Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1950 Motion Pictures And Filmstrips Jan-Dec 3D Ser Vol 4 Pts 12-13.djvu/103

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symbols, under the title of the part in the Table of Organiziation which faces the title-page in this issue. In each case, the first letter of the symbol is that of the class under which registration is made; the second, if any, is a designation added by the Copyright Office for purposes of statistical analysis of registrations. Foreign works for which two copies have been deposited, under Section 215 of Title 17 of the United States Code, are distinguished by a zero immediately following the class symbol. The symbol R does not represent a class designated by the Copyright Act, but has been adopted by the Copyright Office to distinguish renewal copyright registrations. Some parts also contain registrations made under other symbols if the subject matter or type of material of these registrations is similar to that generally included in the part.

Orders.—The Office calls attention to the fact that orders for all parts of the Catalog should be sent directly to the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. Orders may be placed as follows: (1) as a subscription for a single year or to continue until further notice, or (2) as an order for individual issues. All orders should state clearly the title of the Catalog part and the inclusive dates of the issues wanted. For the convenience of subscribers, payment may be made either with the order or upon receipt of an invoice from the Copyright Office. Checks or money orders should he made payable to the Register of Copyrights.

The price of each individual number of the Catalog is given in the Table of Organization. The annual subscription rate for each part is twice the price of a single number, since all parts are issued semi-annually. The complete Catalog of Copyright Entries may be secured on a subscription basis for $20 a year.

Inquiries.—The Copyright Office welcomes inquiries, suggestions, and comments on the content and organization of the Catalog. Please address communications of this nature to the Chief of the Cataloging Division, Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C.
