Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/6

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A759151 — A812616
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A756533 (con.)

service manual. Jane 1971. Appl. an: Xerox corporation. ^ Xerox Corporation; 22Jul7(4; A756533.


Introduction to statistics; solutions manual. Bv Herbert Bobbins 6 John Van Byzin. 150 p. fi Herbert Bobbins £ John Van Byzin; ISJunS; 5759151.


National Burn Information Exchange form, pt. 1. 1 p. Appl. au: Irving Feller. e National Institute for Burn Medicine 6 the National Burn Information Exchanqe, a division of the National Institute for Burn Medicine (in notice: S.B.I.E.); 1JU17«: A765067.


National Burn Information Exchanqe form. Pt. 1-A. 1 p. Appl. au: Irving Feller. Revision of SBIE form, part 1. NM: revision. 6 National Institute for Burn Bedicine fi The National Burn Information Exchanqe, a division of the National Institute for Burn medicine (in notice: N.B.I.E.); 10ct75; A765068.


Enlightened contemplation. 1 p. Appl- au; Bichard Ernest Camfield (Richard Camfield) © Bichard Camfield; 19Jal76; A76525B.


Simulated office: teacher implementation plan. 139 p. Appl. states all neu except small portions originally appeared in Simulated office; student learning plan, sample package. € Dallas Independent school District; 17aay76; 5765694. (See also simulated office: teacher implementation plan; 17May76; A928050)


Participation of women and minorities on U.S. medical school faculties. By Henry Paul Jolly £ Thomas A. Larson. 38 p. ^ Association of American colleges; 30Apr76; A765982.


Boxie's short-cut oil painting guide. By Boxie &. Underuood fiichardson. 20 p. Boxie H. Undervood fiichardson; 10Jul76; 5771595.


Infant raindrops. 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard Ernest Camfield (Richard Camfield) 5 Bichard Camfield; 8Jul76: A774346.


A Design manual for water wheels; with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machinery. By William G. ovens, issued by Volunteers in Technical Assistance. 71 p. VITA, Inc.; 15Jan76 (in notice: 1975); 5781820.


Single thread yarns. 11 p. (Doloria chapin*s Handspinninq notes froa Thys'lldo Farm, fancy yarns series, vol. 4) Appl. au: Doloria H. chapin. y Doloria M. Chapin; 30Aug74; A781837.


This is your magic crystal ball nmaber. Folder. 6 United states Sales Corporation d.b.a. United States Purchasing Exchange (in notice: O.S.P.E. ); 26Feb75: A781900.


Hung up to die. By Martin Meyers. 191 p. a Martin Meyers; 1Jun76; A783b12.


The Implications of the Hearst trial, dost: Hilliam F. Buckley, Jr.. guests: Alan Dershowitz £ Joel Fort. 18 p. (SECA presents firing line) Appl. au: Southern Educational Communications Association. 3 Southern Educational Communications Association; lMay7b; A785416.


Museums of the Lower Willamette Valley. Folder. NM: pictures by Jeff fisher, map £ text. (3 Marion County Bicentennial Committee or Marion County American Bevolution Bicentennial Committee; 13Aug76; A7aa097.


God made the one and only me. By Barbara Linville, illustrated by Claudia deaston. 32 p. S Accent Books a. k.a. B/P Publications, Inc.; 21Sep76; A786579.


Insulin allergy protocol: simplified subcutaneous administration. By J, Stuart Soeldner £ Phillip S. Fontana. 1 p. a Joslin Diabetes Foundation, Inc.; 22Mar76; A788320.


In brier patch. By Bichard B. Sagiibene. Folder. Add. ti: In briar patch. ID on text £ drawings; Bichard R. Sagiibene; 23Jan76 (in notice: 1975); 5788486.


Engineering fundamentals formula summaries. 1 v. NM : compilation. iS Lawrence F- Herte d.b.a. Lawrence Engineering; 5Aug76; A788904.


Macmillan mathematics enrichment activity masters. Ser. H, level 5- Author: H. Mark Wahl. 48 p. Appl. au: Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.. employer for hire. © Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; lJSep76; A789240.


Sulphur, LA. Vinton, also telephone subscribers listings of Lake Charles £ others telephone directory, September 1976. e South Central Bell Telephone Company; 80ct76; A789251.

A79020 5.

The Cyril Bath Company press brakes. Bulletin 90-7. 2 p. Add. ti: Cyril Bath press brakes machinery data sheet (90-7) Appl. au: Bichard G. Tomaso. 6 Joseph T. fiyerson and Son, Inc.; 110ct76; A790206.


Ihe Bermaid and the minotaur: sexual arrangements and human malaise. By Dorothy Dinnerstein. 288 p. Dorothy Dinnerstein; 270ct7b; A797118. (See also The Mermaid and the minotaur: sexual arrangements and human malaise; 270ct76; A928373)


A Syllabus for Education 347: Edu- cational media, fifth edition. By Maurice S. Stokes. 1 V. Formerly 5udiovisual materials and methods. NM: additions £ revisions. « Maurice S. stokes; 220ct76; A798027.


A Manual for financing public tennis playing facilities. Researched £ written by United States Tennis Association, Inc. Education and Research Center. 61 p. United States Tennis Association, Inc.; 1Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; A801043.


DCS/VS VTAM debugging quide. 1 ». (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN27-1539) NM : revision £ additions. O International Business Machines corporation a.a. d. : IBM Corporation; 30Jun76; 4803813.


B. Crumb's Carload o' comics; an anthology of choice strips £ stories, 1963-1976. Introd. by Harvey Kurtzman. 176 p. Appl. au: Jeffrey B. Bund a. k.a. J. B- Bund. © on pref. ; Belier Press, Inc.. 25NDV76; A805160.


"My fellow Americans"; posthumous letter of President John F. Kennedy. 9 p. Appl. au: Ihe Summit Lighthouse, Inc. 6 The Summit Lighthouse, Inc.; 29NOV63; A805477.


Lebanon, also includes alphabetical lists of Big Springs, Jamestown. IN, and others, December 1976. 6 Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.; 7Dec76; A805825.


Living skills system; instructor's guide- Developed by Prep. Inc. 156 p. Add. ti: Living skills: functional literacy. 8 Prep, Inc.; 2Jul76 ; 5805872.


The Terminal connection. By Robin Moore. 230 p. © The Moorings of Nassau. Ltd., Inc.; 1Sep76; A806397.


Passages from the writings of Thomas Merton found in dissertation The Mysticism of Thomas Herton: contemplation as a way of life. By Thomas Merton. Microfilm. NM: new material. 6 Thomas Merton Legacy Trust (in notice: Ihe Trustees of the Thomas Merton Legacy Trust); 15Nov76; 5807577.


The United States patents quarterly. Vol. 188, Jan.-aar. 1976. 866 p. S The Bureau of National 5ffairs, Inc.; 21JU176; A809939.


Fundamentals of management workbook. By Paul C. Green £ Ualter Drissel. 1 v. 5dd. ti: Training and development resources e Paul C. Green; lS0ct76; 5810342.


Illustrators 17; the Seventeenth 4nnual National Exhibition of Illustration held in the galleries of the Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd Street, New York, Feb. 12 through 4pr. 18, 1975. Edited by Roland Descombes. 1 v. Add. ti: The Seventeenth Annual of American illustration. Appl. au: Society of Illustrators, Inc. NM: editorial selections, compilation, photographic reproductions £ additional text matter. Society of Illustrators, Inc.; 30Jun76; 4811332.


The Tooth person in Columbia. By Ann M. Underwood, illus. by Johanna Thomas. Sheets (29 p.) Add. ti: The Thing in Columbia. ^ Ann M. Underwood, sole owner of Literary Ear, Inc.; 20Oct76; 48122151


Gorilla games and monkey madness. Illus.: Daniel Cooper-Bey. 64 p. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc, employer for hire. © Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15NOV76; A812530.


Tournament style home model fussball table assembly instructions. 1 v. Appl. au: Steven T. Crocker. e Steven T. Crocker (in notice; Steve Crocker) ;

1Dec76; 4812618.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.