Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/119

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213 IRAI) HANATIIA– RĀDHĀNĀTHA MITRA (continued). Tizē*t-Ergo i ভারত স্বাধীন | [Åkāsakusuma. position in verse, ridiculing the idea of the emancipation of India from British rule.] pp. 16, কলিকাত [Calcutta. 1888.] 82". 14131. a. A dramatic com xii. RADHANATHA RAYA, Inspector of Schools. See KĀLIDĀSA. ÆTfSHTR HERTI: , Kalidas’s Apothegms [sic]. [Selected, with English and Bengali paraphrases], by Rai Radhanath, etc. [1903.] 8°. 14085. b. 23.02.) See NAGENDRABĀLĀ SARAsvATī. STÍFIEISTIRII I [Amiyagáthá. Edited, with a life of the authoress, by Rādhānātha Rāya.] [1902.] 12°. 14129. a. 34. RĀDHĀ PRASĀDA RĀYA. fāgās R-stfs-27R i [ViEssays on moral and social jñāna-nitiprasuna. topics, interspersed with anecdotes.] কলিকাতা ১২৯৬ [Calcutta, 1889-]1891. 85. 14125. f. 19. HETISTI I [Sarojā. A Second edition.] 14131. а. 29. 3 pts. RADHARAMANA KARA. drama of social life in Bengal. pp. 78. Calcutta, 1889. 12°. RĀDHĀSVĀMĪ, Horiztī=T=HTTP*| | [Rādhāsvāmī matasandesa. An exposition of the tenets of the Rādhāsvāmi cult of Vedantism.] pp. 75. Eigg, sv-Ng [Howrah, 1895.] 8°. 14123, f, 52. RADHAVINODA HALDAR. orpool of [Päskara mäg, or The graduate wife. A farce, directed against the introduction of English manners, and a high class English education given to Bengali Calcutta, 1888. 12°. 14131. а. 28.(1.) ladies.] pp. 42. RĀDHESACHANDRA DĀSA. See VRINDĀvANADÁsA. =N&fr=Gaffa5| SIĘ I [Bhajananirnaya. Edited by Rādheşachandra.] [1901.] 12°. 14129, bb, 12. RĀDHIKĀ. Hifrąją ITTER I [Rādhikār mānabhaiga. An old Bengali anonymous poem on the amours of Rādhā and Krishņa.] pp. 26. s zev[1901.] See PERIonical PublicATIons.—Calcutta. প্রাচীন বাঙ্গলা গ্রন্থাবলী । [Prachina Bāñgālā granthāvalī.] nos. 6-8. [1900, etc.] 8°. 14.133. ff. 2. RĀDHIKĀNĀTHA GOSVĀMĪ, of Brindaban. See NAROTTAMA DASA. Afterizzasfarbfarsi i Prema –IRA (; [[UNAN I) A NA 214 bhakti-chandrikā. Rādhikānātha Gosvāmī.] [1896.] With explanatory notes by | 2°. 14123. е. 20. (1) See VişvANĀTHA CHAKRAVARIī, Vaishnava poet. oesoe Isroos [Krishna-bhāvanā mrita. A prose translation of a poem by Visvanatha, with a brief account of the poet, and a list of his works. By Rādhikānātha Gosvāmī.] [1902.] 8°. 14123,ff,10.(2) RADHIKĀNĀTHA VANDYOPĀDHYĀYA. Efs= 3 of HRE I [Durbhiksha o daridrata. Remedies for the prevention of famine and poverty in Bengal.] pp. ii. 109. >v->v Calcutta, [1896.] 8°. 14125. ee. 30. RĀDHIKĀRAMANA CHATTOPADHYAYA. Encyclopædia of India in Bengali. Edited by Radhika Raman Chatterji. Ez z-Hofei I [Bhārata-darpaņa.] Calcutta, 1895, etc. 8°. 14133. f. 13. In progress. RĀGHAVĀNANDA, Astronomer. দিনচন্দ্রিক্যমতে পঞ্চাঙ্গসাধন। অর্থাৎ পঞ্চিকাগণনা । [Panchangasadhana, or Pañjikāgaņanā. A treatise on the calculation of the calendar, comprising Rāghavānanda’s Dinachandrikā, with a Bengali version, and notes.] pp. 22. [1890, etc.] See PERIonical PUBLICATIons.—Calcutta. oocolso I [Arunodaya.] Pt. i., no. 3. [1890, etc.] 4°. 14133. g. 16. RÃGHAVA RĀMA, of Mitara. [Life.] See VisvadewA ÃcH ÅRYA. && âìfof3] I [Rāghawa-dipikā.] [1802.] 8°. 14028, d. 48. (2.) RAGHUNANDANA BHATTĀCHĀRYA, Son of Harihara. স্মৃতিশাস্ত্রমং । আহ্নিক তত্ত্বস্ । [Ähnikatattva. Part 3 of the Smrititattva, treating of the daily rituals. Accompanied by the commentary of Madhusudana Smritiratna, and followed by a Bengali translation. Edited by Chandīcharaņa Smritibhūshana.] pp. i. 297, 32. Efāzē zi [Calcutta, 1908.] 8°. 14033. bbb. 45. সটীক-সানুবাদ-উদ্ধাহতত্ত্বং । [Udvahatattva. A treatise on Hindu marriages, being the Sanskrit text of the 9th Tattva of the Smrititattva, with a Sanskrit commentary by Kāsīrāma Văchaspati. Edited, with a Bengali translation of the text, by Nilakamala Vidyänidhi.] pp. ii. 140. <pāī-FREI > zoz [Calcutta, 1896.] 8o. 14033, bb. 42.