Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/60

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A811817 — A815857
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A815812 (con.)

Frank Jamiolkonski. 3 Allentonn Vinyl, solely owned by Frank JamiolkoHski; 180ct76: 4815812.


Souienir book, 16th annual United Nations concert and dinner. 80 p. Appl. au: Both Haqner £ Larry S. Paine. 6 The United Nations Association of the United States of America; 230ct76: A815813.


Something to think about. Vol. 2. By Graham prince- 40 p. © Graham Prince; 3Sep76: A81581lt.


Turbo hydra-matic 400. No. 88A-321. Card. e Aamco Transmissions, Inc.; 2NOV76: 4815815.


Turbo-hydramatic 400. No. 88A-322. Card. © Aamco Transmissions, Inc. ; 2NOV76: 4815816.


Turbo-hydramatic 400, 1964-1976. No. 88A-323. Card. 6 Aamco Transmissions, Inc.; 2No»76; A815817.


Turbo-hydramatic 400, 1964-1976. No. 88A-324. Card. 6 Aamco Transmissions, Inc.; 2NOV76; A815818.


Turbo-hydramatic 400, 1964-1976. No. 884-325. Card. £ 4amco Transmissions, Inc.: 2KOV76: 4815819.

48158 20.

Turbo-hydramatic 400. No. 88A-326. Card- © Aamco Transnissicns, Inc. ; 2NOV76: A815820.


Time is precious, don't waste iti By Thelma Pearman McGinnis. 1 v. 8 Thelma Pearman McGinnis; 20Noir76; A815821.


Premedical guidebook. By Hoodrow W. Borris. 73 p. 6 Hoodrow H. Morris; 15No»76; A815822.


Hodel 4200 for tee-bar ceilings, 1-2-3 or 4-way deflection — perforated supply diffuser with concealed hinges — frame 23; specification sheet. Form no. 3603- 2 p. © Lear siegler, Inc./Krueqer Diyision; 314uq76: 4815823.


Model 4290 for tee-bar ceilings perforated return air grilles and registers with concealed hinges--f rame 23; specification sheet. Form no. 3604. 2 p- S Lear Siegler, Inc./Krueger Division; 31Aug76; A815824.


The Keefer family, Jacob and Catharina, 1791-1976- Compiled by Estella B. Keefer. 91 p. 9 Estella B. Keefer; 26Nov76: A815825.


Postmasters and postoffices, Uashington county, Arkansas, 1829-1976. Compiled by Deane G. Carter. 75 p- Add. ti: Washington county postmasters and postoffices, 1829-1976. »H: arrangements, updating £ additions. © Deane G. carter; 14NOV76; 4815826.


Eun your own high profit agency. 5 p. 4ppl. au: Michael Kessler. O Jenmit Reports solely owned by n. Kessler; 19NOV76; 4815827.


Francy personalized pet collar. 3 p. Appl. au: Frances B. Meehan (Francy) 9 Frances Heehan (Francy) (in notice: Fran Meehan) ; 3Jul76; A815828.


Shepard's 4tlantic reporter citations; advance sheet ed. Vol. 21, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 27 p. © Shepard's citations. Inc.; 14Dec76; A815829-


Shepard's southwestern reporter citations; advance sheet ed. Vol. 21, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 22 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 16Dec76; Aei5830.


Shepard's California citations; advance sheet ed-, cases. Vol. 44, no. 4, pt. 1, Dec. 1976- 48 p- © Shepard's citations. Inc.; 17Dec76; A815831.


Shepard's California citations: advance sheet ed., statutes- Vol. 44, no. 4, pt.

2, Dec. 1S76. 37 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4815832.


Shepard's Massachusetts citations; advance sheet ed., cases £ statutes. Vol. 44, no. 2, Dec- 1976- 23 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4815833.


Shepard's Wisconsin citations; advance sheet ed., cases £ statutes- Vol. 11, no- 3, Dec. 1976. 13 p. 6 Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; A815834.


Shepard's North Carolina citations; advance sheet ed., cases £ statutes. Vol. 1, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 29 p- © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4815835.


Shepard's Pacific reporter citations; advance sheet ed. Vol. 21, no. 4, Dec- 1976- 4 1 p- © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 21Dec76; 4815836.


Shepard's Florida citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 63. no- 4, Dec. 1976. 386 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 10Dec76; 4815837.


Shepard's Northwestern reporter citations. Vol. 73, no. 4. Dec. 1976. 340 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 9Dec76 ; 4815838.


Shepard's Indiana citations; cases £ statutes. vol. 68, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 254 p- a Shepard's citations, Inc-; 13Dcc76; 4815839.


Shepard's Federal law citations in selected law reviews. Vol. 3, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 247 p. e Shepard's citations. Inc.; 13Dec76; 4815840.


Shepard's New York Supreme Court citations. Vol. 60, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 291 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 16Dec76; A815841.

A81584 2.

Shepard's Georgia citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 68, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 628 p. 9 Shepard's citations. Inc.; 10Dec76; A81584 2.


Shepard's Vermont citations; cases E statutes. Vol. 61, no. 1, Dec. 1976. 205 p- e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4815843.


Shepard's New lork statute citations. Vol. 37, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 464 p. © Shepard's citations. Inc.; nDec76; A815844-


Shepard's Southeastern reporter citations. Vol. 56, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 127 p. © Shepard's citations. Inc.; 8Dec76; A815845.


Shepard's New York Court of Appeals citations. Vol. 61, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 428 p. © Shepard's citations. Inc.; 17Dec76; A815846.


Shepard's United States citations; patents £ trademarks. Vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 1976. 148 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 17Dec76; A815847.


Shepard's New York supplement citations. Vol. 64, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 327 p. © Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4815848.


Shepard's Illinois citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 71, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 196 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4815849.


Shepard's Iowa citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 68, no. 4, Dec. 1976. 348 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 14Dec76; 4815850.


Shepard's Missouri citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 66, no- 4, Dec- 1976. 305 p. e Shepard's Citations, Inc.; 22Dec76; A815851.


Shepard's Oregon citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 69, no. 2, Dec. 1976. 432 p. Shepard's citations. Inc.; 21Dec76: 4815852.

481 5853.

The Best kept woman in the world. By Cynthia Halstead. 159 p. Appl. au: Tower Publications, Inc. © Tower Publications, Inc.; 15Dec76; A815853.


Uncle Sam's tax bite and what you can do about it! Employee version. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Joseph 4mbrosi, Jr. £ Lowell G. Matthew. 8 Cameo Financial Services, Inc.; lJun76; A815854.


Uncle Sam's tax bite and what you can do about it! Employer version. 1 v. Appl. au: Joseph 4mbrosi, Jr. £ Lowell G- Matthew. © Cameo Financial Services, Inc.; lJun76; 4815855.


Head and neck: what's it all about? An individualized learning system for dental hygienists and dental assistants. By Eosemary G. Campbell. 159 p. S«: introductory pages, revisions, compi- lation, abstract £ additions. 6 Eosemary G. Campbell; 8Dec76; 4815856.

481 5857.

Missouri census of 1840. Eeel no. 222: Clay, Clinton, Cole and Cooper Counties. Appl. au: Frances E. Nelson (Ancestor's Attic) 6 Gwen Brouse (Ancestor's 4ttic)

NM: index. © Frances E. Nelson £ Gwen


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.