Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/47

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60 I) U IRGA I )ASA– DURGADASA VASU. zzfessz SS 1 [Navavidhänatattva. The doctrines of the Theistic Church, in the form of questions and answers.] টাঙ্গ হল ১২৯৪ [Tangail, 1887.] 122. 14123. с. 2.3. (1) DURGĀMOHANA DĀSA. 2IFH I [Praphulla. Short poems.] pp. ii. 68. Calcutta, 1907. I2°. 14129. bib, 28.(8.) DURGAMOHANA SMIRITITIRTHA. See Visva prvA AcHĀRYA. রাঘব দীপিকা । [Rāghava - dīpikā. Edited, with an introduction, a prose translation, and additional matter in Bengali by Durgāmohana.] [1892.] 8o. 14028, d. 48.02.) DURGĀVATĪ, Rāņī of Garmandal. [Life.] See UPENDRAKUMĀRA GHosHA. SITT-afgāīl l [Ärya1895. 12°. 14127. aa. 2.(5.) pp. 43. mahilā.] DURLABHA MALLIKA. coffq=F5=rī īrē 1 2 Ez zef g=sē nfāzē Ē ē [Govindaehandragīta. An Edited with an introduction and critical notes by Sivachandra Sila.] pp. xxxi. 144. EfāzēTSI > z cv- [Calcutta, 1901.] ancient historical poem. 8°. 14129. cc. 4. DUTT (MICHAEL M. S.). See MADHUSUDANA DATTA (Michael). DUTT (R. C.). See RAMEsACHANDRA DATTA. DUTT (U. K.), M.D., of Aberdeen. KRısHNA DATTA. DVÄRAKÁNÁTHA DATTA. [Dina Bhārater anumaya. See UPENDRA দীনভারতের অনুনয় । A series of articles on the social, educational, and commercial progress of India.] pp. iii. ii. 114. &f=s*TEl Shog [Calcutta, 1905.] 8°. 14125. ee. 30.02.) DVARAKANATHA MITRA, Judge of the High Court at Calcutta. [Life.] See KALIPRASANNA DATTA. বিচারপতি দ্বারকানাথ মিত্রের জীবনী । [Dvārakānatha Mitrer jīvanī.] [1892.] 12°. 14127. a. 37.04.) DVÄRAKÁNÁTHA VASU. See RAMAPrAsĀDA SENA. কবিরঞ্জন রামপ্রসাদের গ্রন্থাবলী। [Rāmaprasāder granthävali. Edited, with notes and a life of the poet, by Dvārakānātha Vasn.] [1895.] 12°. 14129. a. 37. Hints on [English] composition and translation [for Bengali students]. pp. 93. Calcutta, 1891. 12°. 14131. е 25.01.) –I) VIJ EN I) I:ANATII A 7.) DVARAKANATHA VASU (continued). §rzāţ-coso | [Jivani-kosha. A dictionary of Hindu mythopp. 316. কলিকাতা ১৮৯৪ 14133, d. 3. logy and biography.] [Calcutta, 1894.] 12°. zrās H-g-g-E I [Pravāda-pustaka. proverbs, alphabetically arranged, with an essay Bengali on the uses of proverbs in determining the characpp. vi, 181. কলিকাত ১৮৯৩ 12°. 14125. f. 34.02.) teristics of a nation.] [Calcutta, 1893.] DVĀRAKESA KÁVYATĪRTHA. See PURĀņas— #****RI*isĩ I [Brihad-dharmapurăna. With a Bengali translation by Dvārakesa Kāvyatirtha and others.] [1908.] 8°. 14016. dd. 28.(1.) DVĂRIKĂNĂTHA, Zamindar of Singur. | Life. See PRAMATHANĀTHA VARMĀ. সিমুরের স্বগীয় জমিদার ąfāzētato stig etc. [Dvārikānātha Bābu.] [1887. 129. 14127. a. 33.02.) I)harтаригána. DVIJENDRALALA RAYA. 45 zrca i (Ek ghare. A protest against the refusal of orthodox Hindus to re-admit into their society any native gentleman returning from England, except on the performance of certain expiatory ceremonies.] pp. 35. Calcutta, [1889.] 12°. 14125. е. 19.(5.) zșíž-vaJzREIZI I [Kalki-avatāra. A farce describing the vicious habits of educated Bengali Băbus.] pp. 8, 103. of ioTel too [Calcutta, 1895.] 12°. 14131. а. 37. (6.) Bosto Rio 1 [Nürjahān. An historical drama on the life of the empress Nurjahan.] pp. iii. 176. Efāzē vēl [Calcutta, 1908.] 12°. 14131. аа. 10. *Ission I [Pāshāni. A mythological drama.] pp. iv. 122. --fa-stel to a [Calcutta, 1900.] 12. 14131. aa. 9.(1.) IdwIJENDRANATHA THAKURA. sèas sir sa :H=Tit=īIERI I [Advaita mater samālochanā. A review of the advaita, or non-dual teachings of Hindm philosophy.J pp. 44, 8 zef FRE 2 zes (Calcutta, 1896.] 8°. 14123, f. 49. (2.) অদ্বৈত মতের প্রথম ও দ্বিতীয় সমালোচনা ! [Re vised edition, with the addition of a second part.] z-faizei El S ze 8 [Calcutta, 1897.] 8e. 14123。f,6(1) pp. 70.