Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/114

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2013 I"UIRANAS f*** {3 [Hindu14085. c. 45. (vol. ii.) See RAMrs AchasnRA DATTA. sastra.] Pt. ix. [1895-97.] 8°. ADIPURAsA. আদিপুরাণ । মূল ও বাঙ্গলাsrār = H I [Adipurāņa. Sanskrit text, accompanied by a Bengali prose translation.] 2 pts. pp. 182, 254. Calcutta, 1891. 8°. 14016.c. 47. Aasırcrāș.a. sifa:Gran I [Agnipurāņa. Sanskrit text, with a Bengali translation by Tārākānta Kāvyatīrtha. Edited by Pañchānana Tarkaratna.] pp. vi. 779. Efāzē, El > s > 8 [Calcuttu, 1907.] 8°. 14016. dd. 29. BHāgavataPCRĀNA. See DunkhīsyĀMA DÃsa. confo [Govindamangala. A poem, based on the 10th chapter of the Bhāgavatapurama] [1886.] 8°. 14129. с. 37. sarz z faez | [Bhāgavata-nirnaya. An examination into the contents of the Bhāgavatapurāna, and a discussion as to whether it should be regarded as forming one of the 18 Purānas.] pp. 15. [Calcutta ? 1860?] 12°. 14123. e.

  • fragter = 1 [Bhāgavatapurāna. Translated into Bengali, and edited by Pratāpachandra Rāya.] *foss] × S--> f [Calcutta, 1885–87.] 8°.

14123. g. 17. Each book has a separate pagination. শ্রীমদ্ভগবতম [Bhāgavatapurāna. Sanskrit text, with three Sanskrit commentaries and a Bengali translation by Ramanārāyana Vidyāratna.] মুর্শিদাবাদ : = >= [Murshidabad, 1885-95.] 4°. 14018, dd. 3. Ae far ae Skandha xi. adhy. 27. 例町 শ্ৰীমদ্ভাগবত । | Bhāgavatapurāna. A metrical translation by Kesavachandra Vandyopādhyāya.] *fossi (Calcutta, 1906.] 8°. 14123. gg 4. =Izze = | [Krishnalılā. text of Bk. x..., i.-li, of the Bhingavntn with glosses, Bengali paraphrases, and additional chapters in 13 ngali upon Vaisliniava doctrine and ritual, including a version of the Bhagavailgiti. Compiled and edited by Symnalala 1298 .יזין ●** e > こン● (alcuttu, 1904.] 8°. 14016 da 10. 一 委リびリ A in tri al v raison of the Bhāgavatapurann, The Sanskrit "U I AN AS 204 by Bhāgavata Å harva..] pp. 419. - :ev - - > [1901-06.] See Periodical Publications.–Calcutta, zista zaran argizE I [Prãchīna Bāngālā 1900, etc. - 8o. 14133。ff,2, শ্ৰীমদ্ভগবতন্তর্গত নবযোগেন্দ্রেপ খ্যান ও উদ্ধবFIzı [Navayogendropākhyāna, and Uddhavagītā. The Sanskrit text of Skandha xi. of the Bhâgavata, with analysis, translation and commentary granthåvali.] Nos. 3-17. in Bengali. Edited by Syâmalala Goswami..] pp. 2, 512. [Calcutta, 1900.] 8°. 14018. b. 19. — BHAvrsHYAPURANA. ভবিষ্যপুরাণ ! [BhaSanskrit text, edited with a Bengali translation by Navinakrishna Lāhā.] 3 pts. <>fa <s, z >=>> [Caleutta, 1886.] 8°. 14018, b. 15. As far as the middle of adhy. 7. vishyapurāņa. — Вклнмлхолговдул. зт 9-*даляя (ВrabSanskrit text, edited with a Bengali prose translation and notes by Nagendranatha Vasu.] Pts. 1-23. pp. xvi. 728. zoef=+Isl > = Sv--> : e • [Calcutta, 1891-94.] 8° 14016. c. 46. No onore has been registered. ংস্কৃত মূল ও বঙ্গানুবাদ Sanskrit text, with a Bengali translation by Tārīkānta Kavyatirtha. māņdapurāņa. – ব্রহ্মণ্ডপুরাণম্ . . . zirT = 1 [Brahmāņdapurāna. Edited by Paiichánnna Tarkaratna.] pp. i. ii. 355. <fo - - - - - g Calcutta, 1908. 8°. 14018. b. 22.(1.) [Adhyātma- rāmāyaņa. অধাত্মর মায়ণম | Sanskrit text, with the commentary of Rāma Varma. Edited with analyses and Bengali translations and paraphrases by Khagendranitha Sastrī.] ef=z, el s zev- [Calcutta, 1901.] 8°. 14016. d. 61. In progress. অধ্যায় রামায়ণম | [Alhyātma-ramayana. Sanskrit text, with Rama Varma’s Sanskrit commentary, and a 13engali inctrical version by Raja Mahendralal Khan of Narnjull pp. ii. 462, 291. af ei su sv->:> [Calcutta, 1908.] 4. 14018. a. 3. z = zrast si I (Ramagitā. stanzas from the Uttarakända, sarga v., of the A poem of 62 Alhyatma-rammy nun. Sauskrit text and com