Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/59

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Q3 ] | Al II,AI,A– HARILALA VANDYOPADHYAYA (continued). যুবরাজ টাকেন্দ্রজিৎ বা লোমহর্ষণ মণিপুর কাণ্ড । [Yuvarāja Tikendrajit. A drama on the Manipur insurrection.] Pt. i. pp. 128. Calcutta, 1896. 12°. 14131, а, 39, HARIMOHANA BASÁK, of Mahajanpur. গৃহমুষ্টিযোগ füfoeswil 3is,2[= I [Grihamushtiyoga. A collection of domestic mushtiyoga remedies for ordinary diseases and ailments.) pp. ii. 38. Viol > zo v [Dacca, 1900.] 8°. 14125. с. 43. HARIMOHANA MUKHOPADHYAYA. See IDAsaদাশরথি রায়ের পচালী [Panchali. Edited with an introduction, life of the author, and notes by Harinohana.] [1902.] 12°. 1Ꮞ12Ꮽ . bb. 15. zoolosai I [Kamală Devi. An historical novel of the time of Akbar.] pp. 236. Efāzē, El S&S : [Calcutta, 1886.] 12°. 14127. c. 31.02.) I:ATiii RAYA. HARIMOHANA PRĀMĀNIKA. FITHIỆPreifējpīl RȚII G = His [Kamalā karunāvilāsa. An aika or Sanskrit drama in one act, with Bengali translation. Edited with notes by Yasodananda Präinänika.] pp. v. v. 96, of Toei [Calcutta, 1899.] 8°. 14.079. с. 42. (2) ca fra i za I (Kokiladuta. A Sanskrit poem in 100 stanzas on the loves of Rādhā and Krishna, in imitation of the Meghadūta. With Sanskrit commentary and Bengali paraphrase. Sc-cond edition.] pp. viii. 109. +f: REl s: [Calcutta, 1905.] 8°. 14070, d.d. 22.62.) HARIMOHANA WANDYOPÁDHYAYA. ভরতzelfsst I [Bhārata-kāhinī. An inquiry into the economic condition of India under the British Edited by Sudhamaya Prämänika. rule, with suggestions for its social and political দ্বারভাঙ্গ ১৩০৭ 14125. ее. 34. improvement.] pp. iv. 350. [Darulanga, 1900.] 8°. HARIMOHANA WIDYABHūSHANA. See Jayadeva, Son of Bhojadeva. T=Tarif-H I [Gītagovinda. With a translation, and introductory essay, by IIarimohana.] [1887.] 8°. 14070. с. 46. HARINĀRĀYANA JYOTIRATNA. See SAMUDRIKA. HIFTH Ess Higfāzē I [Brihat sāmudrika. Sanskrit text, with Bengali introduction, and translation. Edited by Harinărayana.] [1902.] 8°. 14053, сcс. 4. (4.) – I IAI: || IPIRA J}II A Ø-1 HARINĀRĀYANA MIŞRA. See Titlasī Dāsa. #Tossos-i Ilkanāyana. A metrical translation by Harinārāyaņa Mişra.] [1905.] 8°. 14129. cc. 14. HARINĀTHA MAJUMDĀR, called KĀRGĀi. Ez z– ফিকিরর্চদ ফকারের বাউল সংগীত etc. [Baul sangita. Devotional songs.] pp. x. 204, 24, iv. কুমারখালী '. 2: c [Kumarkhali, 1904.] 12°. 14129. bb. 12.(3.)

  1. fario 33 to [Harinatha-granthāvali. The collected works of IIarinatha, edited by Jaladhara Sena.] Pt. i. pp. iv. 332. Efaizē, El > zov [Calcutta, 1901.] 8°. 14127, ee. 17.
  • I*T*-ākārs [Kangăl-sangita. Religious and devotional songs. Edited, with a biography of the author, by Satisachandra Majumdár.] pp. ii. 34. কুমারখালী ১৩০৩ [Kumarkhali, 1807.] 122.

14129. a. 49. HARINĀTHA SMRITIBHUSHANA. See Visvan ATHA TARRABHÜstiANA.. fzxfato : [MT318i 1 [Visvanātha Rāmāyana. Edited by Harinātha.] [1890.] 8o. 14123. f. 41. HARIPADA CHATTOPADHYAYA, gof gg 1 vàāfost zŪTĒZE I [Durgāsura. pp. ii. 276. Efāzē zi csov [Calcutta, 1908.] 12°. 14131. aa. 6. নন্দকুমারের zặpst | [Nandakumārer phãnsī. A drama on the trial and execution of Nanda A Pauranic drama.] kumara. Fourth edition.] --> v [Calcutta, [1890.] 8°. 14003. с. 1. (2.) Forms part of the 2nd edition of vol. i. of a series of works published by Gauradiisa Vairāgi, under the title Gauradāsa-granthāvali. The several works have a continuous pagination. HARIPADA MUKH0PÃDHYÃYA. ¢*Í &qst*ßR z[:[ শ্ৰীশ্ৰজামালপুরেশ্বর বুড়রাজমহাত্মাস্তোত্ৰম । [Duaruashodasaka, or Jämälpuresvara-burārājastotra. A Sanskrit poem of 16 stanzas in praise of Siva, preceded by a mangalācharana of 8 stanzas, and accompanied by a Sanskrit commentary, and Bengali translations.] pp. 28. Hiã¥Îö [Daihat, 1901.] oll. 12°. 14028. b. 68.02.) HARIPRABHĀ TĀKEDĀ. CAFFIR-Rfāzī I [KedāraNalini. A biographical account of Nalinibälä, an orphan girl who was rescued from the house of a prostitute by the Dacca Rescue Home, her muarriage with Kedäranâtha Sáhâ of Bogra, and subsequent widowhood.] pp. 90. 5* [Dacca, 1908.] 12°. 14127. aa. 39 (2.)