Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1963 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1106

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Early American furniture. O'Neill, J. M. Treves, Ralph. Early American hurricanes. Ludlum, D. M. Early Americana, and other stories. Richter, Conrad. (R) Early and middle childhood. Kawin, Ethel. Early cancer. Goldman, L. B. Early Christians. Rome: The Eternal city. Early days in Kern. Burmeister, Eugene. Early democracies in the low- Countries. Pirenne, Henri. Early English gardens and garden books. Eyler, E. C. Early English stages. Wickham, Glynne. Early Flemish painting. Delevoy, R. L. Early history of a seamstress. Family chronicle. Early history of a sewing-machine operator. Family chronicle. Early history of Divine Science. Brooks, L. M. Early history of Staunton and Beverley Manor. AuU, Edward. Early hospitals. Western Pub. Co., Inc. Early inhabitants of the Natchez district. Gillis, N. E. Early justice in Sonora. Lang, M. H. Early Navajo migrations and acculturation in the Southwest. Hester, J. J. Early psychoanalytic writings. Freud, Sigmund. Early summer. Sevier, Anna. Early Vernon. Verner, D. W. Early warnings on the worst market collapse in 33 years. U.S. news & world report. Early weapons. Western Pub. Co., Inc. Early wills, 1765-1799, Mecklen- burg County. Elliott, K. B. Earnest money receipt, offer and acceptance. Stevens-Ness Law Pub. Co. Earning and spending the family income. Friend, M. R. (R) Earnings and profits. Tax Management, Inc. Earth. Behrendt, Ernst. Earth and earth-rock dams. Sherard, J. L. Earth and its people. Mary Fidelis, Sister. Earth and space science. Stoneman, John, pseud. Learn earth and space science the easy way. Earth and the human family. Donnelley, J. S. Our World today. Earth dwellers. Maurois, Andre. The weigher of souls. Earth, hear the word. Conrad, Earl. The premier. Earth in space. Buchanan, C. D. Programmed geography. Earth, moon, and planets. Whipple, F. L. Earth sciences. Strahler, A. N. Earth-sun relationships. Fisher, W. W. Earth trembles. Romains, Jules. Men of good will. (R) Earth war. Reynolds, Mack. Earthly paradise. Hoyt, W. J. Earthquakes. Estep, H. C. Earth's atmosphere laboratory. Parker, D. H. Learnings in Science. Earth's core and geomagnetism. Jacobs, J. A. Earth's 24 resolute international standard time zones. Alexander, V. R. World wide illustrative treatise. Easi- saver. Franklin Society Federal Savings & Loan Assn., New York. Save the modern way. East and West. Parkinson, C. N. East Bay and Eden. Barr, Browne. East Greenwich. Street map: East Greenwich, No. Kingstown, and Potowomut, R.I. East of the sun and west of the moon. Asbjornsen, P. C. East way. West way. Ishimoto, Shidzue. Baroness. (R) East, west sell-a-bration. Radio Shack Corp. Easter egg coloring book. Bardott Publications. Easter hymn. Werner, Ernest. Easter Island. Mumey, Nolle. Easter program book. Standard Easter program book. Easter programs for the church. Colina, Tessa. Easter rebellion. Caulfield, Max. Eastern Europe in the sixties. Fischer -Galati, Stephen. Eastern lines index. Official tariff directory. Eastern-Rite Catholicism. Taft, R. F. Eastern ski slopes. Buxton's guide: Eastern ski slopes. Eastman chemical product. Eastman Kodak Co. Eastman reversal color print film manual. Eastman Kodak Co. Easy bookkeeping tax- system. Hampton Management, Inc. Easy color book. Biggers, Jan. Easy-Do haircutting method. Practical Enterprises. Easy French readings. Havens, G. R. (R) Easy grader for percentage grading tables. Register-Aid Co. Easy guide to Japanese flower arrangement styles. Webb, Lida. Easy handcraft fun. Glass, Fredricka. Easy lessons. Cohen, O. R. (R) Easy phonetic speller, reader. Hyde, E. A. Easy pickings. Bradford, Roark. (R) Easy steps to better joints. Snyder (K. T.) Co. Easy steps to winning bridge. Teaching Machines, Inc. Goren's easy steps. Easy to color. Biers, Clarence. Easy to do. For titles beginning with Easy to do SEE Current list under: Whitman Pub. Co. Easy to learn chord system. Fitzsimonds, M. W. Easy vue system. Berkman, Jerome. Easy way football statistic book. McDonald, B. E. Easy way to Chinese cooking. Lee, Beverly. Easy way to quit smoking. Easy Way Co. Easy ways to keep healthy. Lehman, Edwin. Eat and grow younger. Kordel, Lelord. Eating and cooking around the world. Best, A, C. Eau douce derivee des sources saumatres moyennant la methode Electrodialyse. Ionics, Inc. Ebony and Ebonyette. Copeland, L. L. Ecclesiastical barony of the Middle Ages. Gleason, S. E. (R) Echoes from bronze. Combellack, Rose. Echoes from the corridors of time. Wells, Helen. (R) Echoes from the Rio Grande. Peavey, J. R- Eclipse. Swain, J. J. Eclipses. Western Pub. Co., Inc. Ecole des escrocs. Valmain, Frederic. Ecological studies of shell- bearing pteropods. Chin, Chen. Ecology. Farb, Peter. Ecology and behavior of the mountain gorilla. Schaller, G. B. Ecology of waste water treatment. Hawkes, H. A. Econometer index. Pope, C. S. Economic ABC's of employment. Ells, R. W. Unemployment. Economic analysis and industrial management. Lesourne, Jacques. Economic analysis of labor union power. Chamberlin, E. H. Economic analysis of the budget. Schmidt, E. P. Economic development. Gill, R. T. Villard, H. H. Wu, Yuan- Li. Economic development patterns. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. Long range planning service. No. 185, Sep63. Economic differentiation and social organization. Amemiya, E. C. Economic education. Johnston, Myrtis. Economic education experiences. Clark, J. W. Economic engineering letter. Eddy-Rucker-Nickels Co. Economic feasibility of a proposed outdoor recreational, educa- tional and entertainment center. Economic Research Consultants Economic future calculator. Gristock, Russel. Economic geology of mineral deposits. Lilley, E. R. (R) Economic history of Europe. Heaton, Herbert. (R) Economic integration of Hungary. Zsoldos, Laszlo. Economic issues. McConnell, C. R. Economic lots under linearly changing consumption. Diegel, Adolf. Economic planning. Cole, G. D. H. (R) Economic potential of quality control. Rohlf. C. H. Economic principles, problems and policies. Kiekhofer. W. H. (R) Economic stabilization counseling service. McCormack, R. W. Economic status of teachers. National Education Assn. Research Division. Economic systems and resource allocation. Elliott, J. R. Economic value of education. Schultz, T. W. Economics of competition. Westinghouse Electric Corp. Economics Advisory Commit- tee. Economics, principles and applications. Dodd, J. H. Test 1-10. Economics. For other titles beginning with Economics SEE Current list under: Arena, J. J. Workbook. Bach, G. L. Burns, A. F. Goodman, K. E. Tests. Workbook. Gordon, M. S. Havens, R. M. Heckman, H. W. Muehlner, Felix. A short course on economics. Olson, Mancur, Jr. Reynolds, L. G. Instructor's manual. Rostow, W. W. Shaw, Frederick. Smith, A. H. Wayne School, Inc., Chicago. Wright, D. M. Economist. Beedham, Brian. Two con- claves hold hope. Economist on today's world. Bambridge, Tony. The dollar dilemma. Beedham, Brian. Alliance needs revival of confidence. Russia's military might. Two conclaves hold hope. Westerners run risk. Boyd, Andrew. Critical spotlight is turned on the U.N. Ferment in Africa. Duchene, Francois. Germans hold key. Last great captain plays a fading role. Step in the direction of European unity. The Economist. A cold war aftermath, global race conflict. Harman, Nicholas. Labor beckons Britain. Hirsch, Fred. Communist world finding economic problems hard to handle. Worsening drain on the dollar.These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.