Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/90

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A817033 — A817075
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Compendium: persons of eminence in exceptional education. Editor: John I. Arena. 271 p. Q Academic Therapy Publications; 5Hay7a; A817033.


The Cola kit: conceptual oral ianguaqe activities. By John D. Meleat. 61 p. £ cards in box 6 Academic Therapy Publications, Inc.; 23Apr73; A81703U.


Master Tunq's Western chamber romance (Tunq Hsi-hsianq chu-kunq-tiao) ; a Chinese Chan te fable. By Chieh-yuan Tunq, translated from the Cninese £ uith an introd. by Li-li Ch'en. 238 p. (Cambridqe studies in Chinese history, literature and institutions) Cambridqe University Press; 30JU176: A817035.


North Carolinians in the Continental Conqress. By David T. Ilorqan £ William J. Schmidt. 150 p. Portions prev,- pub. in North Carolina Historical Review. SB: introd., main text £ biblioqraphy. © John F. Blair: 20Nov76: A817036.

AS 17037.

Basic practice under Florida probate code. Issued by the Florida Bar, Continuinq Leqal Education. 728 p. Appl. au; The Florida Bar. g The Florida Bar; 27JU176: A817037.


The African experience in Spanish America, 1502 to the present day. By Leslie B. Bout, Jr. HOI* p. (Cambridqe Latin American studies, 23) 6 Cambridqe University Press; 30Jul76; A817038.


John G. Neihardt. By F. A. Lydic. 1 p. e F. A. Lydic; 28Sep76: A817039.

A8 170 1(0.

Carskadon's run. By F. A. Lydic. 12 p. F. A. Lydic; ltSep76; A8170t0-


The Farainqdale collection. By Gertrude H. Dubrovsky. 8 p. English £ Hebrew. e Yivo Institute for Jewish Research, Inc.; 20Dec76; A8170t1.


A Study quide for Workinq together as leaders; a quide to forminq successful leaders groups. 48 p. Appl. au: Charismatic Beneual Services. € Uord of Life; 1Sep76; A8170it2.


The Toun of Porter, 1776-1976; a Bicentennial history. Prepared by the Local History Committee of the Bicen- tennial Commission of the Town of Porter. 62 p. e The Board of Directors, Historical Society of the Town of Porter; 20Dec76; A817043.

AS 170 44.

SORT (selection of raclnq thoroughbreds) and SCORE (system, confidence, odds, racing equater. 5 p. Appl. au: Maurice F. Taylor. 8 Hacrovision Publications: 10Jan77; A81704U.


Guide to prepaid qroup health care proqrams: what they are, how to set one up. 128 p. e Center for Information on America; 31Dec76; A817045.


Gesture of balance: a guide to awareness, self-healing, and meditation. By Tarthanq Tulku. 170 p. @ Dharma Publishing; 20Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A817046.


Girard Polly-Piq retrieval methods. 2 p. S Girard Polly-Pig, Inc.; 21Bay73; AB17047.


The Zoo! 70 p. Greek. Appl. au: Theo Pistiolas-. <a Theo Pistiolas; 3Jan77; A817048.


Homeowner's tax deduction file. Folders. e Gallery of Homes, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4817049.


Communication. Produced by corporate Training for the Data Processing Hanagement Development Program. 157 p. Appl. au: The Travelers Insurance Companies. d The Travelers Insurance Companies; 1Nov76; 4817050.


Spray compatibility chart, 1977. 1 p. Q Meister Publishing Company; 2 8Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A817051.


Rules for The Game people play. 6 p. Appl. au: Galen B. Cook. 6 Galen B. Cook; 11Jau77; 4817052.


Product policy cases and concepts. By Richard N. Cardozo. Multiple volumes. NH: additions. Richard N. Cardozo; 3Jan77; A817053.


Heet the town: Lake Placid, New lork (in the Adirondacks) A guide to the Lake Placid region. 1977 ed. 64 p. Appl. au: Jacques De Mattos. Q Galas Dnlimited; 10Jan77; AS 17054.


Knox shows you how to roof or re-roof using cedar shingles or handsplit shakes. 14 p. 9 Knox Lumber Company; 29Dec76; 481705-5.


Words from Waldo: narratives by a nonagenarian. Vol. 3: life with Martha — 1955-1975. By Waldo E. Yeater, with foreword by Alfred E. Hoover. 143 p. e Waldo E. Yeater; 20Dec76: 4817056.


How not to succeed in business. By Orrice L. Murdock. 110 p. O Orrice L. Burdock; 3Jan77; A817057.


Handbook of general surgical emer- gencies; a quide to the diagnosis and management of general surgical emer- gencies. By Edward H- Sharp. 174 p. © Medical Examination Publishing Company, Inc.; 10Jan77; 4817038.


Self-assessment of current knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology. 1,000 multiple choice questions and referenced answers. By David Charles. 2nd ed. 203 p. @ Medical Examination Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817059.


Diabetes: a clinical guide. By Jeanne E. Bonar. 354 p. © Medical Examination Publishing Company, Inc.; 5Jan77; Aei7060.


Instruction manual for the plastic man. Pharmacokinetics simulation model. 36 p. O Pfizer International, Inc.; 11Nov76; A817061.


Wilmington, DE, South New Castle County edition, December 1976. © The Diamond State Telephone Company; 15Dec76; A817062.


Family constellation; its effects on personality and social behavior. By Walter Toman. 3rd ed. 333 p. 6 Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; 26Hay76; 4817063.



Laboratory tests in common use. By )lomon Garb. 6th ed. 247 p. © Springer iblishing Company, Inc.; 2&Feb76; Jewish schools under czarism and Communism; a struggle for cultural identity. By Zvi Halevy, foreword by George Z. F. Bereday. 298 p. © Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Dec76; 4817065.


Care of the patient with a stroke; a handbook for the patient's family and the nurse. By Genevieve Waples Smith, illustrated by Clarice Ashworth fi Frances Kemper. 2nd ed. 166 p. © Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; 280ct76; 4817066.


Aging patients; a guide for their care. By Mary U. Falconer, Michael V. Altanura £ Helen Duncan Behnke. * 276 p. @ Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; 10ct76; 4817067.


Vision and artifact. Editor: Bary Henle, foreword by Rudolf Arnheim. 186 p. © Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; IApr76; A817068.


Standards of nursing care; a guide for evaluation. By Joan Uaselman Carter, Mildred Billiard, Mary iieardon Castles, Leona D. Stoll £ Anne Cowan. 2nd ed. , enl. 292 p. © Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; 31May76; 4817069.


Varieties of psychohistory. Edited by George M. Kren fi Leon H. Rappoport. 370 p. © Springer Publishing Company, Inc.; 84pr76: A8 17070.


A Century of cow business; a history of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. By Mary Whatley Clarke. 287 p. Appl. au: Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, employer for hire. © Texas and Southwestern Cattle aaisers Association; 1Nov76; A817071.


Remembrances. By John A. Foland. 209 p. © Rowland Printing Company, Inc.; 12Dec76; A 817072.


Why trade it in? The car-owner's manual Detroit will not provide. By George Fremon £ Suzanne Fremoc. 247 p. a George Fremon £ Suzanne Fremon; 9Dec76; A817073.


La Historla del beisbol cubano, 1878-1976. By 4ngel Torres. 191 p. 9 Angel Torres; 31Dec76; AS 17074.


Laws of innkeeping; syllabus. By David HolstroB. 17 p. O David Holstrom;

2Dec76; AS 17075.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.