Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/88

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A816953 — A816989
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A816952 (con.)

Add. ti: AAU official rules, 1977: divinq. 9 Amateur Athletic Union of the Onited States, Inc.: 2Jan77; A816952.


Official rules for competitive syiaminq,

1977. Edited by Hilliam A. Lippman, Jr. 6 Ann Aiple Colwell, issued by the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, Athletic Library. 121 p. Add. ti: AAU official rules, 1977; syimminq. C Amateur Athletic Onion of the United States, Inc.; 7Jan77; A816953.


The Beady Reference family finance record and plan book. 1 ». Add. ti: Family finance record and daily planner,

1978. Appl. au: Harry J. Friedman. NH: additions, e Eeady Reference accepted trade desiqnation for Ready Reference Publishinq company; 5Jan77; A81695i(.


A Ninety day leave of absence. By John N. Horqan as told to his yife (label Baker Horqan- 8 p. i3 Mabel Baker Uorqan; 29Dec76; A816955.


A Diversity of interests. By Jesse E. Hills. 102 p. d Jesse E. Hills; 17Dec76: Aei6956.


At the Little Biq Horn, 1976. By F. A. Lydic. Folder. 6 F. A. Lydic; 30Nov76; A816957.


Police crisis intervention. By Arnold P. Goldstein. Philip J. Monti, Thomas J. Sardino £ Donald J. Green. 175 p. e Behaviordelia, Inc.; 2Jan77; A816958.


Selection and use of year tests for metals; a symposium presented at November Committee Week, American society for Testinq and Materials. Ney Orleans, LA, 17-21, Nov. 1975. ASTM special technical publication 615. Editor: B. G. Bayer. 113 p. Proceedinqs of the Symposium on Selection and Use of Hear Tests for Betais. Appl. au: American Society for Testinq and Materials. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed on any portion of this Mork written by Government employees yithin the scope of their employment. @ American Society for Testinq and Materials; lJan77 (in notice: 1976) ; i816959.


A Reviey by Stephen A. Richardson of The Futures of children: cateqories, labels, and their consequences, by Nicholas Hobbs and Issues in the classification of children, edited by Nicholas Bobbs. p. 293-330. (Proceedinqs of the National Academy of Education, vol. 3, 1976) a National Academy of Education; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8169b0.


The Belle Meade nansion cookbook. 401 p. Appl. au: Belle Meade Mansion. B Belle Meade Mansion Board of Governors; 1Dec76; Aai6961.


Auerbach information manaqement series: systems, development, manaqement. Prepared by the editorial staff of Auerbach Publishers, Inc. 1 v. 6 Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 22No»76; A816962.


The Meqacorp and oligopoly: micro foundations of macro dynamics. By Alfred S. Eichner. 365 p. Cambridge University Press; 21Sep76; A816963.

AS 16961.

Perspectives on technology. By Nathan Rosenberg. 353 p. '0 Cambridge University Press; 30JU176; A816961.


World congueror and yorld renouncer: a study of Buddhism and polity in Thailand against a historical background. By S. J. Tambiah. 557 p. (Cambridge studies in social anthropology, 15) ^ Cambridge University Press; 27Aug76; A816965.


The Ruler yho serves. By Ray C. Stedman. 23 1 p. 8 Ray C. Stedman; 30Dec76; A816966.


The Democratic movement in Germany, 1789-1911. By John L. Smell, edited £ completed by Hans A. Schmitt. 501 p. (The James Sprunt studies in history and political science, vol. 55) 8 The University of North Carolina Press; 30Dec76; A816957.


Electoral mobilization and public opinion: the Venezuelan campaign of 1973. By John D. Martz £ Enrigue A- Baloyra. 339 p. 8 The University of North Carolina Press; 28Dec76; A816968.


Up-look, out-look, and nature's nook. By Charles L- Durbin, illus. by Heather Latham 6 Linda Hiltner. 112 p. 6 Charles L. Durbin; 1Dec76; A816969.


Cache Valley year, 1975, and other poems. By Mai F. Dalby. 1 v. 6 Max P. Dalby; 23Dec76; A8 16970.


Living the promise; the Advent/Christmas season, 1976. Prepared by the parish Liturgy Committee. 1 v. Add. ti: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Appl. au: Liturgy Committee. Saint Isaac Jogues Church. Inc., Division of Liturgy, Archdiocese of Baltimore £ Borehouse- Barioy Company, Inc. O Liturgy Committee, Saint Isaac Jogues Church, Inc.; 20Nov76; A816971.


Boxing's 5 killer punches. By Jay C. Thomas fi Donald E. Ehrlich. 98 p. © Jay C. Thomas, whose pseud, is champ Thomas £ Donald E. Ehrlich, yhose pseud, is Don Ehrlich; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8 16972.


How to have a happy home. By Norman G. Wilson, illustrated by David Leitzel. 95 p. Q The Uesleyan Church Corporation; 20NOV76; A816973.

A8 16971.

Uncle Alf's original rainboy aura pendulum; full do-it-yourself instruction booklet. 21 p. Appl. au: Christopher Hills. e Christopher Hills; 25Dec76 (in notice: 1975); Aai6971.


Developing and defending a dissertation proposal. By Hilliam B. Castetter £ Richard S. Heisler. 62 p. 6 center for Field Studies, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania; 10Jan77; A816975.


The Teachings of Grandfather Fox. By Leonard Edward Nathan. 19 p. NM:


Any idiot can cook yith simple southern recipes. By Nicholas D. Powers, Jr., Hilann S. Poyers £ Ernestine Fryer. 1 v. e Nick Poyers; 23Dec76; A816977.


Ney Mexico gem trails; a field guide for collectors. By Bessie H. Simpson. 5th rev. ed. 88 p. (3 Bessie H. Simpson; 7Jan77; A816978.


Stretching your taxpayers' dollar. 15 p. Q League o£ loya Municipalities; 12Jan77; A816979.


Financial counseling; study guide. Vol. 1-3. Sheets. NB: revision £ additions. © The American College; 27Aug76; A816980.


Basic oxyacetjlene yelding. By Ivan H. Griffin, Edward B. Hoden E Charles W. Briggs. 3rd ed. 92 p. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 3Jan77; A816981.


Electrical wiring, commercial: code, theory, plans, specifications, instal- lation methods. By Ray C. Mullin £ Robert L. Smith. 231 p. £ 6 wall charts NH: complete revision £ additions. Litton Educational Publishing. Inc. ; 3Jan77; A816982.


Interpreting automotive systems. By Harry G. Hill. 352 p. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. ; 3Jan77; A816983.


Automotive science. By Louis E. Jensen, William A. Brazier £ Harry G. Bill. 200 p. For use yith Delmar's Fundamentals of applied physics, by C. Thomas Olivo £ Alan Wayne. Prev- reg. as Related science for automotive trades. NM: complete revision £ updating. 3 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 3Jan77; A816981.


Basic arc welding. By Ivan H. Griffin. Edward M. Roden £ Charles B. Briggs. 3rd ed. 82 p. e Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 3Jan77; A816985.


concrete form construction. By Caitl E. Moore. 218 p. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 3Jan77; A816986.


Small business management; instructor's guide. By William D. Hailes, Jr. £ Raymond T. Hubbard. 21 p. NM: complete revision. Q Litton Educational Pub- lishing, Inc. ; 3Jan77; A816987.


Electrical wiring, commercial: code, theory, plans, specifications, instal- lation methods; instructor's guide. By Hay C. Hullin £ Robert L. Smith. 26 p. NM: complete revision 6 updating. & Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 3Jan77; A8169a8.


Basic arc welding; instructor's guide. By Ivan H. Griffin, Edward M. Roden £ Charles w. Briggs. 3rd ed- 15 p- ^ Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.;

3Jan77; A816989.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.