Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/93

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A817163 — A817205
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A817162 (con.)

Koataluk & 41ice orphanos Kopan; i*Jan77; 4817162.


Historic costume; a resume of style and fashion from remote times to the nineteen-seventies. By Katherine Horris Lestec & Rose Netzorg Kerr, revised by Dyann Gray, spot illus. by Ila (Ic4£ee 6 Helen Uestermann. 7th ed. 3 12 p. 4ppl. au: chas. 4. Bennett Company, Inc. a chas. 4. Bennett Company, Inc.; ajan77; 4817163.


StriXe! 14 p. 4ppl. au: Billiam Richard Bruner. 6 B. fi. Bruner; 6Jan77; 48171 6«.


Bevi^ed pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, January 12, 1977. 1 ». MB: revisions 6 editing. ^ Stationers Price Service company: 12Jan77; A817165.


corrosion topics. Vol. 1, no. 1. Folder. Appl. au: George P. Gabriel. Atlas minerals and Chemicals Division, ESB, Inc.; 27Dec76; A817166.


Surfactants in papermaking. 2 p. & ICI United States. Inc.; 1Nov76; A817167.


CEBECLOR chlorinated paraffins as extreme pressure additives in lubricants. Folder (6 p. I 6 ICI United States, Inc.; 5llov76: 4817168.


Corrosion resistant coatings for steel made vith 4LL0PIiBNB chlorinated rubber. 23 p. C ICI United States, Inc.; 10Dec76; 4817169.


Surfactants in miscellaneous appli- cations. Folder. <3 ICI United states. Inc.; 191IOV76; 4317170.

48 17171.

Freedom to choose. Card. C ICI United States, Inc.; 27Dec76; 4817171.


The ISB4 blue book: directory of Official personnel, 1975-1976; and annual reports of officers, committees, sections and other affiliated bodies, 1974-1975. 80 p. e Illinois State Bar Association; 5Sep75; A817172.


The ISBA blue book; directory of official personnel, 1976-1977; and annual reports of officers, committees, sections and other affiliated bodies, 1975-1976. 87 p. C Illinois State Bar Association; 5Sep76; A817n3.


The ISB4 blue book: directory of official personnel, 197i(-1975; and annual reports of officers, committees, and sections, 1973-197H. BH p. C Illinois State Bar Association; 5Sep74; A81717it.


Inquiry: description of various economic states, portfolio strategy, January 7, 1977. 8 p. C Lincoln First Bank of fiochester; lljan77; Aei7175.


Introduction to methodology; an apparatus criticus for economics students to generate awareness of method and provide a preface to its study. By George Sadler. 25 p. Add. ti: Introduction to economics NB: section 1 of the work. e George Sadler; 3Jan77; A817176.


Supplement number 2, 1976 ATA VBBS handbook service (fifth supplement, 1974 edition, 4T4 VBBS handbook) sheets. Add. ti: 2nd supplement, 1976 4T4 VBBS handboo;i service (5th supplement, 1974 AT4 VBRS handbook) & 4merican Trucking Asso- ciations, Inc.; 11Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4317177.


Deposition procedures in southern California. By Nancy Patterson. 82 p. C Bryan College o£ Court fieporting: 2Feb76; A817178.


The English modules; workbook. Unit 1: introduction to the sentence. 1 v. Appl. au: Sarah D'Eloia, Barbara Gray, nina Shauqhnessy, Blanche Skurnick 6 Alice Trillin. o Sarah D'Eloia, Barbara Gray, Mina Shaughnessy, Blanche Skurnick 6 Alice Trillin; 15Sep7o: 4817179.


CT Central Tractor, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Hartin N. Erody O Central Tractor Parts company; 2eoec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A817180.


Index to Indian Claims Commission decisions. 1976 cumulative suppl. including vol. 30-38, aarch 14, 1973- August 5, 1976. 58 p. O Native American Eights Fund, Inc.; 20Dec76; A817181.


Retail inventory management. By Lefioy A. Hewitt. 44 p. C LeRoy 4. Hewitt; 8Jan77; 4817182.


Team-League Tennis rules of play. 13 p. a Team-League Tennis, Ltd.; 14fiay/b; A817183.


Big talk for little people; handbook for teachers of young children. Total readiness book 1. Author: Nina boward. 176 p. C Children's Learning Center, Inc.; 20Dec76; A817184.


Bilder VariBeam Micro Projector; 14 in. coordinate measuring optical comparator. Folder. Appl. au: Robert L. Titus., e R. S. Bilder, Inc.; 14pr76; A817185.


Catholic Church year guide calendar, 1977. Appl. au: John 1. Ashby. O Ashby Company; 21Dec76; A817186.


Asa Billiams (1828-1894) and Direxa Dunn (1831-19 12) of Great Pond, Haine: their ancestors and descendants. By Albert E. Hyers. 65 p. d Albert E. Byers; 24Dec76; A817187.


Tip top devotions. By B. S. Borris. 9 p. e B. S. Borris; 21Dec76; 4817188.


Key kode: a new way to learn chords for keyboard popular music; organ ed., a complete kit. Folder. Appl. au : Barcus Leonard. a Barcus Leonard; 200ec76; A817189.


Cycle- schedule ; employee scheduling for peak productivity. 4 p. Appl. au; Richard Irving Bare (B. I. "Dick" Bare) SH; additional text. 6 B. I. (Dick) Bare; 15NOV76; A817190.


Life insurance comparative expense. 1976. Prepared by Benjamin y. Brewster, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: New york State Association of Life Underwriters. Q New York State 4ssociation or Life Under- writers; 8Bar76; 4817191.


Law student guide to obtaining and retaining legal employment. By John Lordsal Binnella. 1 v. Add. ti: Bestern state University College of Law, student Bar Association presents law clerk symposium: preparing for the job. C John Lordsal Binnella; 20Bar76; A817192.


Alaska's spring. By Janet A. fliller. 1 p. NB: revisions. o Janet A. Billet; 16Bar76; A817193.


I placed three flowers down. 1 p. Appl. au: Herbert P. Wendroff. Herbert P. Bendroff; 110ct76; Aei7194.


One of a kind. By Herbert P. Bendroff. 1 p. e Herbert P. Bendroff; 110ct76; 4817195.


By father, my son. By Herbert P. Wendroff. 2 p. e Herbert P. Wendroff; 110ct76; 4817196.

4817 197.

Wind and fire. By Herbert P. Bendroff. 2 p. 6 Herbert P. Wendroff; 110ct76: 4817197.


In the land of dreams forgotten. By Herbert P. Bendroff. 1 p. o Herbert P. Bendroff; 110ct76; A817198.


Unfinished business that's finally finished. By Herbert P. Bendroff. 1 p. e Herbert p. Wendroff; I10ct76; A817199.


Doctor's report: diabetes. 23 p. 4ppl. au: OeLamar Gibbons. NB: compilation. <S DeLamat Gibbons; 1Jun76; 4817200.


Doctor's reports: the retardation of aging through chromosomal protection. 16 p. 4ppl. au: DeLamar Gibbons. NB: compilation. C DeLamar Gibbons; lJun76; A817201.


Doctor's reports; arthritis. 21 p. Appl. au: DeLamar Gibbons. NM: com- pilation. C DeLamar Gibbons; 1Jun76; A817202.


Academy scientists in the U.S.A. and background characteristics, institutional and regional mobility. By Linda L. Lubrano £ John K. Berg. 56 p. O Linda L. Lubrano; 80ct76: A817203.


He believe; guide for teachers, studies in confirmation & church membership for Onited Bethodists. Editor: Charles B. Keysor, writers: Riley Case 6 Charles W. Keysor, art director: Jim Sweeney. 62 p. d Forum for Scriptural Christianity, Inc.; 10aar76; A817204.


The Interrelations of the comnunication of teacher role expectations and the affective response of pupils. By Eleanor Szemborski. 51 p. Eleanor SzemborsKi;

20Dec76; 4817205.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.