Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/54

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83 GOPALACII ANI ) IR A– GOPALACHANDRA VIDYARATNA. A Companion to Sanskrit Grammar and Composition. [In pp. ii. 7ö. 14092. a. 13.01.) Sanskrit, Bengali, and English. Calcutta, 1891. 12. GoPALADAsA MUKH0PADHYAYA. See Taxtras. মহানিৰ্ব্বাণ তন্ত্র । With a 3engali translation by Gopāladāsa Mukhopādhyāya.] [1901.] 8°. 14033. аа. 17. G0PEE KISSEN MITTER. See GorīkķisIINA MITRA. [Mahānirvāņatantra. G0PÍJANAVALLABHA DÁSA AfzIFTISEI 1 [Rasikamangala. A metrical biography of Rasikānanda, disciple of Syāmānanda, the founder of the SyāEdited, with an introduction, by Saradaprasala Mitra.] pp. 15, 187. Efāzē: si [Calcutta, 1898.] 8°. 14127. bbb. 5. G0PIKRIsHNA MITRA. See Brown (C. P.). . . Revised and iunproved by Gopee 1877. 12°. 14131. f. 14. manandi sect of Vaishnavas. %kyábali, . Kissen Mitter. G0PIRAMANA TARKARATNA. C-FRIEf=T-F | [Koshachandrikā. A collection of 8 Sanskrit vocalyuEdited with Bengali translations by pp. 50. ঢাকা ১৮৯৩ 14090. b. 44.(1.) larios. Gopīramaņa Tarkaratna.] [Dacca, 1893.] I2o. G0sAIN-DAs SARKAR. ,text-n:T [MahesaA culogy in verse of Mahesachandra Nyāyaratna. pp. 10, ofioel S-ss [Calcutta, 1993.] 12°. māhātmya. Ꮐ0ᎢᎪᎷᎪ. [Nyãyadarsana. Aksli AirApa. ন্যায় দশন । Aphorisms of the Nyāya Philosophy; being the Sanskrit Sutras of Gotama with n commentary by Harimátha Tarkasidllianta nnd Asutosha Tarkabhūshaņa. surnamned With Bengali interpretations of the whole and notes by Sarvesvara Sarvabhauma.] *fērēt Ēl sv-> s {Calcutta, 1894, etc. 8o. 14048. dd. 21. 1 மாக. গৌতম মহর্ষি প্রণীত ন্যায় দশন । [Nyiyadarsana, Adhyāyn 1. The Sanskrit text of the Sutra with Vitsyiyunnos commentary. Edited with a Peugali translation by Killivara Vedāntavāorisal pp. ii. v. xvi. 118. *fa*, e o so z [Calcutta, loud. 89. 14049, bb. 18. GOVINALALA VANDYOPADHYAYA. ctA 18иАртло и Акул Клуп к хтхА. S. e II amisनराघैराग्यम । | GovINDA DASA, Taishnava poet. 14129, b. 35.(5) "faizāt [Govinda Diser padavali. —GOVINI), АМ() I IANA 8-1 Elited with a metrical vorsion 12Գ. 14072. b. 20.(2.) [Jarāvairāgya. by Govinalāla.] [1898.] | G0VINDACHANDRA BASĀK, I.1., Munsif. zētā S fSTET - SfS fESIs Vangiya jätimälä . . . | The Caste system in Bengal. By Gobinda | chandra byshek pui, pp. ii. 119. :afat: [Myanensingh, 1900.] 12”. 14125. е 31.(6.) G0VINDACHANDRA CHAKRAVARTĩ gz=-zjęzią i [Subala samvada. 48. A Vaishnava drama.] pp. ii. Gizēl -v-v-v- [Dacca, 1888.] 12°. 14131. а. 27.(1) tz7zł [Chandana. কলিকত। 14129. a. 39.02.) G0VINDACHANDRA DĀSA. Poems on national topics.] pp. ii. 120. S zes (Calcutta, 1896.l 12°. - কুকুম [Kuñkuma. Miscellaneous poems.] pp. 138. Reforzl o esb- Calcutta, 1892. 12". 14129. b. 35.(2.) c2. I 3 RE : (Prema o phula. Short poems. Second edition.] pp. 125. Efāzē, El := s; [Calcutta, 1892.] 12°. 14129. b. 35.(6.) GowINDA DASA, Kuriraja. * Fati 2 sisiz āizst | [Bhaishajyaratnāvalī. A treatise on therapeutics. Sanskrit text, with a Bengali trans lation by Chandrakumara Kavibhùshana.] pp. xvi. 772. Affairs, zl - ze e LCalcutta, 1893.] 8°. 14043. e. 31. গোবিন্দ দাসের A collection of poems by Govinda Dāsa.] See Aghorachanora Gnosna. Harz H sig i [Sangitasagara.] Vol. i. [1889.] 12°. 14129. b. 33. cosifo-WWo Zoo of Wizsä [Another collection of the poems of Govinda Disa.] See Akshayacuandra SarkĀr. znēta Fizi zis3= | [I’rãehina [1884 85.] 8°. 14129. g. 8. গোবিন্দদাস-পদাবলী I (Govindadāsh-padavali. The poems of Govinda Dism, edited, with notes, by Kalidnsa Nathal Pt. i. +fsi-si-el, atbean: sos [Calcutta, 1901, to...] 8°. 14129. cc. 6. kivya-sangraha.] Pt. i. G0VINDAM0HANA BAGCHI. z off-zeaz [Asn kanana, or The garden of hope. Short poems on the present miserable condition of India.] pp. 18. কলিকতা ১২৯১ [t at utta, i ==5.] 12°. 14129. a. 22 (3.)