Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/128

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2:31 RAM AS ANKA IRA– RĀMASANKARA DEVA. HIEzin z== 5 z=5fāzē Brihat jätakachandrikā. A Sanskrit troatise on nativities. Edited, with a Bengali translation, by Nilakamala Vidyānidhi. pp. xii. 408. <sfes, el sv-> : [Calcutta, 1892.] 8°. 14053. с. 63. RAMASARANA TARKAVAGISA. erfs = x **ge তকবাগীশ । [Pandita Rāmasarana Tarkavāgīsa. A short life of Pandit Ramasarana of Bansbaria, in the District of Hooghly.) pp. 10. <!-ofoil 2 | Bansbaria, 1907.] 8°. 14127. bb. 30. RAMATANU CHATTOPADHYAYA. [Life.] See বংশ-তরু । [Vans৭14127. a. 45. St.jм АхтA Cн АттоғАрнYAYA. taru.] [1891.] 12°. RAMATANU LÁHIRI [1 f.] Ramtanu Lahiri, etc. See Sivas ArıIA 1907. 8°. 10606. i. 19. RAMATARAKA SENA ®aqqaâcq [Dsbhāshā varnaparichaya.] sofs zīzs szez zegoríHUH pp. 12. S Хsткі. Balasore, 14131. е. 20. A Bengali-Oriya primer.] I SS5. 12°. RAMCHUNDRU SHURMA. See Vidyavadis A. RAMACHANDRA RAMENDRASUNDARA TRIVEDI. Se AcapEntes, -to-Calcutta. – Bengal Academy of Literature. সহি ত্য-পরিষৎ-পত্রিকা । Vols. vi., no. 2–X., no. 2. Rāmendrasundara Trivedī.] [Sahitya-parishat-patrikā. Edited, in part, by 1894, etc. 8o. 14133. f. 18. Sие Вашёмовахатня Тнаконд. зазіія or==йziz zorzag zigzat (Balendranatha Thakurer granthavali. With an introduction by Râmendrasundara Trivedi.] [1907 ] 8°. 14127, ee. 30. - S, e Cii AMPA kA - KALIKA. চম্পক - কলিকা ৷ Champaka-kalika. Edited, with critical notes, by Itäinendrasundara Trivedil [1000..] 8°. 14133. f. 18. V лі мікп. ottva. Published under the editorship of Ra 1902, etc. 8o. 14133. f. 18. - s。 Vaw*ivadana saema.. *(gã**3GRoifig *tf** cfr. li'ulurimkulskirtti pnijikii. Edited, with a Bengali translation and appendices, by Rain normoundara Trived [1901. 8°. 14058, b. 47. mendrnsundara Trivedi.] Hi-Tusi- = H | [Ramāyana- –IR.AMESA{'II.ANI)IRA 232 RAMENDRASUNDARA TRIVEDI (continued). Se খুকুমণির ছড়া। [Khukumanir chhara. Edited, with an introduction, by Rāmendrasundara Trivedī.] [1899.] 12°. 14129. a. 43. RAMEŞACHANDRA, Bhikshu, of Chittagong. c^ai** 3 [Bauddhalankara. A lectionary of short Pali texts on Buddhist religion. With translatioms and explanations in Bengali.] pp. ii. 34. tỹ3, x > 8 c8 #ạ37 [Chittagong, 1891.] 12°. 14098. a. 22.(2.) RAMESACHANDRA DĀSA, gais grā-H=EH-sfe* - I Chhatra-sahachara-abhidhana. Students’ dictionary of Bengali synonyms...] pp. 115. &f=s*, El > zcz (Calcutta, 1895. 12°. 14133. a. 13. YocīNDI:ANATHA SARKAR. RAMESACHANDRA DATTA. [Life.] See Astrosna QuosHA. মাননীয় শ্রীযুক্ত রমেশচন্দ্র দত্ত . . . সংক্ষিপ্ত ŝzsti [Ramesachandra Datta samkshiptajīvani.] [1895.] 8°. 14127. aa. 3.(3.) See Venas.—Rigveda.. zzz¡ a ≤i<f(zı | [Rigveda-samhitā. Translated, with notes, by Ramesachandra Datta.] [1885-87.] 8°. 14123. f. 35. fs=F*sig i [Hindu-şāstra. Selections from Sanskrit literature, with Bengali translations. Edited, with prefaces, by Ramesachandra Datta.] 2 vols, ossos, El - too-c = [Calcutta, 1895-97.] 8°. 14085. с. 45. Ezzgitoi fɛ= zszig I [Iyurope tin batsar, or Three years in Europe. Translated from the English of Ramesachandra Datta. Third edition.] কলিকতা ১২৯৬ [Calcutta, 1509.3 122. 14127. a. 38.(2.) ** as: on-oss (Jivanaprabhāta. An historical novel on the exploits of Sivaji. Fourth edition.] pp.262. afāzē, zi [Calcutta, 1897.] 12°. 14127. cc, 2. pp. 87. Shivaji, or the Morning of Maratha life. A novel, translated from [the] Bengali [livanaprullintal, by Krishnalil Mohanial Jlinveri. p. 330. ..1l medalul, 1899. 8”. 14127 ee. 19. রাজপুত জীবন-সন্ধ্যা। [. ivanasandhyā, or The Evening of life. An historical romance of the time of Jalangir. Fifth edition. pp. 200, ofeo el | Calcutt 1, 1896.] 8°. 14127. c. 51.