatitata or Eleetrirai cod liecnronira eagireara. lee.; 2900e76; 0833699. 0873780. Coeaerenre record; 205 eenaal seating, 7k; IEEE Itdeaery Oppiieanlona Soniety, popera prescntei at the eierenth ornnoi meeting, Coiaaeo, Oct. 11—14, 7576. 12n5 p. 8 The Inotirotaof llentrirai and aieetreaiea Esgisaara, lee.; 11Oct76; 6833 780. 18337i1. eeiiability phpoiet, 1976; 14th onnoal prooeedingr, hat Vegas, eeaada, Apr. 20—22, 1976. 319 p. 6 The Institute of Eleatricai ond Eleetroeiee lagiteern, me. ; 17Sep76; 0833701. 16337i2. Tha cii cantoahoaaa (gaartarmaotar’a residence at aano Crooning) 8y nary nra Kerekhoff. 52 p. Ha; personal in tceeiess aad theory. Sheets. appl. eu; Tate— 6 letters. 0 aerp Sea teraihaff; 23Feb77 raetiee Producea Corporation. 0 En— (in aatire; 1976); 0833782. 1873783. Tie neatpaint of the eniaarse; a eeeei. Pt. 2. Or lad, Jsead. at fled Jardea lrabaneao. 275 p. 0 ned Jordan lrohateao; 29Feb77; 9833783. 1837786. Eadinitioes. Jen. 1977 revision, roded EPP. 19 p. 388. ti; 0S81 regniresents guide; January 1977 revision, raded 0EV. 6 Egckpseen bile—Boar Company; ltJat77; 1873786. 1873785. Kheel racaeatort; Federal OSSI regaicameata. Jon. 15, 1977 neeisien, coded lPP. 11 p. Add. ri; 0581 regoiresesto guide; Jaeaory 75, 1977 revision, coded 17?. 0 agoipseat Eoide—Ooah Coepery; 05Jan77; 1833705. 1833786. Iadaa. Jao. 1977 reeiaior, coded opf. 1 p. Odd. ti; 0003 rrguirrncatn goiie; 8 lqoipneat Saidc—000l Caapany; 15Jan77; 1833 706. 1833787. The Talips ore up; up epai J. Christentes. 0 Opal 3. Cinislesarn; 5Feb77 (is sotice; 1976) ; 0033707. 1833788. The romp otd 0. HP Hargarat e. 8artas. 68 p. © esrgarat o. aortae; 23Peb77; 1833788. 1833789. legend of the yceohunc; lieloko Flak Pond, touni, Saraii. By Shirley aikkelaen, eoaai. at Shiniay 0. dirheiaan, araadso from inbt I finaacial stotillty. iiiuatra and bp Din Spanner. 18 p. 00; poem 6 illoa. 0 Shirley 8. nicketson; 0877710. Stop the noskey buelneea; a earrleaiae an the Fallnelea of enaietioe. Dy Terry 2110 JOD. — JUa. 1977 Jaaea Giessel. 22 p. 8 Teery J. Eleaoei; 12Tob77; 1833718. 1837711. noat yoa aiog me that sang. 1 P. appl. as: Freak 8. Staeoeaga. 6 Prank 0. Stasovage; 29Dec76; 1833711. 1033712. log oaato. By Thomea Eeatoro, nilostruted by abel Oruyhiea. 7 y. 0 Tbosas loetara (Tam enotara( ; 28ar77; 1837712. 0837717. Moalrmcbi ldrcn peaycr and coloring bauk. 68 p. Englisb a Arabir. IppI. aa: larsen Onerien. a Snrnell rarrien; 28rah77 (is nuoica; 1976) ; 1833713. 1877718. Paiy 8 nrcsi dent mesitor. Version 6.0. Sheeta 121 p.) Oppi. aov Eneerartine Producta Corporation. 0 bntcrartiee Vradnrta Corporation d.b.a. Dolyeorphie Systeac (in notire; Interaetiee Pradonta Carperolian) ; 31Jan77; 0833714. 1833775. Paip 88 aioroconputnr system. vol. 2; operation aed roft;;ore. nkeets (98 p.( lppl. 00; istcractiae Prodortn Corpa— ratios. 0 Irtrructiee Products Corporation d.r.a. Polyaorybie Syatame (ie satire; Interartiae Prednrta Terparatios) 31Jaa77; 5833715. 0833716. Caaeette interface; aaaesbly, ekeekoat, terartioe Prcdurts forporotict d.b.e. PoryTorphir Syateou (in satire; Enserarniee eroderts forpnnatian( 31Jan77; 0833316. r833777. leroeceitk——ccro grontb (the debt meohuaiaa finoiiy brings nero nnuirh——aero groeth( By Idnord Henry uorlcr. td p. 17 Seisler end laferesee Prass, ouned by Berry loekco 1 June Hoekce; 18Feb77; 0833717. 0833718. ion to be us hunaa bring; offcatire objective book. Shreta (67 p.) o Hires toenanity Scioaia; 8Feb77 (in rotiee; 1976); 6833718. 1833719. Isatant kaoaieige; pref. 9y Jaeeph 7. 0mb. 1 p. 0 Joaeph y. arch; k8nr77; 08337:9. 1833720. aeyoad the shore. 1 t. appi. ao; dark Imas. 0 Oark iaea; 20Feb77; 0837728. 1833721. 011 aboard far learning stations; haadbeek far developing & i,pieeenting leoraing rentern c statioaieg. ny narbara Preoton Carpenter. 80 p.. 8 aurboru Preston Carpenter; 30Dec76; 1833721. 0833722. Tat—in oaper—ehariar nasie aide. 4 p. Oppt. ‘a; Ornila n. Jorrt. 0 Jorrt auaia; 30ar77; 0833722. b83 3723. Paaily fhnanaiai cooetcling; a rented ayataa of profeaoioeairoseaeling. analynin & pineaing to help you aehisoe 6 p. 0 Fanily rinoneiai Counoaliog; 3ac77 i833723. 083372k. Foreign ceehange rates ondreutrirtiano, Jaeanry 1977. 23 p. 0 Ernyt sod att;st; 23Peb77; 1833729. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.