Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/159

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293 VAISHNA VACILA IRANA - C万tA collection of Hindi dohis, VAISHNAVACHARANA BASAK (continued). হাবলী | [Dohāvalī. in Bengali characters, by Tulasi Däsa, Kabir, and other poets. Compiled with Bengali translations, and lives of Tulasi Däsa and Kabir, by Vaishnavapp. x. 192. কলিকাতা ১৩০৪ 12°. 14158. с. 44. charaņa Basāk.] [Calcutta, 1899.] ইন্দ্রচন্দ্র বা আলালের ঘরের নন্দদুলাল। [In drachandra, also called Älāler gharer Nanda dulal. A tale of domestic life in Bengal. Second edition.] pp. 14.2. of soi [Calcutta, 1903.] 12°. 14127. cc, 33.02.) zoz 3 fofa etc. Sādhanā o siddhi. A manual of instruction ou Yoga and other matters relating to Hindu religion and philosophy.] pp. ii. 248. Calcutta, [1908.] 12°. 14123 е. 40. vAISHNAVACHARANA MALLIKA, gassfirst čāri i Suvarna-banik Vaisya. A treatise on the Suvarna-banik caste, proving that they are Vaisyas.] pp. 48. Zoff S tox [Hooghly, 1895.] 8°. 14125, ee. 28.(4.) VAISHNAVA GRANTHĀVALI. Èzez 3 gizẾ [Vaishnava granthāvali. A collection of 5 Vaishnava poems, (1) Krishņakarņāmrita by Yadunandana Thākura. daya by Manohara Dāsa. V rindāvana Dāsa. viz.: (2) Dinamamichandro (3) Tattvavilāsa by (4) Bālyavilāsa by Krishņa(5) Vīraratnāvalī by Srīnivāsapp. 88, 135. EfāzēTSI > ses [Calcutta, 12°. 14123. е. 20.(3.) dāsa Kavirāja. suta.] 1900.] vĀLMĪKI. See JAGADRĀMA RĀya, zē FIzs সম্পূর্ণ জগদ্রামী-রামায়ণ । [Rāmāyaņa. A metrical version of the Sanskrit epic..] [1906.] 8°. 14129. e. 32. - See KRITTIvÃsA. Hāzī #fgāzi i [Sarala Krittivāsa. A simplified metrical version of the Rāmāyaņa of Krittivāsa.] [1907.] 4°. 14129. f. 8. – See RAGHUNANDANA GosvĀMī. ĒĒTFIN#TTTR I [Ramarasāyana. A metrical version of the Rāmāyana.] [1889.] 8°. 14129. е. 17. See VIşvANĀTHA TARKABHūsHANA. fogzītos § {T}* I [Visvanātha-Rāmāyana. A philosopbical interpretation of the Adi-kända of the Rāmāyaņa.] [1890.] 8°. 14123. f. 41. -VAMA (I I AIR AN A 29.4 VALMIKI (continued). się z ang: [Adbhuta Rāmāyana. A prose version of the Rāmāyana, by Chanlranätha Vasu.] pp. iii. 183. *f*i* &1 > zob LCalcutta, 1902.] 8°. 14129. сc. 9. 3 * so I [Ramayana. Sanskrit text, with a Bengali prose translation. Edited by PañchāThird edition.] pp. i. ix. zỆfāzēs zi » » » » [Calcutta, 1904.] 8°. 14068. с. 18. হিন্দুশাস্ত্র । . . . রামায়ণ । [Rāmāyaņa. A. Bengali prose version by Hemachandra Vidyāratna.) pp. i. 178. [1896.) See RAMESAcнANDRA DAtta. f:T-ft: [Hindu-sastral Pt. vi. [18951897.] 8°. 14085. c. 45. (vol. ii.)

  1. fgāšīr TTTHỊs | [Rāmāyaņa. A metrical translation by Krittivāsa. Collated from ancient manuscripts, and edited, with a glossary and index of obsolete words, by Hirendranātha Datta.] #soft El S >>e [Calcutta, 1904, etc.] 8°. 15. No. 1 of the Parishad-granthāvali. nana, Tarkaratna. 1469. In progress. †s. I [Rämāyana. Another edition of Rrittivāsa's metrical translation. With an extensive introduction and life of Krittivāsa.] pp. vi. 15, 499. zfāzēs El » zo s [Calcutta, 1906.] 8°. 14129, сс. 18. zfā I ITRI i etc. [Rämäyana of Krittivāsa. Edited, with a life of the poet, by Subalachandra Mitra.] pp. xvi. 560. +f:{El [Calcutta, 1908.] 8°. 14129. е 35. ATTRIsi - EŞ I [Rāmāyaņa-tattva. fied Bengali encyclopaedia to the Rāmāyana. Published by the Vangiya Sâhitya Parishad under the editorship of Rāmendrasundara Trivedī.] > ses [1902, etc.] 8°. See ACADEMIES, etc.—Calcutta.Bengal Academy of Literature. Tifoss-ossos •ifa*] 1 [Sahitya-parishat-patrikä.] Vol. ix. [1804, etc.) 8o. 14133. f. 18. A classi– In progress. VÁMACHARANA VASU. z...=1 «I xiaT,íñi ! z{1 =íè}{t= zĘTEJ I [Sūro je sannyāsī. The story of an unfortunate woman, in verse.] pp. ii. 348. *fä*;*; > to S [Calcutta, 1904.] 12°. 14129, bb. 27. ffos zgāTR f>f<F I [Vastravayana-sikshā. A treatise on the art of weaving cloth.) pp. viii. 93. &f=s*TE > 3 >> [Calcutta, 1906.] 12°. 14125, ddd. 2.