Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/65

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A816021 — A816060
JAN.-JUN. 1977


sweet fields of euphoria: Pappy's faith. 4 tribute by Hark 4. Herring. 16 p. O Bark 4. Herring; 30Dec76; 4816021.


Tuffy, the purple-footed duck. By Betty LOU Burkatt. 30 p. "3 Betty Lou Burkart; 30Dec76; 4816022.


Political science and school politics; the princes and pundits. Edited by Samuel KiBball Go»e 6 Frederick a. Wirt. 1U3 p. C. C. Heath and company, a division of Baytheon company: 7Dec76; 4816023.


Captain Butcher's body. By Scott Corbett, illustrated by Geff Gerlach. 168 p. e Scott corbett: 29Sep76; 4816024.


The Steinnay Quintet; plus lour. By Leslie Epstein. 215 p. Pre>. pub. in different forn in Ne« 4merxcan review, number 4 6 others. UHz compilation £ revision. 6 Leslie Epstein; 120ct76; 4816025.


Switchgear and control handbook. Editor: aobert ». Smeaton. 1 v. O HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816026.


Digital integrated electronics. By Herbert laub 6 Donald L. Schilling. 650 p. e BcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816027.

48 160 28.

Steam- plant operation. By Everett Bowman woodruff S Herbert B. Lammers. 4th ed. 630 p. e HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816028.


fietaii selling. By Yvonne Gallegos Bodle 6 Joseph 4. Corey. 2nd ed. 424 p. © ncGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816029.


Basic heat transfer. By B. Secati oezisik. 572 p. e HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816030.


Maternity nursing today. By Joy Princeton Clausen, Hargaret Hemp Flook & Boonie Ford. 2nd ed. 883 p. 6 HcGraw- Hill. Inc.: 3Jan77; 48 16031.


The Art of positional play. By Samuel aeshevsky. 335 p. fl Samuel Beshevsky; 300ct76: 4816032.


The Lonely ships; the life and death of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet. By Edwin Palmer aoyt. 338 p. e Edwin P. Hoyt; 250ct76; 4816033.


Eacial discrimination and military iustice. By Bonald ». Perry. 101 p. Praeger publishers. Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4816034.


Hathematical systems in international relations research. Edited by John V. Gillespie 6 Dina A. zinnes. 430 p. Add. ti: Control theory and international relations research. 9 Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4816035.

48160 36.

Treating the offender; problems and issues. Edited by Marc Biedel £ Pedro 4. Vales. 177 p. C The American Society of Criminology; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977) : A8I0OJ6.


The Politics of higher education in Brazil. By Jerry Norman Haar. 222 p. O praeger Publishers, Inc.; 3 1Dec76 (in notice: 1977): 4816037.


East European cooperation; the role of money and finance. By Jozef B. Van Brabant. 394 p. e Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4816038.

48 16039.

4ssociation system of the European community. By Jacqueline D. Hatthews. 167 p. C Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4816039.

481604 0.

Nonstate nations in international politics; conparative system analyses. Edited by Judy 5. Berteisen. 263 p. e Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 31Dcc76 (in notice; 1977); 4816040.

481604 1.

Periodicals on the Socialist countries and on Barxism; a new annotated index of English-language publications. By Harry G. Shaffer. 133 p. Original ed. pub. 1971. NB: additions E revisions. e Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 3 1Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4816041.

48 16042.

Growth and reforms in centrally planned economies; the lessons of the Bulgarian experience. By George a. Feiwel. 345 p- <J Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4816042.

48 16043.

Hospital security management. By Harvey Burstein. 129 p. e Praeger publishers. Inc.; 3 1Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 48 16043.

48 16044.

Supermarket merchandising and mana- gement. By Hugh S. Peak £ Ellen F. Peak. 372 p- e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77;



Obiectives and methods for secondary teaching. By iialter D. Pierce £ Hichael 4. Lorber. 342 p. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816045.


Physical activities for the handicapped. By naryheien Vannier. 338 p. Prentice- Hall, Inc.; JJan77; A816046.


Uord processing. By Arnold flosen E Bosemary Fielden. 354 p. e Prentice- Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77: A816047.


Plane trigonometry. By Fred winchell Sparks, Paul Klein Bees E Charles Sparks Bees. 7th ed. 316 p. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A816048.


The Learning and performance of physical skills. By John Dobson Lawther. 2nd ed. 240 p. e Prentice-Hali, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816049.


Criminalistics: an introduction to forensic science. By Bichard Safetstein. 439 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 48160S0.


Elements of computer careers. Principal author: Judith B. Edwards, editor: 4ntoinette Ellis. 344 p. C Northwest tegional Educational Laooratory; JJaa77; 4816052.


Hanaging construction equipment. By s. w. Nunnally. 28 1 p. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4616053.


Chemistry of hazardous materials. By Eugene Beyer. 370 p. c Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 48 16054.


Fundamentals of financial management. By James C. van Home. 3rd ed. 622 p. B Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; A816055.


Biology and human progress. By Charles Tanzer. 5th ed. 534 p. O Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4616056.


A aeal estate agent's guide to successful sales and listings. By Charlotte Korn. 197 p. e Boston Publishing Company, Inc., a Prentice- Hall company; eoct76; A816057.

A81 6058.

Fundamentals of structured programming using Fortran with SF/k and Watfiv-S. By a. C. Holt £ J. N. P. Hume. 349 p. e aeston Publishing company. Inc.; lDec76 (in notice: 1977); A81605e.


The Great international disaster book. By James C. Cornell, Jr. 382 p. Appl. states all new except photos. James C. Cornell, Jr.; 1Nov76; 4816059.


Principles of Christian theology. By John Macquarrie. 2nd ed. 544 p. a John Macguarrie; 4Jan77; A816060.


Texas folk sonqs. -y William 4. Owens, musical transcriptioi.- by Jessie 4nn Owens. 2nd ed., rev. £ enl. 190 p. a fcilliam 4. Owens; 28Dec76; A816061.


To Jerusalem and back; a personal account. By Saul Bellow. 182 p. Portion prsv. pub. in Ine New Yorker. NH: additional text. S Saul Bellow; 250ct76; A8160b2.


The Journal of the century. Compiled by Bryan Holme, with the editors of the Viking Press 6 the Ladies' home journal. 352 p. Appl. au: Viking Penguin. Inc. Haterial prev. pub. in the Ladies' home journal. MM: pref . , foreword, selection £ compilation. ^ Viking Penguin, Inc.; 260ct76; A816063.


Child learning through child play; learning activities for two and three year olds. By Ira J. Gordon, Barry Guinagh £ a. Emile Jester, with the assistance of Oiana Kronstadt, J. David Welch £ Gary Weld, tllus. by David Smiton £ Bene Moncada. 1 16 p. « on text; The university of Florida; 16Jun72; 4816064.


Child learning through child play; learning activities for two and three year olds. ay Ira J. Gordon, Barry Guinagh £

a. Emile Jester, with the assistance of


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