Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/93

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16.1 MORTON.— MORTON (WILLIAM), Missionary. See Bible.— Proverbs. Proverbs of Solomon . . . Translated . . . by W. Morton. 1843. 8°. 3070. aa, 8. MRINĀLINĪ, Srāmatā. মনোবীণা ৷ [Manovīņā. Miscellaneous poems, partly adapted from works of English poets.] pp. 14, 259. Calcutta, 1900. 8°. 14129. bb. 1. MRITYUNJAYA VIDYÂLANKÁRA, See HitopaDESA. foes?icos [Hitopades. Translated by Mrityuñjaya Vidyâlaikāra.] [1824.] 8e. 14127. е 39, See VIKRAMĀDITYA, King of Ujjayini. El বিক্রম দিত্যের বত্রিশ সিংহ সম সংগ্রহ etc. battisi. Translated by Mrityuñjaya Vidyalamkāra.] [1816.] 8o. 14127. е. 42. [Simhāsana Contes Indiens. Les Trente-deux Récits du Trône . . . traduits du Bengali (de Mrityunjaya), etc. 1883. 12°. 2348. a. The Prabodh Chandriká. Bengali prose compositions.] Compiled by the pp. 8, 188. Cal 14127. ee. 7. [A collection of late Mrityunjay Bidyālankár. cutta, 1862. 8°. রাজবলী । [Räjävali. A history of India from the earliest times to the arrival of Warren Hastings. Another edition.1 pp. 2, 158. off*IEl S >> * [Calcutta, 1905.] 12°. 14127. аа. 28.(2) MUBARAK ALI, Saiyid. sizzā sifsâi [Apürva kåhini. A romance, translated by Rādhānātha Mitra from a Hindustani work by Munshi Saiyid Mubarak ‘Ali.] pp. 274, 2. Calcutta, 1898. 12°. 14127. сc. 21.(2.) MUDGARADHĀRĪ HĀSYABHŪSHANA, pseud. a=15মঙ্গল বা দেবাসুরের মিউনিসিপাল-বিভ্ৰাট । [Bhotmangala. A farcical representation of election scandals and squabbles in Bengal.] zāfāzī Şāl [Calcutta, 1889.] 12°. pp. ii. 46. 14131. а. 28.(4.) MUFAZZAL al-RAHMAN, Saiyid. gg3.,"l J...-- [Ihsan al-miminin. A treatise on religious observations, in Arabic characters.] pp. 420, lith. & i.e. [Calcutta, 1904.] 8°. 14123. h. 30. MUHAMMAD, the Prophet. [Life.] See Abū alHusain, Saiyid. মোস্লেম-পতাকা etc. [Moslempatākā.] [1908.] 12°. 14127. aаа. 1. - MUHAMMA] ) 162 MUHAMMAD, the Prophet (continued). [Life.] See G1RisAcHANDRA SENA. sTs JFK A S**TCTK জীবনBfARS 1 [Mohammader jivanacharita.] [1885-87.] 8°. 14123. h. 17. [Life.] See KRISHNAKUMARA Mitra. ***NaEfą z etc. [Mahammad charita.] [1886.] 12°. 14127. a. 30. [Life.] See MuñAMMAD ‘Abd al-ʻAziz. sfē8 *T**H[H-5fg = 1 [Samkshipta Mahammadcharita.] [1901.] 12°. 14127. аа. 21.(2.) MUHAMMAD ibn ‘ABD ALLAH, al-Khaiab. See Husais ibn Mas'ud, al Farra al-Baghauri. =fazi*f 518 I etc. [Mishkát al-masábili. Redacted by Muhammad al-Khatib.] [1892, etc.] 8°. 14123. h. 21. MUHAMMAD ibn ISMA"IL, IBuÁ//iri. *fs ca,<Iqât

  • fast [Salih. A work on traditions, consisting of the Arabic text of Bukhāri’s Sahih, with a Bengali translation, commentary, and notes, by Na‘īm al-Dīn, assisted by Maulavī Ghulām Sarwar.] *a5fai » : eg [Raratia, 1898, etc.] 8°.

14522. b. 17. MUHAMMAD ibn MUHAMMAD, Ghazzál7. সৌভাগ্য***Ifs. I [Saubhāgya-sparsamani. A work on Muhammadan religious duties; being a translation by Mirzā Muhammad Yūsuf ‘Ali of the Kiuniyā i sa'ādat, a Persian abridgment of Ghazzáli's Arabic Iliyà “ulùm al- dim.] Pt. i. pp. 31. z fāzēs El s trida [Calcutta, 1895.] 8°. 14123. h. 23. MUHAMMAD ibn ‘UMAR, VValfidz. SeeʻINAYAT Husais ibn NAwAzish Afrmad. ফতুহশ্ব ম । [Futūh al-Shām. Translated into verse from ‘Inayat Husain's Hindustani version of the Arabic history of Wākidī.] [1905.] Fol. 14127, bbb. 6. MUHAMMAD ‘ABBĀS (Abū al-ĦAsAN). TIEfezā জরুরিয়া ও তরিকায় zrāfēETI I [Masā’il i zarūrīyah. Religious precepts and observances compiled from Arabic sources, in Muhammadan Bengali verse.] Pt. i. কলিকাতা ১৩০২ [Calcutta, 1896.] 8°. 14123. h. 26.(1.) MUHAMMAD ‘ABBAs ‘ALI. See Ixayat Husars ibn NAwĀzısh AĦMAD. FF=** i [Futūh al-Shām. Translated into verse by Munshi Pir Muhammad and Maulavi Muhammad ‘Abbās ‘Alil [1905.] Fol. 14127, bbb. 6. M pp. 200.