Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/95

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A817248 — A817288
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A817247 (con.)

By Mary Hetcer Castellini. 56 p. NM: additional text £ compilation of pictorial material. Mary Castellini; 20Nov76: A817247.


The Bitches speak. By Patricia Cro«ther 6 4rnold crowther, special chapter by J. Insali-Mason, introd. by Leo Louis aartello. with six original illus. by 41den cole. 1i*5 p. Prey. pub. abroad 1965. »H: introd., 1 chapter £ 6 illus. Patricia Crowther (in notice: Patricia 6 4rnold crowther); 15Sep76: 4817248.


sinq in celebration. By Harqaret Hood Kirk S Carole Harrison Seabolt. 56 p. e Carole Harrison Seabolt; i*Jul76: 481721*9.


The HP 98254 calculator; system test booklet. 39 p. 433. ti: Hewlett-Packard 98254 calculator system test booklet. 4ppl. au: Eldon Bay Brown. 6 Hewlett- Packard Company; laar76; 4817250.


The Spirit of God. By Thomas Bopko. 124 p. e florehouse-Barlow company. Inc.; 15Dec76: 4817251.


Crucial line 20 of the Foema de mio Cid: its meaninq and its structural use. By Dorothy Clotelle Clarke (Dorothy Clotelle Clarke Shadi) 25 p. Dorothy Clarke Shadi: 31Dec76; 4817252.


4B4 sidelines directory. 1976-1977. 91 p. O American Booksellers Association, Inc.; 154uq76; 4817253.


Check Hate envelope; the Hrite-Less mailer for personalized checks. 4ppl. au; John T. Drabiak. Q John T. Drabiak; 17Dec76; 4817254.


4qricultural almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1977, being the 1st after leap year, until the 4th of July, the 201st of American independence. 95 p. 4dd. ti: Baer's 4qricultural almanac for the year 1977. e John Baer's Sons; 234uq76; 4817255.


Directory of international energy statistics, September 1976. By Patricia Baade. 96 p. Based on International energy statistics — an annotated bib- lioqraphy of selected sources, by the same author. C IBS Publishing Company: 260ct76; A817256.


Letters from Olympus; a trailman's almanac. By Lyle Cowles, illus. by Glen Duncan, photos, by Lyle Cowles. 56 p. Appl. au: Olympic Graphic Arts. Inc. O Olympic Graphic 4rts, Inc.; 44pr76; 4817257.

48172 58.

The Junghans story. Vol. 2. 1976 ed. 206 p. 4ppl. au: Karl Kochmann. >3 4ntigue Clocks Publishing (in notice: 4ntigue Clock Publishinql ; 10nay76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4817258.




,es. By Geoffrey Ste« 

Harris. 30 p. NH: additional st Geoffrey Steven Harris; 9Dec76 4817259.


Hy world at three. By Karl Olson. 40 p. 6 Karl Olson; 54pr76; A817260.


I an — by the grace of God--a trustee. By Kenneth Lloyd Garrison. 58 p. e Kenneth Lloyd Garrison; 3 0Nov76; 4817261.


Phonic analogies. Ho. B7. By Richard 4. Boning. 1 v. © Dexter and Westbrook, Ltd.; 3Jan77; 4817262.


Phonic analogies. Ho. B5. By Bichard 4. Booing. 1 v. d Dexter and Westbrook, Ltd.; 3Jan77; A817263.


Love is a special feeling. By Adrian C. Van Dyk, Jr. 1 v. O Adrian C. Van Oyk, Jr.; 20Dec76; A817264.


Basic personality modeling. 6 p. Appl. au: John A. Crook. Q John A. crook; 214ug76; A817265.


Business in America: the heritage papers. Edited by James N. Schreier. 110 p. e Lakeshore Group, Ltd., publishing Division (in notice: Lakeshore Group, Ltd.); 22NOV76; 4817266.


Belating dietary factors to low cancer incidence in Indians of the southwest United States. By DeLaaar Gibbons. 6 p. NM: compilation £ research. © DeLamar Gibbons; lJun76; 4817267.


Marty Hovesalot. By Judy Schulman, pictures by Bonnie Hughes (Bonnie Hughes Uisdom) 13 p. O on pictures; Bonnie Hughes Wisdom; lHay75; A817268.


Jimmy Carter's hot nuts, cold nuts. 1 p. Appl. au: Janice Framer. © Janice framer; 1Jul76; 4817269.

4817270. : individual motivation promotes active community teamwork. 8 p- 4ppl. au: B. John Simons. C B. John Simons Public Gelations; 28Dec76; 4817270.


The National service debate; a 1976 NISBCO study. Polder (p. 3-6) t National Interreligious Service Board for conscientious Obiectors; 16Nov76; 46 1727 1.


The Imagination and me book. By Joe Hayman, Don flitcheli 6 Gary Grimm. 64 p. Add. ti: Imagination and me. C Good Apple, Inc.; 1Dec75: 4817272.

48 1727 3.

The Blackstone Valley (Hassachusetts) shewing landmarks of ye olde days. Poster. 4ppl. au: 4rthur K. Pope £ David 4. woods. HR: text £ pictorial matter. C 4rthur K. Pope t David A. Woods; 1Apr76; Aai727J.

48 17274.

The Illinois workbook. Prepared by Donald E. Smith fi Bonnie L. Smith, artwork: Carol Schmidt £ Eita Shellito. 114 p. O Illwok (0. E. £ B. L. Smith d.b.a. Illwok); 18Bov75; 4817274.


The 4ct mini-course pretest. 15 p. 4ppl. au: William E. Nix d.b.a. William E.

Nix and 4ssociates. O William E. Nix and 4ssociates; 134uq76; 48 17275.


Hong Kong entourage. By Joseph Pleasant High tower. 20 p. © J. P. Hightower; 20llay76; 4817276.


Waiting for a bishop in the Boman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York. Sheets in envelope. Appl. au: Bichard Vosko £ Bary Eeed Newland. S Liturgy Center; 1511ov76: A817277.

A8 17278.

Project H.E. L. P. : Home educational learning program (HSI-Benton Harbor model) 1 V. The Home and school Institute £ the Benton Harbor Area Schools, office of compensatory Programs; 204ug76; 4817278.


Georgetown University; a pictorial review. compiled by Jon K. Beynolds £ George M. Barringer. 148 p. © Georgetown University Alumni 4ssociation, Inc.; 284pr76; 4817279.


Here's life, 4merica pastor's fel- lowship. Folder. © Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.; lHay76; 4617280.


Lord, teach me to pray; the dynamics of prayer workshop. Folder. O Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. ; 2Sep76; 4817281.


You can send the Gospel to the heart of Korea; the village plan. Folder. © campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.; 8Apr76; Adl7282.


Attacks on telephone privacy. Technical paper no. 4. By S. w. Daskam. 1 v. 4ppl. au: F. G. Mason Engineering, Inc., employer for hire. © F. G. Mason Engineering, Inc.; 6Apr72; A817283.


TT3 telephone test set; instruction

manual. 25 p. © F. G. Mason Engineering.

Inc.; 21Jul72; 4817284.


Harnessing the earthworm; a practical inquiry into soil-building, soil conditioning, £ plant nutrition through the action of earthworms, with inst- ructions for intensive propagation fi use of domesticated earthworms in biological soil- building. By Thomas J. Barrett, with an introd. by Bonald E. Gaddie, Sr. 166 p. NB: introd. £ additions. O Bookworm Publishing Company. Inc.; 28Jun76; A817285.


Distant topologies: poems, 1974-1976. By Brooke Bergan. 65 p. Some poems prev. appeared in The 4Berican pen £ others. © Brooke Bergan; 10ct76; i817286.


Deer Creek company general supply catalog of hunting- trapping-outdoor eguipment. Catalog no. 4, season 1976-77. 17 p. 4dd. ti: Deer Creek general supply catalog of hunting- trapping-outdoor equipment. 4ppl. au: J. Lad S.l.apak. © J. Lad slapak d.b.a. Deer Creek Company; 150ct76; 4817287.


Come share with me, friend. 1 v. Appl. au: Helen Pickard. NH: additional poems £ writings. O Helen Pickard; 44pr76 (in

notice: 1975) ; 4817286.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.